IMNA, ROVINESA (2015) TRANSFORMASI KONSEP DIRI (Studi Komunikasi Antarpribadi Resident Rumah Cemara Bandung). S2 thesis, Universitas Mercu Buana Jakarta-Menteng.
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In general, people living with HIV (ODHA) can not communicate well with people in the environment, such as family, friends, and neighbors. The concept of self tend to be negative as has been the mind set of some people who tested positive for HIV and thus potentially inhibit their communication process with the people in their environment. The purpose of this study was to understand the experience of people living with HIV in conducting interpersonal communication with family and friends of fellow sufferers. This research was supported by the theory of self-disclosure and communication models Johari Window in which the disclosure of information on the area covered (hidden self) will lead to personal and social rejection. The information in the context of this study are HIV status. The research methodology was qualitative descriptive. Researchers try to determine the depth of experience of HIV patients in interacting with family, friends, and neighbors. Data obtained through participatory observation techniques, the authors participated directly in terms of the approach to resident YayasanRumahCemara newly infected with HIV / AIDS and in-depth interviews. Once the data is collected, and described in textural and structural interpretation then analyzed and performed. HIV status is the cause of the emergence of resistance in the form of interacting shame, fear of unpleasant treatment from others on themselves with HIV, and the exclusion of people living with HIV in the neighborhood. People living with HIV will be looking for people who are considered willing to accept the situation as people living with HIV and can lead to comfort when communicating. They are family and friends among people with HIV. Research results showed interpersonal communication greatly affects a person's self concept. It is seen from several factors, namely, significant others, groups of reference, cultural values, and social comparison. Positive communication of PLWHA environment will make people living with HIV into a positive self-concept as well. Key Words :interpersonal communication, self-concept, Self Disclosure, Significant Others Padaumumnya, penderita HIV (ODHA) tidakbisaberkomunikasisecaralancardengan orang-orang di lingkungannyasepertikeluarga, teman, dantetangga. Konsepdiri yang cenderungnegatifseolahtelahmenjadimind setbeberapa orang yang dinyatakanpositifterinfeksi HIV sehinggaberpotensimenghambat proses komunikasimerekadengan orang-orang di lingkungannya. Tujuanpenelitianiniadalahuntukmemahamipengalamanpenderita HIV dalammelakukankomunikasiantarpribadidengankeluargadansahabatsesamapenderita. Penelitianinididukungolehteoriself disclosuredanmodel komunikasiJohari Window dimanaterungkapnyainformasipadadaerahtertutup (hidden self) akanmenimbulkanpenolakanpribadidansosial. Informasidalamkontekspenelitianiniadalah status HIV. Metodepenelitian yang digunakanadalahkualitatifdeskriptif. Penelitimencobamengetahuisecaramendalampengalamanpenderita HIV dalamberinteraksidengankeluarga, teman, dantetangga. Data diperolehmelaluiteknikobservasipartisipatoris, yaitupenulisikutlangsungdalamhalpendekatankepadaresidentYayasanRumahCemara yang baruterinfeksi virus HIV/AIDS danwawancaramendalam. Setelah data dikumpulkan, laludideskripsikansecarateksturaldanstrukturalkemudiandianalisissertadilakukaninterpretasi.Statu s HIV merupakanpenyebabmunculnyahambatandalamberinteraksiberupaperasaanmalu, kekhawatiranakanperlakuantidakmenyenangkandari orang lain padadiripenderita HIV, danpengucilandari orang di lingkungan ODHA. Penderita HIV akanmencari orang yang dianggapbersediamenerimakeadaannyasebagai ODHA danbisamenimbulkankenyamanansaatberkomunikasi. Merekaadalahkeluargadansahabatsesamapenderita HIV.HasilPenelitianmenunjukankomunikasiantarpribadisangatmempengaruhikonsepdiriseseoran g. Hal inidilihatdaribeberapafaktoryaitu, significant others, kelompokrujukan, nilai- nilaibudaya, danperbandingansosial. Komunikasi yang positifdarilingkungan ODHA akanmembuatkonsepdiri ODHA menjadipositifjuga. Kata Kunci :KomunikasiAntarpribadi, KonsepDiri, Self Disclosure, Significant Others
Item Type: | Thesis (S2) |
Call Number CD: | CDT-552-15-061 |
NIM/NIDN Creators: | 55213110017 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | KomunikasiAntarpribadi, KonsepDiri, Self Disclosure, Significant Others, CORCOM, korporate komunikasi dan komunikasi pemasaran |
Subjects: | 300 Social Science/Ilmu-ilmu Sosial > 300. Social Science/Ilmu-ilmu Sosial > 302 Social Interaction, Interpersonal Relations/Interaksi Sosial, Hubungan Antarpersonal > 302.2 Communication/Komunikasi |
Divisions: | Pascasarjana > Magister Ilmu Komunikasi |
Depositing User: | MELATI CAHYA FITRIANI |
Date Deposited: | 15 Jun 2022 07:02 |
Last Modified: | 23 Jun 2022 07:25 |
URI: | |
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