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5. Bab 3 Metode Penelitian.pdf Restricted to Registered users only Download (387kB) |
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A common problem faced by the manufacturing company is how to ensure that the effectivity Quality Management System (QMS) has an impact on the performance of customer’s complain ratios, product delivery accuracy ratios, reject casting parts ratios and the small number of Nonconformity (NC) Audit findings. Research at the PTZ company about increasing the QMS effectiveness has impacted to the customer perspective by measuring the customer’s complain ratio and the product delivery accuracy ratios. For the internal business process perspective by measuring the casting parts ratio. The research objective is to improve QMS which has an impact on increasing company performance in achieving the company target and as a practical also applicable solution for manufacturing companies The population taken is the data from 2010 to 2020 of company and QMS performance at PTZ companies with research samples of customer claims data, product delivery accuracy data, casting part reject data, NC Audit findings data Research method use the fishbone analysis diagram to identify the 6M main causes, 5Why to investigate the root cause of the problem, 5W1H to decide corrective action and implemented to achieve the target. The conclusion is that the research process using fishbone analyses, 5Why, 5W1H can provide guidelines for PTZ in increasing the effectiveness of QMS so that it can control the customer claims ratio, on-time delivery ratio, casting parts reject ratio and reduce the number of NC Audit findings therefore they had impacted to the increasing company performance. Keywords: QMS, claims, delivery, reject, NC Audit Permasalahan umum yang dihadapi industri manufaktur adalah bagaimana peningkatan efektifitas implementasi SMM berdampak pada kinerja rasio klaim pelanggan, rasio ketepatan pengiriman produk, rasio rijek casting parts dan sedikitnya jumlah temuan NC Audit. Penelitian di perusahaan PTZ tentang dampak peningkatan efektifitas implementasi sistim manajemen terhadap perspektif pelanggan dengan pengukuran kinerja rasio klaim pelanggan dan rasio ketepatan pengiriman produk. Untuk perpektif proses bisnis internal dengan pengukuran kinerja rasio rijek casting parts. Tujuan penelitian untuk perbaikan SMM yang berdampak terhadap kenaikan kinerja perusahaan dalam mencapai target perusahaan dan sebagai solusi praktis serta aplikatif bagi perusahaan manufaktur Populasi yang diambil adalah data kinerja perusahaan dari mulai tahun 2010 sampai dengan tahun 2020 di PTZ dengan sampel penelitian data klaim pelanggan, data pengiriman tepat waktu, data rijek casting part, data temuan NC Audit Metode penelitian menggunakan diagram fishbone analysis untuk mengidentifikasi penyebab utama 6M, 5Why untuk investigasi akar penyebab masalah, 5W1H untuk menetapkan tindakan korektif dan diimplementasikan untuk mencapai target perusahaan. Kesimpulannya adalah proses penelitian dengan menggunakan fishbone analyses, 5Why, 5W1H dapat memberikan pedoman bagi PTZ dalam meningkatkan efektivitas SMM sehingga dapat mengontrol rasio klaim pelanggan, rasio pengiriman tepat waktu, rasio rijek casting parts dan mengurangi jumlah temuan NC Audit berdampak pada peningkatan kinerja perusahaan. Kata kunci : SMM, klaim, pengiriman, rijek, NC Audit.
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