AKTIVITAS PUBLIKASI INSTAGRAM (Analisis Isi Unggahan Instagram @skingamewarrior sebagai Bentuk Relationship Management Periode 25 Oktober 2023—29 Februari 2024)

GANIS, KANYA NING (2024) AKTIVITAS PUBLIKASI INSTAGRAM (Analisis Isi Unggahan Instagram @skingamewarrior sebagai Bentuk Relationship Management Periode 25 Oktober 2023—29 Februari 2024). S1 thesis, Universitas Mercu Buana-Menteng.

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Teknologi membawa kita pada perkembangan komunikasi kepada era digital. Sehingga, penggunaan media digital secara masif digunakan oleh berbagai industri untuk mempublikasikan kegiatan dan membentuk komunitas perusahaan. Contohnya akun @skingamewarrior, komunitas dari brand perawatan wajah asal Indonesia, Skin Game. Skin Game Warrior memanfaatkan konten di Instagram sebagai upaya membangun komunitasnya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kecenderungan relationship management dari unggahan Instagram komunitas @skingamewarrior. Penelitian ini memiliki lima penelitian terdahulu sebagai rujukan bagi peneliti. Salah satu penelitian terdahulu yang paling relevan adalah penelitian dari Liem, dkk. (2021). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jenis pesan yang sering diunggah oleh akun Twitter @mancity berbentuk interactivity dan sharing information. Adapun, penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian analisis isi kuantitatif deskriptif dengan unit analisis konten Instagram @skingamewarrior periode 25 Oktober 2023—29 Februari 2024. Populasi pada penelitian ini sebanyak 32 unggahan, sehingga peneliti menggunakan teknik total sampling. Dalam melihat enam unsur Relationship Management, peneliti menggunakan indikator trust, commitment, control mutuality, satisfaction, exchange relationship dan communal relationship yang diidentifikasi dari caption, foto dan video yang diunggah oleh akun @skingamewarrior. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kecenderungan unggahan dari @skingamewarrior memiliki unsur commitment sebanyak 87%, trust 81%, control mutuality dan exchange relationship sebanyak 69%, serta satisfaction dan communal relationship sebanyak 63% dari keseluruhan konten yang diteliti. Hasil tersebut menunjukkan adanya enam unsur Relationship Management pada unggahan akun @skingamewarrior. Technology has brought us to the development of communication to the digital era. Thus, the massive use of digital media is used by various industries to publicize activities and form corporate communities. For example, the @skingamewarrior account, a community from an Indonesian facial care brand, Skin Game. Skin Game Warrior utilizes content on Instagram as an effort to build its community. The purpose of this study is to find out the relationship management trend of the @skingamewarrior community's Instagram contents. This study has five previous studies as a reference for researchers. One of the most relevant previous studies is the research from Liem, et al. (2021). The results of the study show that the types of messages that are often uploaded by Twitter accounts @mancity in the form of interactivity and information sharing. Meanwhile, this study uses a descriptive quantitative content analysis research method with an Instagram content analysis unit @skingamewarrior the period October 25, 2023—February 29, 2024. The population in this study was 32 contents, so the researcher used a total sampling technique. In looking at the six elements of Relationship Management, the researcher used indicators of trust, commitment, control mutuality, satisfaction, exchange relationship and communal relationship identified from captions, photos and videos uploaded by @skingamewarrior accounts. The results of the study showed that the tendency of contents from @skingamewarrior to have an element of commitment as much as 87%, trust 81%, control mutuality and exchange relationship as much as 69%, and satisfaction and communal relationship as much as 63% of the total content studied. The results show that there are six elements of Relationship Management in @skingamewarrior contents.

Item Type: Thesis (S1)
NIM/NIDN Creators: 44220010245
Uncontrolled Keywords: Analisis Isi Kuantitatif, Relationship Management, Media Sosial, Instagram, Skin Game Warrior Quantitative Content Analysis, Relationship Management, Social Media, Instagram, Skin Game Warrior
Subjects: 600 Technology/Teknologi > 650 Management, Public Relations, Business and Auxiliary Service/Manajemen, Hubungan Masyarakat, Bisnis dan Ilmu yang Berkaitan > 659 Advertising and Public Relations/Periklanan, Reklame, Pariwara, Iklan, Sponsor, Humas, Hubungan Masyarakat > 659.2 Public Relations/Hubungan Masyarakat
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi > Hubungan Masyarakat
Date Deposited: 06 Aug 2024 05:04
Last Modified: 06 Aug 2024 05:04
URI: http://repository.mercubuana.ac.id/id/eprint/90031

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