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The large amount of runoff in Bogor Regency means that the drainage function as a reservoir for excess water cannot function optimally. This is because there has been a lot of land use change so that the infiltration area is reduced. One of those affected is the Ciriung Cemerlang Housing and is included in the Cibinong sub-district which is the center of government. The purpose of this study was to determine the inundation factor, the volume of existing channels, the volume of water runoff, the planned flood discharge, the pervasive volume and discharge and the effective vertical drainage building. The research was conducted using hydrological analysis, analysis of existing channels, and analysis of vertical drainage structures using the Sunjoto method and SNI 03-2453-2002. Mathematical calculations are carried out to determine the planned flood discharge, the volume and discharge of the existing channel, as well as the volume of infiltration, infiltration discharge and effectiveness of vertical drainage buildings. The results of the analysis show that the flood discharge plan for a 2-year return period is 0.2324 m3 / s, the stored discharge (inflow minus infiltration discharge) is 0.0271223 m3 / s for 1 point, and for 8 points (total) is 0.217 m3 / s . The effectiveness value of vertical drainage buildings in reducing rainwater runoff in the 2-year plan return period and silt type soil was obtained at 93%. Keywords : debit, drainase vertikal, efektivitas, limpasan, rainsave, volume Banyaknya limpasan di Kabupaten Bogor menjadikan fungsi drainase sebagai penampung kelebihan air tidak dapat berfungsi secara optimal. Hal tersebut dikarenakan banyak terjadi alih fungsi lahan sehingga area resapan berkurang. Salah satu yang terkena dampak adalah Perumahan Ciriung Cemerlang dan termasuk wilayah kecamatan cibinong yang sebagai pusat pemerintahan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan faktor terjadi genangan, volume saluran yang telah ada, volume limpasan air, debit banjir rencana, volume dan debit yang meresap dan efektif bangunan drainase vertikal. Penelitian dilakukan dengan analisis hidrologi, analisis saluran yang ada, dan analisis bangunan drainase vertikal dengan metode Sunjoto dan SNI 03-24532002. Perhitungan matematis dilakukan untuk menentukan debit banjir rencana, volume dan debit saluran eksisting, serta volume resap, debit resap dan efektivitas bangunan drainase vertikal. Hasil analisis didapatkan debit banjir rencana periode ulang 2 tahun sebesar 0,2324 m3/dtk, debit tertampung (debit masuk dikurangi debit resap) sebesar 0,0271223 m3/dtk untuk 1 titik, dan untuk 8 titik (total) sebesar 0,217 m3/dtk. Nilai efektivitas bangunan drainase vertikal dalam mereduksi limpasan air hujan pada periode ulang rencana 2 tahun dan tanah jenis lanau didapatkan sebesar 93%. Kata kunci : debit, drainase vertikal, efektivitas, limpasan, rainsave, volume
Item Type: | Thesis (S1) |
NIM/NIDN Creators: | 41118110055 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | debit, drainase vertikal, efektivitas, limpasan, rainsave, volume |
Subjects: | 600 Technology/Teknologi > 620 Engineering and Applied Operations/Ilmu Teknik dan operasi Terapan 600 Technology/Teknologi > 620 Engineering and Applied Operations/Ilmu Teknik dan operasi Terapan > 624 Civil Engineering/Teknik Sipil |
Divisions: | Fakultas Teknik > Teknik Sipil |
Depositing User: | ASHAIDAH AZLYA PUTRI |
Date Deposited: | 06 Nov 2023 05:00 |
Last Modified: | 06 Nov 2023 05:00 |
URI: | |
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