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This research was conducted at the insurance brokerage company PT. Talisman Insurance Brokers to research strategy and implementation of Customer Retention Marketing (CRM) which is an activity to grow loyalty to the Brand and provide feedback with increased profitability of income. The implementation of the CRM strategy is due to the large amount of competition so that client resilience is needed. CRM can accommodate client needs so that satisfaction is achieved and in the end creates loyalty and keeps clients using the same brand. This study uses theoretical studies from previous studies on CRM studies and is equipped with theories from marketing communications including business marketing communications, Customer Retention Marketing (CRM), CRM strategies, IDIC Customer Models, client loyalty and B2B marketing. The paradigm used in this research is the constructivist paradigm, with a qualitative approach. The research method used is a case study method with a single holistic case study. Data collection techniques using the method of observation, interviews, and documentation. Then the research results are presented in the form of descriptive writing. The results showed: (1) The application of marketing communications at PT. Talisman Insurance Brokers in the form of identification and analysis of client needs, product design, distribution of products and services to clients, pricing, sales promotion and continuous innovation/modification. (2) CRM activities, Strategy and Program implementation in the form of cross-selling, up-selling, behavior prediction, and customer retention also reveal the occurrence of loyalty to Brands (companies) and B2B clients. (3) CRM strategy, which is a negative strategy, is also accompanied by winback efforts. The implementation of a positive strategy begins with meeting and exceeding client expectations, providing added-value to clients by providing loyalty schemes and sales promotions in the form of no claim discounts, ex-gratia, sales promotions in the form of premium discounts and package policies, fast track claim service. Implementation of Customer Models such as IDI and its processes aimed at increasing and maintaining Brand loyalty to its clients. Keywords: Marketing Communication, Personal Selling, Customer Retention Marketing, Loyalty, Clients, Insurance Brokers. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada perusahaan pialang asuransi PT. Talisman Insurance Brokers untuk meneliti strategi dan implementasi Customer Retention Marketing (CRM) yang kegiatan untuk menumbuhkan loyalitas kepada Brand dan memberikan umpan balik dengan meningkatnya profitabilitas pendapatan. Diterapkannya strategi CRM dikarenakan banyaknya kompetisi sehingga perlunya ketahanan klien. CRM dapat mengakomodir kebutuhan klien sehingga tercapainya kepuasan dan pada akhinya menimbulkan loyalitas dan tetap bertahannya klien menggunakan Brand yang sama. Penelitian ini menggunakan kajian teoritis dari penelitian-penelitian terdahulu terhadap kajian CRM dan dilengkapi dengan teori-teori dari komunikasi pemasaran termasuk komunikasi pemasaran bisnis, Customer Retention Marketing (CRM), Strategi CRM, Model Pelanggan IDIC, loyalitas klien dan pemasaran B2B. Paradigma yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah paradgima konstruktivis, dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode studi kasus dengan studi kasus tunggal holistic. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan metode observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Kemudian hasil penelitian disajikan dalam bentuk tulisan deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1) Penerapan komunikasi pemasaran di PT. Talisman Insurance Brokers yang berupa Identifikasi dan analisis kebutuhan klien, design produk, distribusi produk dan jasa kepada klien, penetapan harga, promosi penjualan serta inovasi /modifikasi berkelanjutan. (2) Kegiatan CRM, Strategi dan Implementasi Program berupa cross-selling, up-selling, behavior prediction, dan customer retention yang dilakukan di perusahan, dan juga menyingkap terjadinya loyalitas kepada Brand (perusahaan) dan klien B2B. (3) Strategi CRM, yakni strategi negative, juga dibarengi dengan upaya winback. Penerapan strategi positif dimulai memenuhi dan melampaui harapan klien, memberikan added-value kepada klien dengan memberikan skema loyalitas dan promosi penjualan berupa No claim discount, ex-gratia, promosi penjualan berupa discount premi dan package policy, fast track claim service. Penerapan Model Pelanggan seperti IDI dan prosesnya yang ditujukan utuk meningkatkan dan mempertahankan loyalitas Brand kepada klien-klienya. Kata Kunci: Komunikasi Pemasaran, Personal Selling, Customer Retention Marketing, Loyalitas, Klien, Pialang Asuransi.
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