SUDRADJAT, RATIH HASANAH (2009) PEMAKNAAN TUBUH IDEAL OLEH PEREMPUAN GEMUK (Studi Resepsi Visual Iklan Testimoni Penurun Berat Badan). S2 thesis, Universitas Mercu Buana Jakarta-Menteng.
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When women's issues faced in the course will not be apart from the physical body. Body as a medium to introduce the early identification of the outside world. Mass media also have a strength that may affect the awareness of women with ideal body construction is to be like what they show is often slim, tall, fair-da. Women who described the ideal dressing in the clothes section sometime sinetron, film, video clips, infotemen to in and advertising. Incessant media show hiperealitas western culture on women's bodies in the media have a culture that respects the Eastern norms and morality. slimming the many products that compete in the market consumers engaging with the ad, one of the charms used are testimony to the user that the product has been successfully reduce body weight. With the power of visual images before and after using the product. Therefore this research aims to find out meaning by women ideal body fat and describes the context of personal, social and cultural audience a meaning background it. In addition, this study also attempted to disassemble the process of awareness that occurs when the audience meaning ideal body, whether false or true awareness of actual. This research converage critical communication research studies where reception studies from culture studies is a stand point theory by encoding-decoding Hall model (1987), means there 3 points that will need to be research such as dominant meaning agree white media, negosiation meaning comporative white media and opposition meaning white disagree white media. False sense in Marxist and tradition in femine view been used to support elaboration of these 3 critical paradigm white qualitative method, participant observations as a research method and in-depth interview, purposive sample, intensity sampling where research subject individual personal level whwere this research tried to gets data from fat women in their view about reduce weight c commercial advertising. Research results show that those fat women not interest to see the reduce weight commercial advertising because their a ware that advertising is a product of campalitism. But people have a many variety point of view a their testimonial about this advertising such as dominant meaning, negosiator meaning and opposition meaning and that results showed that those key informen been active during decoding text process,and the meaning of media text (advertising) have multiply meaning (polisemi). Personal context, social culture and experience are background of those meaning, although the key informan have adifferent understanding about their advertising testimonial content, but resistancy to aboard media still, weak, but the resistance of the media audience berkultur West as weak, as evidenced by the majority meaning according to the dominant ideology of the media / ad or negotiations meaning even though the adjusted interest in audience research, but this audience still recognize ideology media / ad. This shows that public awareness is a false show of passivity of the audience when the text media audience aware of motif comersialisme media whit message in the advertising but not fat women makes. That the way to hegemony mengcounter-dominant ideology is to enhance self-awareness to see the reality and experience in the life, awareness of local (local wisdom) that the opposition pemaknaan audience so that audience's conscious awareness of the reality that the body is a pure ideal of health from birth to beauty in self-views not only from the physical body only, because the concept is the ideal body image is media construction. Ketika perempuan dihadapi dalam persoalan penampilan pastinya tidak akan terlepas dari tubuh secara fisik. Tubuh sebagai media awal memperkenalkan identitas diri terhadap dunia luar. Media massa juga mempunyai kekuatan yang dapat mempengaruhi kesadaran perempuan dengan konstruksi tubuh ideal itu harus seperti apa yang sering mereka tontonan langsing, tinggi, da berkulit putih. Perempuan ideal yang digambarkan dengan balutan busana seksi entah dalam sinetron, film, video klip, infotemen hingga dalam sebuah iklan. Gencarnya media menayangkan hiperealitas culture barat mengenai tubuh perempuan pada media memiliki kultur Timur yang menjunjung tinggi norma dan moralitas. Banyaknya produk pelangsing di pasaran yang berlomba menarik hati konsumennya dengan iklan, salah satu daya tarik yang digunakan adalah dengan testimoni pengguna produk yang telah berhasil menurunkan berat badannya, dengan kekuatan visual foto sebelum dan sesudah menggunakan produk. Untuk itulah penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pemaknaan tubuh ideal oleh perempuan gemuk dan menjelaskan konteks personal, sosial dan kultural khalayak melatar belakangi pemaknaan tersebut. Di samping itu penelitian ini juga berusaha membongkar proses kesadaran yang terjadi pada khalayak ketika melakukan pemaknaan tubuh ideal tersebut, apakah kesadaran palsu atau memang kesadaran sebenarnya Kerangka teoritis yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini berada dalam ranah tradisi kajian kritis penelitian ilmu komunikasi dimana studi resepsi dari culture studies merupakan stand point theory dengan model encoding-decoding Hall (1987), yakni pemaknaan dominan di mana ideologi khalayak sama dengan ideologi media, pemaknaan negosiasi di mana khalayak mengkompromikan kepentingannya dengan ideologi media, dan pemaknaan oposisi di mana ideologi khalayak berseberangan dengan ideologi media. Kesadaran palsu dalam tradisi marxist dalam pandangan feminis dipakai pula sebagai konsep-konsep penunjang. Elaborasi dari tiga tradisi kajian kritis tersebut dilakukan guna mendapatkan hasil yang komprehensif dalam menjawab permasalahan dan tujuan penelitian ini. Dengan menggunakan paradigma kritis dengan pendekatan kualitatif, metode penelitian participant observation dan in-depth interview, subyek penelitian pada level individu khalayak maka penelitian ini berusaha memperoleh data dari perempuan gemuk dalam memaknai tubuh ideal yang dikonstruksi iklan visual testimonin penurun berat badan (pelangsing). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tidak tertariknya perempuan gemuk untuk melihat iklan-iklan khusunya iklan penurun berat badan, karena mereka sadar akan iklan adalah sebuah produk dari kapitalisme. Namun khalayak memiliki pemaknaan yang beragam terhadap visual testimony iklan
Item Type: | Thesis (S2) |
Call Number CD: | CDT-552-09-014 |
Call Number: | TK/10/017 |
NIM/NIDN Creators: | 55206120058 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | KOMUNIKASI PEMASARAN, CORCOM, Korporate Komunikasi dan Komunikasi Pemasaran |
Subjects: | 300 Social Science/Ilmu-ilmu Sosial > 300. Social Science/Ilmu-ilmu Sosial > 302 Social Interaction, Interpersonal Relations/Interaksi Sosial, Hubungan Antarpersonal > 302.2 Communication/Komunikasi |
Divisions: | Pascasarjana > Magister Ilmu Komunikasi |
Depositing User: | Admin Perpus UMB |
Date Deposited: | 07 Jun 2010 15:31 |
Last Modified: | 21 Jul 2022 03:35 |
URI: | |
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