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04. Bab III Metode Penelitian.pdf Restricted to Registered users only Download (544kB) |
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05. Bab IV Hasil Dan Analisis.pdf Restricted to Registered users only Download (2MB) |
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06. Bab V Kesimpulan Dan Saran.pdf Restricted to Registered users only Download (312kB) |
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04. Bab III Metode Penelitian.pdf Download (544kB) | Preview |
To build high-rise buildings that are earthquake resistant, special planning is needed to anticipate building collapse by using steel structures that are given lateral stiffeners in the form of bonds braces in certain parts so that there is an increase in the stiffness of the structure to withstand earthquake loads. Eccentrically Braced Frame (SRBE) is a steel building frame system that uses eccentric braces to withstand lateral loads. SRBE has advantages over other structural systems including higher stiffness and ductility values. The role of braces as stiffeners and ductile links as an effective absorber of earthquake energy, together improve the performance of SRBE as an earthquake resistant steel structure. In this final project the type of link used is shear links Structural analysis was performed using ETABS version 18 software. The building structure being modeled is made of steel structure with a symmetrical shape and is typical for each floor. The building structure belongs to the regular structure category and is located in the Jakarta area with soft soil types. Earthquake load analysis is carried out using the response spectrum method and evaluated using equivalent static. In calculating the building structure with the SRBE system it refers to the Earthquake Resistance Planning Standards for Building Structures SNI 03-1726-2019, Procedures for Planning Steel Structures for Building Structures SNI 03-1729-2015, and Indonesia Loading Regulations for SNI 1727-2013 Buildings. From the analysis and calculation result, it was found that the thickness of slab was 13 cm, the bar dimension was WF 500x200x10x16, the link bar was WF 500x200xx10x16, the braced dimension was WF 200x200x8x12, the first to forth floors column dimension were HB400x400x13x21, the fifth to eighth floors were HB 350x350x12x19, the ninth to twelfth floors were HB 300x300x10x15, and the length of link element was planned 120 cm and the link stiffener distance is 2 cm. The beam-to-column connection uses bolts with a diameter of 22mm with a total of 10 pieces with a 20mm thick end plate and a stiffener plate thickness of 10mm. Keyword: Bracing, Eccentrically Braced Frame System, Shear Link Untuk membangun gedung gedung tinggi yang tahan gempa, dibutuhkan perencanaan khusus untuk mengantisipasi keruntuhan bangunan dengan menggunakan struktur baja yang diberikan pengaku lateral berupa ikatan bresing pada bagian tertentu sehingga terjadi peningkatan kekakuan struktur dalam menahan beban gempa. Sistem Rangka Bresing Eksentrik (SRBE) adalah suatu sistem rangka bangunan baja yang menggunakan bresing eksentrik sebagai penahan beban lateral. SRBE memiliki kelebihan dibandingkan sistem struktur yang lain diantaranya memiliki nilai kekakuan dan daktilitas yang lebih tinggi. Peran bresing sebagai pengaku dan link yang daktail sebagai penyerap energi gempa yang efektif, secara bersama-sama meningkatkan kinerja SRBE sebagai struktur baja tahan gempa.Dalam tugas akhir ini jenis link yang dipergunakan adalah link geser. Analisis struktur dilakukan dengan menggunakan software ETABS versi 18. Struktur gedung yang dimodelkan terbuat dari struktur baja dengan bentuk simetris dan tipikal tiap lantai. Struktur gedung termasuk kategori struktur beraturan dan berada di wilayah Jakarta dengan jenis tanah lunak. Analisis beban gempa yang dilakukan menggunakan metode respon spektrum dan dievaluasi dengan menggunakan statik ekivalen.Pada perhitungan struktur gedung dengan sistem SRBE ini mengacu pada Standar Perencanaan Ketahanan Gempa Untuk Struktur Bangunan Gedung SNI 03- 1726-2019, Tata Cara Perencanaan Struktur Baja Untuk Struktur Bangunan Gedung SNI 03-1729-2015, dan Peraturan Pembebanan Indonesia Untuk Bangunan Gedung SNI 1727-2013. Dari analisis dan hasil perhitungan diperoleh hasil, yaitu tebal pelat lantai13 cm, dimensi balok induk WF500x200x10x16, balok link WF500x200x10x16, dimensi bresing WF 200x200x8x12, dimensi kolom lantai 1-4 HB 400x400x13x21, lantai 5-8 HB 350x350x12x19, lantai 9-10 HB 300x300x10x15, dan panjang elemen link direncanakan 120 cm dan jarak pengaku link 2 cm. Sambungan balok ke kolom menggunakan baut dengan diameter 22mm dengan jumlah 10 buah dengan tebal end plate 20mm dan tebal plat stiffener yaitu 10mm. Kata Kunci: Bracing, Sistem Rangka Berpengaku Eksentrik, Link Geser
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