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In this research, modified SS316 and 9Cr-1Nb steel will be developed. The aim is to analyze the effect of mechanical properties on the results of the hardness test, impact test, bending test and microstructure. The choice of Nb elements over Mo, because Nb elements have a neutron microscopic cross-section (1.15 barns), while Mo elements have a neutron microscopic cross-section of 2.6 barns. Thus the microscopic crosssection of Nb neutron elements is approximately 50% smaller, compared to Mo elements. Elements Mo and Nb are in the same periodic period, so the mechanical properties and so on are not much different. But the physical properties of the element Nb are better than Mo. Because the microscopic cross-section of Nb is smaller than elemental Mo. Material samples of 90% SS316 + 9% Cr + 1% Nb were then melted by electric arc melting. After melting the samples were tempered: 1000C, 2000C, 3000C, 4000C and 5000C for 60 minutes. After that the samples were tested, namely the hardness test, impact test, bending test and the microstructure of the sample material. The results of the hardness test, impact test, bending test and microstructure will be analyzed. The results of the sample hardness test with the highest hardness were samples that were not tempered, namely 20.66 HRc. While the sample that has the lowest hardness is the sample tempered at 5000 C with a hardness of 16.33 HRc. For the results of the impact test it is known that the sample that has the highest impact energy is the sample that has been tempered at a temperature of 1000 C which is equal to 0.9996 Joule/mm2 , while the sample which has the lowest impact energy is the sample which has been tempered at a temperature of 5000 C which is equal to 0 .9962 Joules/mm2 . The results of the microstructural test showed that ferrite, pearlite and martensite were still present in the test object. The highest bending test result in sample 6 with 5000C tempering has a maximum load-bearing strength of 1200 Newton so that the bending strength is 9000 kgf/cm2 and the lowest result is in sample 1 without tempering having a maximum load-bearing strength of 700 Newton, so the bending strength is 5250 kgf/ cm2 . Keywords: Cr-SS316-Nb, Mechanical Properties, Impact Test, Bending Test, Microstructure. Dalam penelitian ini akan mengembangkan Baja SS316 dan Baja 9Cr-1Nb yang dimodifikasi. Tujuannya untuk menganalisis pengaruh sifat mekanik terhadap hasil uji kekerasan, uji impact, uji bending dan struktur mikro. Pemilihan elemen Nb daripada Mo, karena elemen Nb memiliki penampang mikroskopis neutron (1,15 barn), sedangkan elemen Mo memiliki penampang mikroskopis neutron 2,6 barn. Jadi penampang mikroskopis unsur-unsur neutron Nb kira-kira 50% lebih kecil, dibandingkan dengan unsur-unsur Mo. Unsur Mo dan Nb berada dalam satu periode periodik, sehingga sifat mekanik dan sebagainya tidak jauh berbeda. Namun sifat fisika unsur Nb lebih baik daripada Mo. Karena penampang mikroskopis Nb lebih kecil dari unsur Mo. Sampel material 90% SS316 + 9%Cr +1% Nb selanjutnya dilebur dengan peleburan busur listrik. Setelah mencair sampel ditempering : 1000C, 2000 C, 3000 C, 4000 C dan 5000 C selama 60 menit. Setelah itu sampel diuji yaitu uji kekerasan, uji impak, uji bending dan struktur mikro dari sampel material tersebut. Hasil uji kekerasan, uji impak, uji bending dan struktur mikro akan dianalisis. Hasil pengujian kekerasan sampel dengan kekerasan tertinggi adalah sampel yang tidak ditempering yaitu 20,66 HRc. Sedangkan sampel yang memiliki kekerasan paling rendah adalah sampel yang ditempering pada suhu 5000 C dengan kekerasan 16,33 HRc. Untuk hasil uji impact diketahui bahwa sampel yang memiliki energi impak paling tinggi adalah sampel yang ditempering pada suhu 1000 C yaitu sebesar 0,9996 Joule/mm2 ,sedangkan sampel yang memiliki energi impak paling rendah adalah sampel yang telah ditempering pada suhu 5000 C yaitu sebesar 0,9962 Joule/mm2 . Hasil uji mikrostruktur menunjukan kandungan ferrit, pearlit dan martensit masih terdapat pada benda uji. Hasil uji bending tertinggi pada sampel 6 dengan tempering 5000C memiliki kekuatan menahan beban maksimum sebesar 1200 Newton sehingga kekuatan tekuknya sebesar 9000 kgf/cm2 dan hasil terendahnya pada sampel 1 tanpa tempering memiliki kekuatan menahan beban maksimum sebesar 700 Newton, sehingga kekuatan tekuknya sebesar 5250 kgf/cm2 . Kata kunci: Cr-SS316-Nb, Sifat Mekanik, Uji Impak, Uji Bending, Struktur Mikro.
Item Type: | Thesis (S1) |
Call Number CD: | CD/558. 22 006 |
NIM/NIDN Creators: | 55820010006 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Cr-SS316-Nb, Sifat Mekanik, Uji Impak, Uji Bending, Struktur Mikro. |
Subjects: | 600 Technology/Teknologi > 620 Engineering and Applied Operations/Ilmu Teknik dan operasi Terapan 600 Technology/Teknologi > 620 Engineering and Applied Operations/Ilmu Teknik dan operasi Terapan > 621 Applied Physics/Fisika terapan 600 Technology/Teknologi > 620 Engineering and Applied Operations/Ilmu Teknik dan operasi Terapan > 621 Applied Physics/Fisika terapan > 621.8 Machine Engineering, Machinery/Teknik Mesin |
Divisions: | Pascasarjana > Magister Teknik Mesin |
Date Deposited: | 04 Apr 2023 06:35 |
Last Modified: | 04 Apr 2023 06:35 |
URI: | http://repository.mercubuana.ac.id/id/eprint/76047 |
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