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The development of technology is currently growing rapidly, in whatever field certainly will not get out of touch technology, many benefits to be gained from technology, because if the work program that is currently not matched by advances in technology that the work program will be inhibited, so that it can resulting in the defeat of job competition. This technology manifests itself in the form of the Internet. We need to know also that the presence of information and communication technology at this time would be faster to access the system and assist in the kebutuha in various fields, including one field of e-commerce work program. E-Commerce needed their support systems in order to improve the quality of sales, in addition to the quality of goods is a major factor, there are many things that can be done to develop a support system, one of them reduces the problems that often occur in the payment system, which is still rarely taken into account when it is no less important to build confidence in the buyers, therefore the authors raise the issue with the build automatic payment system or payment gateway. This is because the presence of the payment system it can change the payment process is still manual to automatic, which will speed up, simplify and increase buyer confidence. which is still rarely taken into account when it is no less important to build confidence in the buyers, therefore the authors raised the problem of creating an automatic payment system or payment gateway. This is because the presence of the payment system it can change the payment process is still manual to automatic, which will speed up, simplify and increase buyer confidence. which is still rarely taken into account when it is no less important to build confidence in the buyers, therefore the authors raised the problem of creating an automatic payment system or payment gateway. This is because the presence of the payment system it can change the payment process is still manual to automatic, which will speed up, simplify and increase buyer confidence. Keywords- Automatic payment, payment gateway, Perkembangan teknologi saat ini semakin berkembang pesat, dalam bidang apa pun tentu tidak akan lepas dari sentuhan teknologi, banyak manfaat yang dapat diperoleh dari teknologi, karena jika program kerja yang ada saat ini tidak diimbangi dengan kemajuan teknologi maka program kerja tersebut akan terhambat, sehingga dapat mengakibatkan kalahnya persaingan kerja. Teknologi ini memanifestasikan dirinya dalam bentuk internet. Perlu kita ketahui juga bahwa dengan adanya kehadiran teknologi informasi dan komunikasi pada saat ini akan semakin cepat untuk mengakses sistem serta membantu proses kebutuha dalam berbagai bidang, termasuk salah satunya bidang program kerja e-commerce. E-Commerce diperlukan adanya sistem pendukung agar dapat meningkatkan mutu penjualan, selain kualitas barang yang menjadi faktor utama, banyak hal juga yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengembangkan sistem pendukung tersebut, salah satunya mengurangi masalah yang sering terjadi dalam sistem pembayaran, yang saat ini masih jarang diperhitungkan padahal hal tersebut tidak kalah pentingnya untuk membangun kepercayaan terhadap pembeli, oleh karena itu penulis mengangkat masalah tersebut dengan membangun sistem pembayaran otomatis atau payment gateway. Hal ini dikarenakan dengan adanya sistem pembayaran maka dapat merubah proses pembayaran yang masih manual menjadi otomatis, yang nantinya akan mempercepat, mempermudah, dan meningkatkan kepercayaan pembeli. Kata Kunci- Pembayaran otomatis, payment gateway,
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