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Indonesia has sent its personnel in the UN Peacekeeping Mission since 1957 through the sending of the 1st Garuda Contingent to the UNEF (United Nation Emergency Force) Mission in Sinai. At present Indonesia has sent many Garuda contingents in various UN Peacekeeping regions in the world. The involvement of TNI (Indonesian Armed Forces) personnel in the UN Peace Mission has continued to increase from year to year. But the increase in the number of TNI personnel involved in the UN Peacekeeping Mission has not been matched by the increase in the number of middle / high TNI officers who are able to hold strategic positions at the UN Peacekeeping Mission. This paper aims to find effective career development policies for TNI Officers in the UN Peacekeeping Mission in order to be able to compete for strategic positions in the UN PeacekeepingMission. This research uses qualitative methods through literature studies and interviews. Findings indicate that the TNI needs to reconstruct the career development policies of the TNI Middle Officers in the UN PeacekeepingMission, refining the career development policies, synchronizing the career development and Education of TNI officers in the UN Peacekeeping Mission, TNI HQ conduct UN Peacekeeping Mission Course independently for TNI participants only, TNI HQ arrange of a manual book on the careers of the TNI Officers in the Peacekeeping Mission and Roadmap to achieve the target of placement TNI Officers in strategic positions in the United Nations Peacekeeping Mission. Keywords. Career development, TNI Officer, UN Peacekeeping Mission Indonesia telah mengirimkan personelnya dalam Misi Perdamaian PBB sejak tahun 1957 melalui pengiriman Kontingen Garuda I ke Misi UNEF (United Nation Emergency Force) di Sinai. Saat ini Indonesia telah mengirimkan kontingen Garuda di berbagai daerah Perdamaian PBB di dunia. Keterlibatan personel TNI dalam Misi Perdamaian PBB relatif terus bertambah dari tahun ke tahun. Namun pertambahan jumlah personel TNI yang terlibat dalam Misi Perdamaian PBB belum diimbangi dengan pertambahan jumlah Perwira Menengah/Tinggi TNI yang mampu menduduki jabatan strategis di Misi Perdamaian PBB. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menemukan kebijakan pengembangan karir Perwira Menengah TNI yang efektif dalam Misi Perdamaian PBB agar mampu bersaing menduduki jabatan strategis di Misi Perdamaian PBB. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif melalui studi pustaka dan wawancara. Temuan menunjukkan bahwa TNI perlu merekonstruksi kebijakan pengembangan karir Perwira Menengah TNI dalam Misi Perdamaian PBB meliputi penyempurnaan kebijakan pengembangan karir perwira TNI dalam Misi Perdamaian PBB, sinkronisasi pengembangan karir dan Pendidikan perwira TNI dalam Misi Perdamaian PBB, Mabes TNI mengadakan kursus Misi Perdamaian PBB secara mandiri khusus untuk TNI, Mabes TNI menyusun buku petunjuk tentang karir Perwira TNI dalam Misi Perdamaian dan Roadmap/Peta Jalan untuk mencapai sasaran penempatan Perwira TNI dalam jabatan strategis di Misi Perdamaian PBB. Katakunci. Pengembangan karir, Perwira TNI, Misi Perdamaian PBB
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