FRAMING PEMBERITAAN KASUS MAFIA TANAH (Pemberitaan Kasus Nirina Zubir Di Media Online Dan Periode Juli 2021 - Juli 2022)

ASTUTI, WINDA (2023) FRAMING PEMBERITAAN KASUS MAFIA TANAH (Pemberitaan Kasus Nirina Zubir Di Media Online Dan Periode Juli 2021 - Juli 2022). S2 thesis, Universitas Mercu Buana Jakarta.

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This study aims to find out the news framing carried out by the media through and regarding land mafia cases for the period July 2021 – July 2022. The reason for research in the period July 2021 – July 2022 is where the news about land mafia cases that befell families Nirina Zubir. This research was conducted using the Robert N. Entman framing analysis method with a qualitative approach through its four elements, which include: define problems, diagnose causes, make moral judgments and treatment recommendations framing results regarding the land mafia in the period July 2021 – July 2022. Define Problems. Polda Metro Jaya confiscated the assets of the food business belonging to the suspect in the land mafia case with the victim, the family of acting artist Nirina Zubir. Diagnose Causes. Former Art Nirina Zubir who embezzled two plots of vacant land and four plots of land and buildings. Make Moral Judgments. The police blocked it and then we confiscated the proceeds of crime. Treatment Recommendation. The defendants were charged with violating Articles 263, 264, 266 and 372 of the Criminal Code (KUHP) concerning fraud and falsification of documents (TPPU), then Articles 3, 4 and 5 of Law Number 8 of 2010 concerning TPPU. The results of's framing regarding the land mafia in the period July 2021 – July 2022. Define Problems. Dispute case experienced by actress Nirina Zubir. Diagnose Causes. The certificate was placed in the cupboard of her mother's room, and after being traced it was strongly suspected that the important letter was allegedly stolen by her mother's household assistant. Make Moral Judgments. There are many people who have experienced cases like this, but indeed only a few cases have been published, especially that which happened to Nirina. Treatment Recommendation. Nirina and her family are trying to solve this problem amicably with her former assistant. But unfortunately it did not produce the results as expected. As a result, this case has been reported to Polda Metro Jaya. Currently, several people have been detained including his former assistant. Keywords: Land Mafia Case Nirina Zubir,,, Framig Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pembingkaian berita yang dilakukan oleh media melalui dan mengenai kasus mafia tanah periode Juli 2021 – Juli 2022. Alasan penelitian pada periode Juli 2021 – Juli 2022 ini adalah dimana pemberitaan tentang kasus mafia tanah yang menimpa keluarga Nirina Zubir. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode analisis framing Robert N. Entman dengan pendekatan kualitatif melalui empat elemen yang dimilikinya, yaitu mencakup : define problem, diagnose causes, make moral judgement dan treatment recommendation Hasil pembingkaian mengenai mafia tanah pada periode Juli 2021 – Juli 2022. Define Problems. Polda Metro Jaya menyita aset bisnis makanan milik tersangka kasus mafia tanah keluarga artis peran Nirina Zubir. Diagnose Causes. Mantan Art Nirina Zubir yang melakukan penggelapan dua bidang tanah kosong dan empat bidang tanah beserta bangunan. Make Moral Judgement. Polisi melakukan pemblokiran dan selanjutnya kami melakukan penyitaan terhadap aliran dana hasil kejahatan. Treatment Recommendation. Para terdakwa didakwa melanggar Pasal 263, 264, 266, dan 372 Kitab Undang Undang Hukum Pidana (KUHP) tentang penipuan dan pemalsuan dokumen (TPPU), kemudian Pasal 3, 4 dan 5 UU Nomor 8 Tahun 2010 tentang TPPU. Hasil pembingkaian mengenai mafia tanah pada periode Juli 2021 – Juli 2022. Define Problems. Kasus sengketa yang dialami aktris Nirina Zubir. Diagnose Causes. Diduga kuat surat penting itu diduga dicuri oleh asisten rumah tangga ibunya. Make Moral Judgement. Masyarakat yang mengalami kasus seperti ini banyak, tapi memang yang terpublikasi hanya beberapa kasus,terutama yang menimpa Nirina. Treatment Recommendation. Nirina dan keluarganya berupaya menyelesaikan persoalan ini secara kekeluargaan dengan mantan asistennya itu. Tapi sayangnya tidak membuahkan hasil sesuai harapan. Alhasil, kasus ini telah dilaporkan ke Polda Metro Jaya. Saat ini, beberapa orang sudah ditahan termasuk mantan asistennya. Kata kunci: Kasus Mafia Tanah Nirina Zubir,,, Framing

Item Type: Thesis (S2)
Call Number CD: CD/552. 23 042
NIM/NIDN Creators: 55220110099
Uncontrolled Keywords: Kasus Mafia Tanah Nirina Zubir,,, Framing
Subjects: 100 Philosophy and Psychology/Filsafat dan Psikologi > 150 Psychology/Psikologi > 154 Subconscious and Altered States and Process/Psikologi Bawah Sadar > 154.6 Sleep Phenomena/Fenomena Tidur > 154.63 Dreams/Mimpi > 154.634 Analysis/Analisis
700 Arts/Seni, Seni Rupa, Kesenian > 780 Music/Seni Musik > 780.1-780.9 Standard Subdivisions of Music/Subdivisi Standar Dari Seni Musik > 780.1 Philosophy of Music/Filsafat Seni Musik > 780.14 Language and Communication/Bahasa dan Komunikasi
Divisions: Pascasarjana > Magister Ilmu Komunikasi
Depositing User: CALVIN PRASETYO
Date Deposited: 18 Oct 2023 03:14
Last Modified: 18 Oct 2023 03:15

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