NURHADIANSYAH, DIAN (2024) PERANCANGAN GEDUNG MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conferences, and Exhibitions) DENGAN PENDEKATAN TROPICAL URBANISM. S1 thesis, Universitas Mercu Buana Jakarta.

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This report focuses on the development of Meetings, Incentives, Conferences, and Exhibitions (MICE) infrastructure in Bandung, with an emphasis on the Laswi area. Bandung, rich in history, culture, and diverse tourist attractions, holds significant potential in the MICE industry. However, the construction of MICE buildings in the Laswi area faces challenges related to integrating architectural design with the existing site conditions and creating a new image in line with the concept of Tropical Urbanism at the KAI Training Center (Pusdiklat). The aim of this report is to integrate the design of MICE buildings with the surrounding infrastructure, achieve functional harmony, and create a new image suitable for the tropical climate and urban characteristics. Through field research, data analysis, and a contextual design approach, this report presents a comprehensive solution that can support the growth of the tourism industry in West Java and create sustainable assets for the city of Bandung. In conclusion, this report contains analyses, design recommendations, and relevant guidelines for stakeholders involved in the development of MICE facilities in Bandung. Keyword : MICE, Trophical Urbanism, Pusdiklat KAI Laporan ini berfokus pada pengembangan infrastruktur Meetings, Incentives, Conferences, and Exhibitions (MICE) di Kota Bandung, dengan penekanan pada kawasan Laswi. Kota Bandung yang kaya akan sejarah, budaya, dan daya tarik wisata memiliki potensi besar dalam industri MICE. Namun, pembangunan gedung MICE di kawasan Laswi menghadapi tantangan integrasi desain arsitektur dengan kondisi eksisting tapak, serta penciptaan citra baru yang sesuai dengan konsep Tropical Urbanism pada Pusat Pendidikan dan Pelatihan KAI Bandung (pusdiklat). Tujuan laporan ini adalah mengintegrasikan desain gedung MICE dengan infrastruktur sekitarnya, mencapai keselarasan fungsional, serta menciptakan citra baru yang sesuai dengan iklim tropis dan karakteristik perkotaan. Dengan metode penelitian lapangan, analisis data, serta pendekatan desain kontekstual dan konsep Tropical Urbanism, laporan ini menyajikan solusi komprehensif yang dapat mendukung pertumbuhan industri pariwisata di Jawa Barat dan menciptakan aset berkelanjutan bagi kota Bandung. Kesimpulannya, laporan ini berisi analisis, rekomendasi rancangan, dan panduan relevan untuk pihak yang terlibat dalam pengembangan gedung MICE di Kota Bandung. Kata Kunci : MICE, Trophical Urbanism, Pusdiklat KAI

Item Type: Thesis (S1)
Call Number CD: FT/ARS. 24 037
NIM/NIDN Creators: 41219110041
Uncontrolled Keywords: MICE, Trophical Urbanism, Pusdiklat KAI
Subjects: 200 Religion/Agama > 240 Christian Moral and Devotional Theology/Moral Kristen dan Teologi Kebaktian > 246 Use of Art in Christianity/Seni dalam Agama Kristen > 246.9 Architecture/Arsitektur
600 Technology/Teknologi > 620 Engineering and Applied Operations/Ilmu Teknik dan operasi Terapan
700 Arts/Seni, Seni Rupa, Kesenian > 790 Recreational and Performing Arts/Olah Raga dan Seni Pertunjukan > 798 Equestrian Sports and Animal Racing > 798.2 Horsemanship/Olah Raga Berkuda > 798.24 Riding Exhibitions and Competititons/Pameran dan Kompetisi Mengemudi
Divisions: Fakultas Teknik > Arsitektur
Depositing User: khalimah
Date Deposited: 30 Apr 2024 02:44
Last Modified: 30 Apr 2024 02:44

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