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The radiator is a car cooling system that functions to absorb engine heat with water media. Initially the material used was brass, but over time it was elevated because it was heavy and now uses light materials, namely a type of aluminum and others. Testing of the mechanical properties and microstructure in this study used an impor core material sample and a local radiator core material. The test method was carried out in three stages, namely before heat treatment, after heat treatment and after the corrosion test by immersing in three different liquids, namely H2SO4, NaOH, and fluids which are generally used to fill radiators for 15 days. Before heat treatment, chemical composition tests were carried out with all the radiator material samples using XRF, microstructure tests with an optical microscope with 500x magnification and a microscopic hardness test with a load of 100gf within 10 seconds, And heat treatment with a temperature of 850oC within 3 hours, then after that it was soaked with chemical liquid for 15 days. From these tests, the results showed that the microstructure test both before and after heat treatment on the two samples of the radiaotr material did not show a collection of atoms, matrix and grain boundaries. The hardness test on the impor radiator core sample before heating was 43.4 HV and 39.2 HV after heat treatment and on the local radiator core material before heating was 43.5 HV and 38.2 HV after heating. The results of the chemical composition test showed that the core material samples for the elements of Ca, Mn, and Fe and in the samples of the local radiator core material were dominated by elements of Ca, Cu and Zn. The results of observations and analysis after immersing H2SO4, NaOH and, the radiator fluid in both samples changed color due to changes in elements due to increased atomic concentration. Keywords: Radiator material, Imporand local cars, heating, chemical composition test, hardness microstructure, corrosion test Radiator ialah salah satu sistem pendingin mobil yang berfungsi untuk menyerap panas mesin dengan media air. Pada awalnya material yang digunakan adalah kuningan namun lama kelamaan ditinggalkan karena berbobot berat dan kini menggunakan material ringan yaitu sejenis alumunium dan lainnya. Pengujian sifat meknaik dan struktur mikro pada studi ini menggunakan sampel material core radiator impor dan material core radiator lokal. Metode pengujian yang dilakukan dengan tiga tahapan yaitu sebelum heat treatment, sesudah heat treatment dan uji korosi dengan direndam dengan tiga cairan berbeda yaitu H2SO4, NaOH, dan cairan yang umumnya dipakai untuk mengisi radiator selama 15 hari. Sebelum heat treatment dilakukan uji komposisi kimia dengan semua sampel material radiator dengan alat XRF, uji struktur mikro dengan mikroskop optik pembesaran 500x dan uji kekerasan mickrovikers dengan beban 100gf dalam waktu 10 detik. Dan heat treatment dengan suhu 850oc dalam waktu 3 jam,kemudian direndam dengan cairan kimia selama 15 hari. Dari pengujian tersebut didapat hasil, uji struktur mikro baik sebelum maupun sesudah heat treatment pada kedua sampel material radiator tidak terlihat kumpulan atom, matrix dan batas butirnya. Uji kekerasan pada sampel core radiator impor sebelum dipanaskan 43,4 HV dan 39,2 HV sesudah heat treatment dan pada material core radiator lokal sebelum dipanaskan sebesar 43,5 HV dan 38,2 HV sesudah dipanaskan. Hasil uji komposisi kimia menunjukan pada sampel material core impor didominasi unsur Ca, Mn, dan Fe dan pada sampel material core radiator lokal didominasi unsur Ca, Cu dan Zn. Hasil pengamatan dan analisa setelah direndam cairan H2SO4, NaOH dan , cairan radiator pada kedua sampel terjadi perubahan warna karena disebabkan perubahan unsur akibat peningkatan konsentrasi atom. Kata Kunci: material Radiator, mobil Impordan local, pemanasan, Uji komposisi kimia, struktur mikro kekerasan,Uji korosi
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