COVER - ADE SURYA WIBOWO-1-13.pdf Download (535kB) | Preview |
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BAB I - ADE SURYA WIBOWO-14-19.pdf Restricted to Registered users only Download (319kB) |
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BAB II - ADE SURYA WIBOWO-20-45.pdf Restricted to Registered users only Download (513kB) |
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BAB III - ADE SURYA WIBOWO-46-54.pdf Restricted to Registered users only Download (402kB) |
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BAB IV - ADE SURYA WIBOWO-55-69.pdf Restricted to Registered users only Download (546kB) |
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BAB V - ADE SURYA WIBOWO-70-72.pdf Restricted to Registered users only Download (210kB) |
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DP - ADE SURYA WIBOWO-73-74.pdf Restricted to Registered users only Download (208kB) |
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LAMPIRAN - ADE SURYA WIBOWO-75-80.pdf Restricted to Registered users only Download (451kB) |
The Covid-19 pandemic that has spread throughout the world has had a significant impact on economic stability, one of which is the construction sector. In implementing a project, very strict control is needed, especially in monitoring all project activities from the start of the project activity until the project is completed. Based on observations of PT.X, it is known that three of the five projects in 2016 to 2019 have experienced delays, so this phenomenon will be the focus of research. With the problems that have been found, it is necessary to analyze the optimization of project duration in an effort to reduce delays in project completion times that occur. One of the project control methods that can be used is the CPM (Critical Parth Method) and EVM (Earned Value Management) method. Various studies on the implementation of CPM and EVM have been carried out in various fields and have provided significant improvement results. The application material used is data from the PT.X project in Alam Sutera which is running from July 2019 to June 2020. Using the CPM method, it is obtained that the critical path lies in activities B, G, H, J and K. With the total duration of development work building by PT.X in Tanggerang for 95 weeks. By using the EVM (Earned Value Management) method, the following conclusions are obtained: The results of performance measurement using EVM state that the actual cost (ACWP) is lower than the budget for each period. In the calculation in the 48th week with a CPI value = 0.91 <1, while in terms of the project implementation schedule aspect, there is a delay as shown by the performance index indicator with a value of SPI = 0.592 <1. If the project implementation performance remains the same until the project is completed, estimated to require a fee (EAC) of Rp. 53,353,520,000. While the contract value is Rp. 48,503,200,000. The ETC value is Rp. 32,095,343,491, this shows that the costs for the remaining work. The difference between planned and realized weights is 27.47%. Keywords : CPM Method, EVM Method, Increased Efficiency Pandemi Covid-19 yang merebak di seluruh penjuru dunia memberikan dampak yang signifikan terhadap stabilitas ekonomi, salah satunya sektor kontruksi. Dalam pelaksanaan suatu proyek dibutuhkan pengendalian yang sangat ketat terutama dalam memonitoring semua kegiatan proyek dari awal kegiatan proyek tersebut hingga sampai proyek itu selesai dikerjakan. Berdasarkan pengamatan terhadap PT.X diketahui tiga dari lima proyek di tahun 2016 sampai dengan tahun 2019 telah mengalami keterlambatan, sehingga fenomena ini akan menjadi fokus penelitian. Dengan permasalahan yang telah ditemukan maka diperlukan adanya analisa optimalisasi durasi proyek dalam upaya mengurangi keterlambatan waktu penyelesaian proyek yang terjadi. Salah satu metode pengendalian proyek yang dapat digunakan adalah metode CPM (Critical Parth Methode) dan EVM (Earned Value Management). Berbagai penelitian implementasi CPM dan EVM sudah dilakukan di berbagai bidang dan telah memberikan hasil perbaikan yang signifikan. Bahan aplikasi yang digunakan adalah data proyek PT.X di Alam Sutera yang sedang berjalan dari bulan Juli 2019 sampai dengan Juni 2020. Dengan menggunakan metode CPM diperoleh jalur kritis terletak pada kegiatan B, G, H, J dan K. Dengan total durasi pekerjaan pembangunan gedung oleh PT.X di Tanggerang selama 95 minggu. Dengan menggunakan metode EVM (Earned Value Management) diperoleh beberapa kesimpulan sebagai berikut: Hasil pengukuran kinerja dengan EVM menyebutkan bahwa biaya aktual (ACWP) lebih rendah dibandingkan anggaran setiap periodenya. Pada perhitungan di minggu ke-48 dengan nilai CPI=0,91 <1 sedangkan dari segi aspek jadwal pelaksanaan proyek mengalami keterlambatan yang ditunjukan oleh indikator indeks kinerja dengan nilai SPI = 0,592 < 1. Jika kinerja pelaksana proyek tetap sama hingga proyek selesai, maka diperkirakan membutuhkan biaya (EAC) sebesar Rp. 53.353.520.000. Sedangkan nilai kontrak Rp. 48.503.200.000. Nilai ETC sebesar Rp. 32.095.343.491, hal ini menunjukan bahwa biaya untuk pekerjaan yang tersisa. Selisih antara bobot rencana dan realisasi sebesar 27.47%. Kata Kunci: Metode CPM, Metode EVM, Peningkatan Efisiensi
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