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Based on research in Maluku, there are 70 local online media outlets until 2022. The data from the Press Council are 43 thousand online media in Indonesia. But there are no special characteristics that can distinguish one medium from another. The purpose of this study is to analyze the typology of local online media in Maluku based on content and business models in the online media industry on two local online media, and The purpose of this study is to determine the typology of local media with the characteristics of these two media by analyzing the typology of the business models of these two media. Analyzing the online media management that is applied at and and identifying the application of multimedia convergence in these two local online media. This reseach refers to the theory of Rey G. Rosales about The Element of Online Journalism, which states that online journalism has both basic and advanced multimedia elements, basic elements include the title (headline), content (text), photo (picture) graphic, illustration or logo. and in advance have video. Picard and Albaran regarding the online media industry, the market structure of the media industry can be divided into content markets that are consumed by readers/audiences and geographic markets which in turn become access to advertising. For media business management in the book Managing Media and Digital Organizations (2018), Eli M. Noam describes the scope of media management which includes content creation, distribution platforms and technology devices. From a convergence perspective, Jenkins (2006) states that convergence is a "flow of content" across various media platforms, cooperation between many media industries, and migration behavior of media audiences. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method and the approach is literary and multicase study. The method used in accumulating the required data is by observation, interviews and literature study. This descriptive research is to describe the object of research in a narrative manner with a constructivist paradigm. The results of research on local online media, it is divided into two categories to determine the typology of and, typology based on content which is further divided based on news value (proximity or proximity, conflict and culture). Coverage area which is information obtained from certain region. Reach of readers. Typology based on the online media business model which is a business model based on digital marketing and conventional marketing. Conventional Marketing: direct sales, news advertorials, and Digital Marketing: Programmatic sales, On Air Events, Community Engagement, Infomediary, Subscription, Advertising. The conclusion from this research is that typology of local online media is divided based on news value, coverage area and reach or term in the business model, digital marketing is inadequate and optimal because it is still assisted by direct sales and the implementation of full convergence media and forms of collaboration and the application of business management in the form of multitasking jobs. and proportional desk jobs. Recommendations that can be submitted to institutions and users can understand the agenda setting and background of media typology as an information tool. Keywords: local online media typology, new media, news value, reach, coverage, media business model, digital marketing. Berdasarkan riset di Maluku terdata 70-an media online lokal hingga tahun 2022. Data Dewan Pers 43 ribu media online di Indonesia. Namun tidak ada karakteritik khusus yang bisa membedakan media satu dengan lainnya. Maksud penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisa tipologi media online lokal di Maluku berdasarkan konten dan model bisnis dalam industri media online pada dua media online lokal dan Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tipologi media lokal dengan karakteritik kedua media ini dengan menganalisis tipologi model bisnis kedua media ini. Menganalisis manajemen media online yang terapkan di dan dan mengidentifikasi penerapan konvergensi multimedia pada kedua media online lokal ini. Penelitian ini mengacu pada teori yang digunakan Rey G. Rosales tentang The Element of Online Journalism menyebutkan jurnalistik online memiliki elemen multimedia baik basic atau advance, elemen dasar meliputi judul (headline), isi (text), foto (picture) grafis, ilustrasi atau logo dan secara advance memiliki video. Picard dan Albaran tentang industri media online yakni struktur pasar industri media dapat dibedakan menjadi pasar konten yang dikonsumsi pembaca/audien dan pasar geografik yang selanjutnya menjadi akses iklan. Untuk tata Kelola manajemen bisnis media buku Managing Media and Digital Organizations (2018), Eli M. Noam menjabarkan ruang lingkup manajemen media yang mencakup pembuatan konten, platform distribusi dan perangkat teknologi. Dari sisi konvergensi Jenkins (2006) menyebutkan konvergensi merupakan “aliran konten” di berbagai platform media, kerja sama antara banyak media industri, dan perilaku migrasi khalayak media. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dan pendekatannya adalah literer dan Multicase study. Metode yang dipakai dalam mengakumulasikan data yang dibutuhkan yaitu dengan observasi, wawancara dan studi pustaka. Penelitian deskriptif ini untuk mendiskripsikan objek penelitian secara naratif dengan paradigma konstruktivis. Dari hasil penelitian media online lokal dibagi dua kategori untuk menentukan tipologi dan yakni : tipologi berdasarkan konten atau isi yang terbagi lagi berdasarkan news value (proximity conflict dan culture,) coverage area yang merupakan informasi yang diperoleh dari wilayah tertentu. Reach atau jangkauan pembaca. Tipologi berdasarkan Model Bisnis media online yang merupakan bentuk atau model bisnis berdasarkan digital marketing maupun marketing konvensional yakni : Konvensional Marketing : direct sales, news advertorial, dan Digital Marketing : Programatic sales, On Air Event, community engagement, Infomediary, subscription, advertising. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini tipologi media online lokal dibagi berdasarkan news value, coverage area dan reach atau jangkauan dalam model bisnis, digital marketing belum memadai dan maksimal karena masih dibantu direct sales an penerapan konvergensi media full convergence dan bentuk kolaborasi serta penerapan manajemen bisnis berupa multasking job dan proporsional desk job. Rekomendasi yang dapat disampaikan kepada institusi dan pengguna dapat memahami agenda setting dan latar berlakang tipologi media sebagai alat informasi. Kata kunci : tipologi media online lokal, new media, newsvalue, reach, coverage, model bisnis media, digital marketing.
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