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Indonesia is one of the regions that is prone to earthquakes, which can cause nonstructural damage (such as damage to walls, ceilings, doors, etc.) and structural damage (such as beams and columns), leading to the collapse of buildings and potentially resulting in fatalities. Therefore, every building in Indonesia must be designed to withstand earthquake loads. This research aims to analyze and compare the behavior of the superstructure in various structural systems in the context of earthquake resistance, particularly for multi-story buildings in East Jakarta. The focus is on five types of systems: Ordinary Moment-Resisting Frame (OMRF), Special MomentResisting Frame (SMRF), Dual System (Combination of OMRF and Shear Wall), Dual System (Combination of SMRF and Shear Wall), and Dual System (Combination of SMRF and Shear Wall) with Base Isolation. This study uses a spectrum response analysis method to evaluate the performance of each structure and models the structure using ETABS 18 software. A case study is conducted on a 22-story apartment building, representing the condition of buildings in earthquake-prone areas. The results of the study show an increase in the vibration period of the Dual System (Combination of SMRF and Shear Wall) with Base Isolation, with a vibration period of 3.778 seconds compared to the OMRF and SMRF systems, which have vibration periods of 1.800 seconds, and the Dual System (Combination of OMRF and Shear Wall) and Dual System (Combination of SMRF and Shear Wall) with vibration periods of 1.605 seconds. The internal forces in the OMRF and SMRF systems are higher compared to the Dual Systems (Combination of OMRF and Shear Wall) and (Combination of SMRF and Shear Wall), while the structure with the Dual System (Combination of SMRF and Shear Wall) with Base Isolation has smaller internal forces compared to the OMRF, SMRF, Dual System (Combination of OMRF and Shear Wall), and Dual System (Combination of SMRF and Shear Wall) systems. The structural response analysis, including story drift, follows the SNI 1726-2019 regulations. The story drift of the OMRF, SMRF, Dual System (Combination of OMRF and Shear Wall), and Dual System (Combination of SMRF and Shear Wall) structures shows relatively small lateral displacement compared to the Dual System (Combination of SMRF and Shear Wall) with Base Isolation, but the structure with the Dual System (Combination of SMRF and Shear Wall) with Base Isolation exhibits the smallest story drift compared to the OMRF, SMRF, Dual System (Combination of OMRF and Shear Wall), and Dual System (Combination of SMRF and Shear Wall). Based on the calculations, the story drift with Base Isolation reduces by up to 50%. Keywords: OMRF, SMRF, Dual System, Base Isolation, earthquake, spectrum response, period, displacement, moment, ETABS. Indonesia adalah salah satu wilayah yang rawan gempa bumi, gempa bumi dapat mengakibatkan kerusakan non-struktural (seperti kerusakan dinding, langit-langit, pintu, dll) dan kerusakan struktural (seperti balok dan kolom), sehingga mengakibatkan runtuhnya bangunan dan mampu menimbulkan korban jiwa. Oleh karena itu, setiap bangunan di Indonesia harus direncanakan tahan terhadap beban gempa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan membandingkan perilaku struktur atas pada berbagai sistem struktural dalam konteks tahan gempa, khususnya pada gedung bertingkat di Jakarta Timur. Dengan fokus pada lima jenis sistem yaitu Struktur Rangka Pemikul Momen Biasa (SRPMB), Struktur Rangka Pemikul Momen Khusus (SRPMK), Sistem Ganda (Gabungan SRPMB dan Dinding Geser), Sistem Ganda (Gabungan SRPMK dan Dinding Geser) dan Sistem Ganda (Gabungan SRPMK dan Dinding Geser) dengan Isolasi Dasar, penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis respons spektrum gempa untuk mengevaluasi kinerja masing-masing struktur dan melakukan pemodelan struktur dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak ETABS 18. Studi kasus dilakukan pada gedung apartemen 22 lantai yang mewakili kondisi bangunan di daerah rawan gempa. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh peningkatan periode getar pada struktur Sistem Ganda (Gabungan SRPMK dan Dinding Geser) dengan Isolasi Dasar dengan nilai perioda getar 3,778 detik dibandingkan dengan struktur Sistem SRPMB dan SRPMK dengan nilai perioda 1,800 detik dan struktur Sistem Ganda (Gabungan SRPMB dan Dinding Geser) dan struktur Sistem Ganda (Gabungan SRPMK dan Dinding Geser) dengan nilai perioda 1,605 detik. Gaya-gaya dalam pada sistem SRPMB dan SRPMK lebih besar di bandingkan sistem ganda (gabungan SRPMB dan Dinding Geser) dan sistem ganda (gabungan SRPMK dan Dinding Geser) sedangkan struktur yang menggunakan sistem ganda (gabungan SRPMK dan Dinding Geser) dengan ditambah isolasi dasar memiliki nilai yang lebih kecil dibandingkan struktur sistem SRPMB, SRPMK, sistem ganda (gabungan SRPMB dan Dinding Geser) dan sistem ganda (gabungan SRPMK dan Dinding Geser). Analisa Respon Struktur berupa Simpangan antar lantai sesuai dengan peraturan SNI 1726-2019. Simpangan Antar Lantai (story drift) struktur sistem SRPMB, SRPMK, sistem ganda (gabungan SRPMB dan Dinding Geser) dan sistem ganda (gabungan SRPMK dan Dinding Geser) mengalami perpindahan lateral yang cukup kecil di bandingkan sistem ganda (gabungan SRPMK dan Dinding Geser) dengan ditambahkan isolasi dasar, namun sistem ganda (gabungan SRPMK dan Dinding Geser) dengan ditambahkan isolasi dasar memiliki simpangan antar lantai yang cukup kecil dibandingkan sistem SRPMB, SRPMK, sistem ganda (gabungan SRPMB dan Dinding Geser) dan sistem ganda (gabungan SRPMK dan Dinding Geser). Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan, simpangan antar lantai menggunakan Isolasi Dasar berkurang hingga 50 %. Kata Kunci: SRPMB, SRPMK, Sistem Ganda, Isolasi dasar, gempa, respon spektrum, periode, perpindahan, momen, ETABS.
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