YULIASARI, WHITNY (2018) ANALISIS KINERJA ARUS LALU LINTAS SIMPANG TAK BERSINYAL DAN RUAS JALAN DENGAN METODE MKJI 1997 (Studi Kasus Pada Simpang Tiga Jl. Cipinang Jaya-Jl. Cipinang Muara Jakarta Timur). S1 thesis, Universitas Mercu Buana Jakarta.
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Title: Performance Analysis of Non-Unsignalized Traffic Flow and Road Section with MKJI Method 1997 (Case Study on Simpang Tiga Jalan Cipinang Jaya - Jala Cipinang Muara,EastJakarta). Name: Whitny Yuliasari, NIM: 41115120073, Lecturer: Ir Sylvia Indriany., MT 2018. In Jatinegara sub-district in the city of East Jakarta Cipinang Jaya road intersection and Cipinang Muara are unsignalized road intersections in the suburbs, so high density due to generation and a trip that originates from housing, residential areas, educational areas, with the type of three-arm intersection, which crosses the intersection is quite high at busy hours so it is interesting to study as well as provide an alternative solution to the problem. The method and analysis of the Indonesian Road Capacity Manual (MKJI) in 1997 which determines the performance of the intersection of capacity, the amount of delay and the chance of queuing while the road segment is measured by the size of the VCR. Data collection was obtained by surveying unsignalized intersections and roads leading to the Cipinang Jaya Road intersection Jalan Cipinang Muara during peak hours on weekdays. From the results of the analysis and processing of data, the value of the intersection capacity of the authors' observations was obtained for 1998.7 pcu / hour with a degree of saturation (DS) 0.84, then obtain the value of intersection traffic delay 0 10.07 det / smp, last delay main 0 10.65 sec / pcu, minor road traffic delay 9.61 gemometric delay (DG) 3.85 and intersection delay (D) = 13.92 with the data obtained the opportunity range of vehicle queues around 28.84% -57.28% . While on the performance of Cipinang Jaya Street Section there is no problem, it is proven that the calculation of Cipinang Jaya road segment obtained the degree of saturation in the morning is A where Traffic Volume (Q) 412.6, Capacity Road (C) direction South – North2762.76 Keywords: Unsignalized intersection, degree of saturation, queue and delay opportunity Judul: Analisis Kinerja Arus Lalu Lintas Simpang Tak Bersinyal dan Ruas Jalan Dengan Metode MKJI 1997 ( Studi Kasus Pada Simpang Tiga Jalan Cipinang Jaya – Jalan Cipinang Muara, Jakarta Timur ), Nama: Whitny Yuliasari, NIM: 41115120073, Dosen Pembimbing: Ir. Sylvia Indriany., MT Tahun2018. Pada kecamatan Jatinegara di kota Jakarta Timur simpang jalan Cipinang Jaya – jalan Cipinang Muara merupakan simpang jalan tidak bersinyal yang berada di wilayah pinggiran kota, sehingga memiliki tingkat kepadatan tinggi karena bangkitan dan tarikan perjalanan yang berasal dari perumahan, pemukiman penduduk, kawasan pendidikan, dll. Dengan tipe simpang tiga lengan, yang melintasi pada persimpangan tersebut cukup tinggi pada jam – jam sibuksehingga menarik untuk dikaji sekaligus memberikan alternatif penyelesaian masalah. Metode serta analisisi Manual Kapasitas Jalan Indonesia (MKJI) tahun 1997 yang menentukan kinerja simpang dari kapasitas, besarnya tundaan dan peluang antrian sedangkan ruas jalan diukur dari besarnya VCR. Pengumpulan data didapat dengan melakukan survey terhadap simpang tak bersinyal dan ruas jalan menuju simpang Jalan Cipinang Jaya – Jalan Cipinang Muara pada jam sibuk di hari kerja. Dari hasil analisis dan pengolahan data, Nilai kapasitas simpang dari hasil observasi penulis didapat sebesar 1998,7 smp/jam dengan derajat kejenuhan (DS) 0,84 maka memperoleh nilai tundaan lalu lintas simpang (
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