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The mismatch of the potential Oil Execution Rate (OER) with the production of MSM in palm oil processing plants is a challenge for global palm oil industry players. CPO production is one of the key factors in measuring the success of factory management. During Fresh Fruit Bunches (FFB) processing, there are losses that result in low CPO yields. This study aims to analyze the effect of FFB quality and oil losses on CPO production and how to reduce oil losses. This study is quantitative, research data collected from FFB processing companies in Central Kalimantan. Data analysis in this study using the Model-Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS) approach. From the data processing it is known that the amount of FFB processed does not affect the OER as evidenced by t-statistics building a FFB number smaller than 1.96 which equals 0.467. The number of FFBs did not affect the quality of FFB, constructing the number of FFBs with t-statistics less than 1.96 which equals 1.894. The FFB number does not affect the oil loss at the station. the fuel loss at the station has a t-statistic smaller than 1.96 which equals 0.938. FFB quality did not affect MSM production directly, FFB quality construction had a t-statistics less than 1.96 which is 0.331 FFB quality affects the presence of oil losses at the station, FFB quality construction has t-statistics greater than 1.96 which is 7.116. Oil losses at the station had a significant positive impact on MSM production. build up the oil loss at the station has a t-statistic greater than 1.96 which is 32,461. For the FFB quality that affected the oil losses at the station were unripped bunch and abnormal bunch. The relationship between the variables of the Unripped bunch and the abnormal bunch fruit with the variable oil loss at the station is strongly related to 0.523 and 0.585. This study concludes that to increase CPO productivity in the palm oil mill from the 5W1H analysis it is necessary to conduct training for all working units both in the field and at the plant to be more attentive and compliant in maintaining company operating standards so that the loss can be minimized. Keywords: FFB Quality, Oil Loss, CPO, SEM-PLS, 5W1H Tidak sesuainya potensi Oil Exaction Rate(OER) dengan hasil produksi CPO di pabrik pengolahan kelapa sawit menjadi tantangan bagi pelaku dunia industri sawit. Produksi CPO menjadi salah satu kunci utama tolak ukur keberhasilan manajemen pabrik. Selama proses pengolahan Tandan Buah Segar(TBS) tejadi losses yang menyebabkan rendahnya hasil produki CPO. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh kualitas TBS dan oil losses terhadap produksi CPO serta cara meminimalkan oil losses. Penelitian ini bersifat kuantitatif, data penelitian dikumpulkan dari perusahaan pengolah TBS di Kalimantan tengah . Analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatanStructural Equation Model-Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS). Dari pengolahan data diketahui jumlah TBS yang diolah tidak mempengaruhi OER dibuktikan dari nilai t-statistik konstruk jumlah TBS yang lebih kecil dari 1,96 yakni sebesar 0,467. Jumlah TBS tidak mempengaruhi kualitas TBS, konstruk jumlah TBS memiliki nilai t-statistik lebih kecil dari 1,96 yakni sebesar 1,894. Jumlah TBS tidak berpengaruh terhadap oil losses on stationkonstruk oil losses on station memiliki nilai t-statistik lebih kecil dari 1,96 yakni sebesar 0,938. Kualitas TBS tidak berpengaruh terhadap produksi CPO secara lansung, konstruk kualitas TBS memiliki nilai t-statistik lebih kecil dari 1,96 yakni sebesar 0,331 Kualitas TBS mempengaruhi adanya oil losses on station, konstruk kualitas TBS memiliki nilai t-statistik lebih besar dari 1,96 yakni sebesar 7,116. Oil Losses on station berpengaruh signifikan positif terhadapproduksi CPO. konstruk oil losses on station memiliki nilai t-statistik lebih besar dari 1,96 yakni sebesar 32,461. Untuk kualitas TBS yang mempengaruhi oil losses on station adalah buah mentah (K1) dan buah abnormal (K7). Adanya hubungan antara variabel buah mentah dan buah abnormal dengan dengan variabel oil losses on station sangat erat hubungannya yaitu sebesar 0,523 dan 0,585.Penelitian ini menyimpulkan gunameningkatkan produktivitas CPO di pabrik kelapa sawit dari analsis 5W1H perlu dilakukan pelatihan kepada semua unit kerja baik di kebun dan pabrik agar lebih peduli dan taat dalam menjalankan standar operasional perusahaan agar losses bisa diminimalkan. Kata Kunci: Kualitas TBS, Oil Losses, CPO , SEM-PLS, 5W1H
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