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Penelitian ini menyoroti strategi Corporate Communication Elitery untuk membangun Corporate Reputation. Paradigma penelitian ini adalah konstruktivis dengan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif untuk memahami interaksi elemen-elemen strategi pada kegiatan Corporate Communication Elitery melalui 9 Langkah and 4 Tahap Strategic Planing Public Relation Model by Ronald D.Smith dan Dalam membangun Corporate Reputation penelitian ini menggunakan alur berfikir model Westcott dan Allessandri. Metodologi penelitian menggunakan wawancara mendalam dengan narasumber kunci dan data sekunder dari studi literatur, studi dokumentasi, dan media monitoring. Hasil penelitian menyatakan pada Fase 1 Formative Research, Step 1. Analyzing the Situation terdapat Kurangnya public exposure, demand besar dan kurangnya talenta digital terampil; Step 2 Analyzing the Organization kelebihan perusahaan adalah Tersertifikasi, Meraih banyak Awards, Partnership diakui global, hingga Talent Digital 100% lokal, kelemahan mencakup Kurangnya Public Exposure, Peluang didapati pasar Cloud Indonesia & perkembangan AI Metaverse dan ancaman berasal dari Kompetitor & Talent Poaching, dan Step 3 Analyzing the Publics adalah Stakeholders internal (karyawan, manajemen, dan investor) serta stakeholders eksternal (media, pemerintah, dan konsumen). Pada Fase 2 Strategy, Step 4 Etablishing Goals and Objective perusahaan mengandung visi misi yang spesifik sedangkan objective Corporate Secretary dan Corporate Communication belum maksimal. Pada Step 5 Formulating Action and Respons cenderung Reaktif dalam mengatasi komentar buruk di media social. Pada Step 6 Developing the Message Strategy berisi Become the Market Leader in Cloud Managed Service Company in Indonesia dalam penerapan komunikasi dinilai belum menonjolkan keunikan layanan perusahaan dari kompetitor. Fase 3 dalam Step 7 Selecting Communication Tactics perusahaan melakukan Interpersonal Communication (PUBEX, RUPS, Townhall, Event Sosialisasi, Sponsorship Customer, CSR “Jumat Berkah” , dan TALENTA), lalu Organizational Media (Laporan Keuangan, Laporan Tahunan, RUPS, Press release, dan Buletin Investor), News Media publikasi di beberapa media outlet, dan Advertising and Promotional Media dengan Google Ads. Step 8 Implementing the Strategic Plan terdapat budget planning khusus pada kegiatan Corporate Communication. Fase 4 Evaluation pada Step 9 Evaluation the Strategic Plan diperlukan pengukuran holistik terhadap PR Value, dengan fokus pada dampak nyata terhadap reputasi perusahaan dan penyesuaian strategi. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah Elitery menerapkan 9 Langkah dan 4 Tahap dari Strategic PR Plan Ronald D. Smith. Namun, terdapat 4 Langkah/Step yang belum optimal, yaitu pada Fase 2 Strategy pada Step 4,5,6 dan Fase 4 Evaluation pada step 9. Dalam penerapan Model Westcott Alessantria dalam membangun Corporate Reputation Elitery menunjukkan visi dan misi yang jelas dengan inisiatif seperti CSR dan program TALENTA. Meski berfokus pada nilai perusahaan DNA-5C, ada kebutuhan perbaikan terutama dalam menanggapi komentar negative media sosial. Sebagai perusahaan penyedia Cloud Managed Service di Indonesia Elitery harus lebih menonjolkan keunikan layanannya di tengah pengakuan dan penghargaan yang diterimanya. Meski begitu, Elitery tetap komitmen pada tenaga kerja lokal dan menunjukkan kinerja keuangan yang positif serta fokus pada pertumbuhan di sektor publik. This research highlights Elitery's Corporate Communication strategy of Elitery in building Corporate Reputation. The research paradigm is constructivist with a descriptive qualitative approach to understand the interaction of strategic elements in Elitery's Corporate Communication activities through the 9 Steps and 4 Phases of the Strategic Planning Public Relations Model by Ronald D. Smith. In building Corporate Reputation, this research utilizes the thought flow of the Westcott and Allessandri model. The research methodology employs in-depth interviews with key informants and secondary data from literature studies, documentation studies, and media monitoring. The research findings indicate in Phase 1, Formative Research, Step 1: Analyzing the Situation reveals a Lack of public exposure, high demand, and a shortage of skilled digital talent; Step 2: Analyzing the Organization highlights company strengths such as Certification, Winning many Awards, Globally recognized Partnerships, and 100% local Digital Talent, weaknesses include Lack of Public Exposure, Opportunities in the Indonesian Cloud Market & AI Metaverse development, and threats from Competitors & Talent Poaching; Step 3: Analyzing the Publics includes internal stakeholders (employees, management, and investors) and external stakeholders (media, government, and consumers). In Phase 2, Strategy, Step 4: Establishing Goals and Objectives contains specific vision and mission statements while Corporate Secretary and Corporate Communication objectives are not yet optimal. In Step 5: Formulating Action and Response tends to be Reactive in handling negative comments or hate on social media. Step 6: Developing the Message Strategy contains "Become the Market Leader in Cloud Managed Service Company in Indonesia" but the communication application is deemed to not highlight the company's service uniqueness from competitors. In Phase 3, Step 7: Selecting Communication Tactics involves Interpersonal Communication (PUBEX, General Meeting of Shareholders, Townhall, Socialization Events, Customer Sponsorship, CSR "Blessed Friday", RQM, TALENTA), Organizational Media (Financial Reports, Annual Reports, General Meetings of Shareholders, Press releases, Investor Bulletins), News Media publications in various media outlets, and Advertising and Promotional Media with Google Ads. Step 8: Implementing the Strategic Plan includes specific budget planning for Corporate Communication activities. Phase 4, Evaluation, in Step 9: Evaluating the Strategic Plan requires a holistic measurement of PR Value, focusing on real impacts on corporate reputation and strategy adjustments.The conclusion of this research is that Elitery applies the 9 Steps and 4 Phases of Ronald D. Smith's Strategic PR Plan. However, there are 4 Steps that are not yet optimal, namely Phase 2 Strategy in Steps 4, 5, 6 and Phase 4 Evaluation in Step 9. In implementing the Westcott Alessantria Model in building Corporate Reputation, Elitery demonstrates a clear vision and mission with initiatives such as CSR and the TALENTA program. Despite focusing on the company's DNA-5C values, there is a need for improvement, especially in responding to negative social media comments. As a Cloud Managed Service provider in Indonesia, Elitery should further highlight the uniqueness of its services amidst the recognition and awards it has received. Nevertheless, Elitery remains committed to local workforce and showcases positive financial performance while focusing on growth in the public sector.

Item Type: Thesis (S2)
NIM/NIDN Creators: 55221120005
Uncontrolled Keywords: Komunikasi Korporat, Reputasi Corporate Communication, Corporate Reputation
Subjects: 300 Social Science/Ilmu-ilmu Sosial > 300. Social Science/Ilmu-ilmu Sosial > 302 Social Interaction, Interpersonal Relations/Interaksi Sosial, Hubungan Antarpersonal > 302.2 Communication/Komunikasi
Divisions: Pascasarjana > Magister Ilmu Komunikasi
Date Deposited: 02 Mar 2024 02:51
Last Modified: 02 Mar 2024 02:51

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