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In this internet era, people can freely express their opinions or opinions, both through oral print media. Many internet users cannot distinguish original or fake (fake) news names. Fake hoaxes or news are the effects of very rapid information development over the past few years. The development of information technology has led to the emergence of new public spaces called social media. This new public space is different from real public space because people no longer need to interact face to face. The emergence of new public spaces has positive and negative impacts. The positive impact is that social media can be used to build connections and spread the right ideas. The negative impact is the spread of uncontrolled Hoax that has the potential to trigger disruption to the social order. DailySocial tries to explore the characteristics of hoax distribution from the perspective of platform use. In collaboration with the Central Jakarta Cellular Survey Platform, we asked 2032 smart phone users across Indonesia about the distribution of hoaxes and what they did when they received a hoax. Online Social Media has become a means of distributing HOAX, so many people have been affected by HOAX, so finally the Anti-Hoax Task Force was formed by the government. But to address government HOAXs are not strong enough to work alone, communities and various parties must participate to help fight HOAX Key words: hoax, information technology, internet, social media Di era internet ini, masyarakat secara bebas bisa menyampaikan pendapat atau opininya, baik melalui lisan media cetak.Banyak pengguna internet tidak bisa membedakan nama berita asli atau palsu (hoax). Hoax atau berita palsu merupakan dampak dari perkembangan informasi yang sangat pesat selama beberapa tahun terakhir. Perkembangan teknologi informasi menyebabkan munculnya ruang publik baru yang disebut media sosial. Ruang publik baru ini berbeda dengan ruang public nyata karena orang tak lagi perlu berinteraksi secara tatap muka. Munculnya ruang publik baru memberi dampak positif maupun negatif. Dampak positifnya, media sosial dapat dimanfaatkan untuk membangun koneksi dan menyebarkan gagasan-gagasan yang benar. Dampak negatifnya, penyebaran Hoax yang tidak terkendali yang berpotensi memicu gangguan terhadap keteraturan social. DailySocial mencoba mendalami karakteristik persebaran hoax dari sudut pandang penggunaan platform. Bekerja sama dengan Jakpat Mobile Survey Platform, kami menanyakan kepada 2032 pengguna smartphone di berbagai penjuru Indonesia tentang sebaran hoax dan apa yang mereka lakukan saat menerima hoax. Media Sosial online menjadi sarana penyebaran HOAX, begitu banyak masyarakat yang terpengaruh HOAX, sehingga akhirnya dibentuklah Satgas Anti Hoax oleh pemerintah. Namun untuk menanggulangi HOAX pemerintah tidak cukup kuat untuk bekerja sendiri, masyarakat dan berbagai pihak harus ikut serta membantu melawan HOAX Kata kunci: hoax, internet, teknologi informasi, media sosial
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