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Education and training center (PUSDIKLAT) Ir. H. Juanda Bandung functions as one of the venues for non-railway educational and training activities outside of technical railway training, which includes managerial, leadership, safety, legal and other training. This was created in order to form Human Resources at the Indonesian Railways to produce superior, competent and qualified workers so that each worker can make a more optimal contribution to improving performance in the company. KAI Education and Training Center Ir. H. Juanda is currently focusing on planning the design of the MICE (Meeting, Incentives, Conferences, and Exhibitions) building and the Front Plaza. The MICE building that will be designed will be able to accommodate various activities in it, including Office, Auditorium, Meeting Room, Gallery, Library, and Tennant Space / Retail. This is designed to meet the needs of HR activities during education. The building that will be developed at the KAI Ir Education and Training Center. H. Juanda is currently focusing on planning the design of the MICE (Meeting, Incentives, Conferences, and Exhibitions) building and the Front Plaza. The MICE building that will be designed will be able to accommodate various activities in it, including Office, Auditorium, Meeting Room, Gallery, Library, and Tennant Space / Retail. This is designed to meet the needs of HR activities during education. The concept used in planning the design of this MICE building uses a Bioclimatic Architecture approach. Bioclimatic architecture is a synergistic approach to architectural design for climate, which integrates the science of human psychology, climatology and integration of building physics in regional architecture (Krisdianto, Abadi, & Ekomadyo, 2011, p.23). The basic element of bioclimatic design itself is a passive solar system which is combined with the building and utilizes natural sources, namely sun, water, wind, air, plants and soil for heating, cooling and lighting in the building. Keywords: Bandung City, KAI Education and Training Center, MICE Building, Bioclimatic Concept Pusat pendidikan dan pelatihan (PUSDIKLAT) Ir. H. Juanda Bandung difungsikan sebagai salah satu tempat penyelenggaraan kegiatan non railways training pendidikan dan pelatihan di luar pelatihan teknikal perkeretaapian, yang meliputi pelatihan manajerial, leadership, keselamatan, legal, dan lain-lain. hal tersebut diciptakan guna untuk membentuk Sumber Daya Manusia di Kereta Api Indonesia mencetak pekerja yang unggul, kompeten, dan berkualitas sehingga setiap pekerja dapat memberikan kontribusi yang lebih optimal bagi peningkatan kinerja di perusaaan tersebut. Pusdiklat KAI Ir. H. Juanda saat ini berfokus pada perencanaan perancangan gedung MICE (Meeting, Incentives, Conferences, and Exhibitions) dan Plaza Depan. Gedung MICE yang akan dirancang nantinya dapat menampung berbagai kegiatan didalamnya anatara lain Office, Auditorium, Meeting Room, Gallery, Perpustakaan, dan Tennant Space / Retail. Hal tersebut dirancang agar dapat memenuhi kebutuhan kegiatan SDM selama melaksanakan pendidikan. Bangunan yang akan di kembangkan pada Pusdiklat KAI Ir. H. Juanda saat ini berfokus pada perencanaan perancangan gedung MICE (Meeting, Incentives, Conferences, and Exhibitions) dan Plaza Depan. Gedung MICE yang akan dirancang nantinya dapat menampung berbagai kegiatan didalamnya anatara lain Office, Auditorium, Meeting Room, Gallery, Perpustakaan, dan Tennant Space / Retail. Hal tersebut dirancang agar dapat memenuhi kebutuhan kegiatan SDM selama melaksanakan pendidikan. Konsep yang digunakan dalam perencanaan perancangan gedung MICE ini menggunakan pendekatan Arsitektur Bioklimatik. Arsitektur bioklimatik adalah pendekatan sinergis untuk desain arsitektural terhadap iklim, yang mengintegrasikan ilmu psikologi manusia, klimatologi dan integrasi ilmu fisika bangunan pada arsitektur regional (Krisdianto, Abadi, & Ekomadyo, 2011, p.23). Adapun Elemen dasar dari desain bioklimatik itu sendiri adalah passive solar system yang digabungkan dengan bangunan dan memanfaatkan sumber alami yaitu matahari, air, angin, udara, tanaman, dan tanah untuk pemanasan, pendinginan dan pencahayaan pada bangunan. Kata Kunci : Kota Bandung, Pusdiklat KAI, Gedung MICE, Konsep Bioklimatik

Item Type: Thesis (S1)
Call Number CD: FT/ARS. 24 032
NIM/NIDN Creators: 41219210003
Uncontrolled Keywords: Kota Bandung, Pusdiklat KAI, Gedung MICE, Konsep Bioklimatik
Subjects: 300 Social Science/Ilmu-ilmu Sosial > 380 Commerce, Communications, Transportation (Perdagangan, Komunikasi, Transportasi) > 385 Railroad Transportation/Transportasi Kereta Api
600 Technology/Teknologi > 600. Technology/Teknologi > 604 Technical Drawing/Menggambar Teknik, Hazardous Materials Technology/Teknologi Bahan Berbahaya, groups of people/Kelompok Masyarakat > 604.2 Technical Drawing/Menggambar Teknik > 604.24 Specific Drafting Procedures and Conventions/Prosedur dan Konvensi Perancangan Spesifik
700 Arts/Seni, Seni Rupa, Kesenian > 720 Architecture/Arsitektur
Divisions: Fakultas Teknik > Arsitektur
Depositing User: khalimah
Date Deposited: 29 Apr 2024 07:56
Last Modified: 29 Apr 2024 07:56

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