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The Kawasaki NX15 pump is a main component that functions to convert mechanical energy into hydraulic energy which is then channeled into the hydraulic system to drivethe Arm Boom on the IHI IPF100 Concrete Pump. This final project analysis aims toanalyze the damage and the factors causing it, by taking corrective steps andrecommending steps to prevent damage to the pump. The research was conducted byperforming a performance test consisting of actual operating speeds test on the boomcylinder and a pressure test using a Test Bench. Then the results of the visual analysis of the pump revealed that the inner part was damaged, including: the shaft was worn out, the swash plate bushing was worn out, the servo piston pin was bent, and the support swash plate had a scratch. While the results of the analysis of the cause of the damageusing the fishbone diagram, the pump damage was caused by the wrong mechanical daily check procedure so that it was not known that there was an external leak resultingin contaminated hydraulic oil and damaging the inner part of the pump. Repair steps arecarried out by replacing damaged pump components and sanding the Support sectionbecause the surface is not flat. The results of the study show the performance test, it wasfound that the actual operating speed test time was in accordance with the standard, where the time for arm boom increase was 3.0 seconds and the time for arm boomdecline was 2.4 seconds and then Test Bench, with a pressure of 28.0 MPa, the flowrateis 170.1 Liter/minute, and the efficiency is 95.3% above the minimum efficiency value of 85%. Keywords: Kawasaki NX15, performance test, preventive maintenance, visual analysis, main pump inner part. Pompa Kawasaki NX15 merupakan suatu komponen utama yang berfungsi merubahenergi mekanik menjadi energi hidrolik kemudian disalurkan ke dalam sistem hidrolikuntuk menggerakkan Arm Boom pada Concrete Pump IHI IPF100. Analisis Tugas Akhirini bertujuan untuk menganalisa kerusakan serta faktor penyebabnya, dengan melakukanlangkah perbaikan dan merekomendasikan langkah pencegahan kerusakan pada pompa. Penelitian dilakukan dengan melakukan performance test yang terdiri dari actual operating speeds test pada boom cylinder dan pressure test menggunakan Test Bench. Kemudian hasil analisa visual pompa, ditemukan kerusakan inner part antara lain: shaft mengalami aus, bushing swash plate mengalami aus, pin servo piston mengalami bengkok, dan support swash plate mengalami scratch (goresan). Sedangkan hasil analisapenyebab kerusakan menggunakan fishbone diagram kerusakan pompa diakibatkanprosedur daily check mekanik yang salah sehingga tidak diketahui adanya eksternal leakmengakibatkan oli hidrolik terkontaminasi dan merusak inner part pada pompa. Langkah perbaikan dilakukan dengan penggantian komponen pompa yang mengalami kerusakan serta pengamplasan pada bagian Support karena permukaan yang sudah tidakrata. Hasil penelitian menujukkan performance test didapat waktu actual performanceoperating speeds test sudah sesuai standar, dimana waktu arm boom increase adalah 3.0second dan waktu untuk arm boom decline 2.4 second dan dari pressure Test menggunakan Test Bench, dengan pessure sebesar 28.0 MPa didapatkan flowratesebesar 170.1 Liter/menit, dan effieciency sebesar 95.3% diatas nilai dari minimal efficiency pump sebesar 85%. Kata Kunci : Kawasaki NX15, performance test, preventive maintenance, analisisvisual , inner part main pump.
Item Type: | Thesis (S1) |
NIM/NIDN Creators: | 41317110028 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Kawasaki NX15, performance test, preventive maintenance, analisisvisual , inner part main pump. |
Subjects: | 600 Technology/Teknologi > 620 Engineering and Applied Operations/Ilmu Teknik dan operasi Terapan 600 Technology/Teknologi > 620 Engineering and Applied Operations/Ilmu Teknik dan operasi Terapan > 621 Applied Physics/Fisika terapan 600 Technology/Teknologi > 620 Engineering and Applied Operations/Ilmu Teknik dan operasi Terapan > 621 Applied Physics/Fisika terapan > 621.8 Machine Engineering, Machinery/Teknik Mesin |
Divisions: | Fakultas Teknik > Teknik Mesin |
Depositing User: | ASHAIDAH AZLYA PUTRI |
Date Deposited: | 20 Oct 2023 01:56 |
Last Modified: | 20 Oct 2023 01:56 |
URI: | |
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