41118310074 - Satria Ade Wicaksono - 01 Cover.pdf Download (399kB) | Preview |
41118310074 - Satria Ade Wicaksono - 02 Abstrak.pdf Download (169kB) | Preview |
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ABSTRAK Judul : Implementasi BIM pada Proses Quantity Take-Off Pekerjaan Struktur Elevated Road Transyogi STA 27+070-STA 28+812 Proyek Jalan Tol Cimanggis-Cibitung Seksi 2, Nama : Satria Ade Wicaksono, NIM : 41118310074, Dosen Pembimbing : Ir. Hamonangan Girsang, S.T., M.T., IPU., ACPE., 2022 Building Information Modeling (BIM) merupakan salah satu teknologi di bidang konstruksi yang dapat meningkatkan efisiensi waktu, biaya, dan keakuratan. Salah satu proses yang berpotensi timbulnya ketidakakuratan dan membutuhkan banyak waktu adalah proses perhitungan quantity take-off yang dilakukan secara konvensional. Maka dari itu implementasi BIM di Proyek Jalan Tol Cimanggis-Cibitung Seksi 2 diharapkan bisa meminimalisir hal tersebut. Objek yang akan diteliti untuk mengetahui perbandingan antara hasil perhitungan quantity take-off metode konvensional dan metode BIM adalah pada pekerjaan struktur Elevated Transyogi STA 27+070 sampai dengan STA 28+812. Data-data yang digunakan dikumpulkan dari proyek tempat penelitian. Untuk metode BIM, pengolahan data akan dilakukan menggunakan Autodesk Revit. Sedangkan untuk metode konvensional data diolah menggunakan Microsof Excel dengan bantuan AutoCAD. Selain itu dilakukan wawancara terhadap praktisi pada pihak kontraktor untuk mengetahui kendala dalam melakukan quantity take-off menggunakan BIM. Berdasarkan hasil implementasi BIM pada proses quantity take-off pada pekerjaan struktur Elevated Road Transyogi, didapat adanya selisih pada perhitungan volume antara quantity take-off menggunakan BIM dan quantity take-off metode konvensional. BIM menghasilkan volume yang cenderung lebih sedikit nilainya untuk pekerjaan besi dan pekerjaan beton pada struktur yang memiliki bentuk sederhana. Namun untuk pekerjaan beton pada struktur yang memiliki bentuk rumit dan bentuknya dipengaruhi oleh trase, alinyemen horizontal dan alinyemen vertikal menghasilkan volume yang lebih besar dibanding quantity take-off metode konvensional yang dihitung secara rata-rata (average end area) pada dimensi yang variatif. Kendala yang ditemukan pada implementasi quantity take-off antara lain, Kemampuan dari pengguna BIM terutama saat melakukan pemodelan pada struktur yang memiliki bentuk yang rumit akan menyulitkan apabila pemodel belum terbiasa atau kurang teliti dalam penggunaan software BIM, kesalahan dalam menginput data terkait informasi item pekerjaan berupa WBS ID dan Material ID, dibutuhkan kualifikasi pengguna yang tinggi, yaitu perlu berpengalaman dalam bidang konstruksi dan dapat mengoperasikan software BIM, diperlukan biaya investasi yang cukup mahal. Kata Kunci : Building Information Modeling, quantity take-off, Struktur ABSTRACT Title : Implementasi BIM pada Proses Quantity Take-Off Pekerjaan Struktur Elevated Road Transyogi STA 27+070-STA 28+812 Proyek Jalan Tol Cimanggis-Cibitung Seksi 2, Name : Satria Ade Wicaksono, NIM : 41118310074, Supervisor : Ir. Hamonangan Girsang, S.T., M.T., IPU., ACPE., 2022 Building Information Modeling (BIM) is one of the technologies in the construction sector which can improve time efficiency, cost, and accuracy. One process which has the potential to cause inaccuracies and requires a lot of time is the conventional quantity take-off calculation process. Therefore, the implementation of BIM in the CimanggisCibitung Toll Road Section 2 is expected to minimize this case. The object which would be studied to determine the comparison between the results of conventional method and the BIM quantity take-off is the work on the Elevated Transyogi structure STA 27+070 to STA 28+812. Moreover, the data used were collected from the research project. For the BIM method, data processing would be conducted using Autodesk Revit. Meanwhile, for the conventional method, the data was processed by using Microsoft Excel with the help of AutoCAD. In addition, interviews were conducted with practitioners on the contractor side in order to find out the obstacles in conducting quantity take-off using BIM. Based on the results of the implementation of BIM on the quantity take-off process on the Elevated Road Transyogi structure, it is found that there is a difference in the volume calculation between the quantity take-off using BIM and the conventional quantity takeoff method. Furthermore, BIM produces volumes which tend to be of less value for iron work and concrete work on structures which have simple shapes; such as, bored piles, pile caps, columns, and diaphragms. However, for concrete work on structures which have complex shapes and their shape is influenced by horizontal alignment and vertical alignments; such as, pierheads and deck slabs produce a larger volume than the quantity take-off of the conventional method which is calculated by average end area on various dimensions. The obstacles found in the implementation of quantity take-off include the ability of BIM users; especially, when modeling structures which have complex shapes, it will be difficult if the modeler is not familiar with or if he is less careful in using BIM software, errors in inputting data related to work item information in the form of WBS ID and Material ID, requires high user qualifications which need to be experienced in the construction field and can operate BIM software, requires a quite expensive investment cost. Keywords : Building Information Modeling, quantity take-off, Structure
Item Type: | Thesis (S1) |
Call Number CD: | FT/SIP 22 049 |
NIM/NIDN Creators: | 41118310074 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Kata Kunci : Building Information Modeling, quantity take-off, Struktur |
Subjects: | 600 Technology/Teknologi > 620 Engineering and Applied Operations/Ilmu Teknik dan operasi Terapan > 624 Civil Engineering/Teknik Sipil |
Divisions: | Fakultas Teknik > Teknik Sipil |
Depositing User: | siti maisyaroh |
Date Deposited: | 28 Dec 2022 06:49 |
Last Modified: | 28 Dec 2022 06:49 |
URI: | http://repository.mercubuana.ac.id/id/eprint/72911 |
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