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Untuk meningkatkan dan memelihara penetrasi pasar dari sebuah produk maka dibutuhkan informasi tentang bagaimana merek (brand) dari produk tersebut diterima oleh pasar. Berdasarkan riset yang dilakukan Gartner, terdapat penurunan pelanggan Research In Motion (RIM) di dunia khusus smartphone BlackBerry dari tahun 2009 sebesar 18,7% menurun menjadi 16,7% di tahun 2010. Penelitian tentang brand equity dari sebuah brand merupakan hal yang penting, untuk menjawab permasalahan penurunan pelanggan tersebut. Dan dalam penelitian brand equity smartphone BlackBerry bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana penilaian konsumen terhadap brand equity BlackBerry dan menganalisa faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pemilihan merek smartphone. Tahap dalam penelitian ini meliputi penyebaran kuesioner pada pelanggan BlackBerry berbagai operator maupun bukan pelanggan BlackBerry di kalangan mahasiswa dan pekerja profesional dengan batasan umur 18 sampai 55 tahun di area metropolitan Jakarta sebanyak 350 sampel. Pengolahan data hasil kuesioner diproses menggunakan software SPSS AMOS v18.0 dengan metoda Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Analisa didasarkan pada Uji validitas, reliabilitas, and Goodness Of Fit (GOF). Pengujian SEM digunakan untukmenguji implikasi variabel bebas Value Added Service (VAS) dan Technology Innovation (TI) terhadap brand Perceived Quality (PQ) serta pengaruh Brand Name (BN), dan Logo & Symbol (LS) terhadap Brand Knowledge (BK) dalam mempengaruhi Brand Equity BlackBerry yang diukur menggunakanindikator loyalitas pelanggan dan elastisitas harga. Penilaian konsumen tehadap ekuitas smartphone BlackBerry dipengaruhi signifikan oleh brand PQ dan BK melalui variabel VAS dan BN. Ekuitas juga dipengaruhi oleh variabel TI dan LS tetapi tidak signifikan. Oleh sebab itu, pengembangan strategi bisnis BlackBerry bisa di kembangkan dengan menitikberatkan variabel VAS dan BN. Faktor yang mempengaruhi konsumen dalam menentukan pilihan menggunakan smartphone tentunya adalah kualitas persepsi konsumen dan pengetahuan yang kuat terhadap smartphone BlackBerry akan memudahkan pelanggan tanpa pikir panjang untuk melakukan pembelian ulang dan merekomendasikan kepada konsumen lainnya. Loyalitas konsumen sendiri masih sangat besar dipengaruhi oleh PQ dan BK. Untuk kalangan mahasiswa, loyalitas masih terpengaruh oleh elastisitas harga dikarenakan sumber keuangan yang belum stabil dan kebutuhan BlackBerry hanya untuk tren semata (sekunder), berbeda dengan pekerja profesional yang menggunakan BlackBerry sebagai tools dalam pekerjaan (primer) dengan keuangan yang sudah stabil. Kata Kunci: Brand, Brand Equity (BE), Customer Based Brand Equity (CBBE), Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), BlackBerry To improve and maintain market penetration of a product the information about how the brand of the product is received by the market is necessary required. According to research conducted by Gartner, there is a decline in the percentage number of Research In Motion’s (RIM’s) customers in the world especially for BlackBerry smartphone which decreased from 18.7% in the year 2009 to 16.7% in 2010. Research on brand equity of a brand is important to address the problems of decline in customers. The BlackBerry smartphone brand equity research aims to determine how consumers assess the brand equity of BlackBerry and to analyze the factors that influence the choice of smartphone brand. Stages in this study include distributing questionnaires to BlackBerry customer and non BlackBerry customer who are students and professionals of the age of 18 to 55 years old in the Jakarta metropolitan area. Results of the data questionnaire are processed by using SPSS AMOS v18.0 software with Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method. The analysis are based on validity test, reliability test, and Goodness Of Fit (GOF)., SEM method is applied to test the effects of the independent variables Value Added Service (VAS) and Technology Innovation (TI) to the brand Perceived Quality (PQ) and the influence of Brand Name (BN) and Logo & Symbol (LS) to the Brand Knowledge (BK) in determining brand equity of BlackBerry which is measured by customer loyalty and price elasticity indikators. Consumer’s judgements of BlackBerry smartphone’s equity are significantly influenced by the PQ and the BK brand through VAS and BN variables. Equities are not significantly influenced by TI and LS variables. Therefore the development of BlackBerry’s business strategies BlackBerry can be provided by emphasising on VAS and BN variables. The factors affecting consumers in determining the choice of using a smartphone are certainly consumer perceptions of quality and a strong knowledge of the BlackBerry smartphone that will allow customers without a second thought to make the purchase again and to recommend to other consumers. The consumers’ loyalty is affected by the PQ and BK. For the students, loyalty is still affected by price elasticity due to their unstable financial resources and their needs for BlackBerry are merely because of following the trend or life style BlackBerry. In contrast to that, on the other hand the professional workers who are financially stable occupy BlackBerry as tools for working (primary). Keyword: Brand, Brand Equity (BE), Customer Based Brand Equity (CBBE), Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), BlackBerry

Item Type: Thesis (S2)
Call Number CD: CDT-554-12-009
Call Number: TT/54/12/001
NIM/NIDN Creators: 55408120004
Uncontrolled Keywords: Brand, Brand Equity (BE), Customer Based Brand Equity (CBBE), Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), BlackBerry
Subjects: 600 Technology/Teknologi > 620 Engineering and Applied Operations/Ilmu Teknik dan operasi Terapan > 621 Applied Physics/Fisika terapan
Divisions: Pascasarjana > Magister Teknik Elektro
Depositing User: Admin Perpus UMB
Date Deposited: 27 Apr 2012 16:04
Last Modified: 12 Jul 2022 04:22
URI: http://repository.mercubuana.ac.id/id/eprint/38303

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