RONI, ADE (2018) PROYEK GEDUNG PUSAT SENI DAN BUDAYA JAWA BARAT “West Java Art and Cultural Centre (WJACC)”. S1 thesis, Universitas Mercu Buana.
1. Cover.pdf Download (202kB) | Preview |
2. Abstrak.pdf Download (279kB) | Preview |
3. Lembar Pernyataan.pdf Download (115kB) | Preview |
4. Lembar Pengesahan.pdf Download (282kB) | Preview |
5. Kata Pengantar.pdf Download (115kB) | Preview |
6. Daftar Isi.pdf Download (202kB) | Preview |
7. Daftar Tabel.pdf Download (117kB) | Preview |
8. Daftar Gambar.pdf Download (123kB) | Preview |
9. Daftar Lampiran.pdf Download (114kB) | Preview |
Text (BAB I)
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Text (BAB IV)
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Text (BAB V)
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15. Daftar Pustaka.pdf Restricted to Registered users only Download (149kB) |
16. Lampiran.pdf Restricted to Registered users only Download (1MB) |
An important foundation for the development of a cultural center in western Java, ideas can be drawn / local concepts underlying its design, a deeper aspect of philosophical aspects such as space, mass, form. In addition, the building must also reflect its era as a form of dialogue between the traditional and the modern. Formation Building mass refers to the site loation and local wisdom where the site is positioned right in the middle of West Java Province. The building period is inspired from the shape of the mountain and Totopong (headband of West Java), Totopong means bonding. In the 2nd line of the highest mountain of west java and the highest mountain in the bandung dikat area so that the shape of the building is formed from the bonds of the 3 highest mountains in west java and the site building area is bandung. The formation of building masses will illustrate the spirit of the era that is futuristic and innovative form based on the motto of West Java is "GEMAH RIPAH REPEH RAPIH" which means fertile prosperity, harmony, and peace. In realizing a good idea must be supported with the aspect of sustainability. Three important aspects of sustainable issues are economic, social, and environmental (ecological). Economic and social aspects can stand on their own because it must be synergized with the environmental aspect, which presents a design that builds awareness of the environment (ecology). Keywords: Art Building, West Java Arts, Green Building Landasan penting bagi pengembangan pusat kebudayaan di jawa barat, dapat diambil gagasan/konsep-konsep lokal mendasari desainnya, aspek yang lebih mendalam menyangkut aspek filosofi seperti dalam ruang, massa, bentuk. Selain itu bangunan juga harus mencerminkan jamannya sebagai wujud dialog antara yang tradisional dan modern. Pembentukan Massa bangunan mengacu pada loasi site dan kearifan lokal dimana posisi site tepat berada di tengah Provinsi Jawa Barat. Masa bangunan terinsirasi dari bentuk gunung dan Totopong (ikat kepala Jawa Barat), Totopong mempunyai arti ikatan. Dalam ha lini 2 gunung tertinggi jawa barat dan satu gunung tertinggi di wilayah bandung d ikat sehingga bentuk masa bangunan terbentuk dari ikatan 3 gunung tertinggi di jawa barat dan wilayah site bangunan berada yaitu bandung. Pembentukan massa bangunan akan menggambarkan semangat jamannya yaitu bentuk futuristik dan inovatif dengan didasari Motto Jawa Barat yaitu “GEMAH RIPAH REPEH RAPIH” yang artinya subur makmur, rukun, dan damai. Dalam mewujudkan gagasan yang baik harus didukung dengan aspek berkelanjutan. Tiga aspek penting dalam isu berkelanjutan adalah ekonomi, sosial, dan lingkungan (ekologi). Aspek ekonomi dan sosial dapat berdiri sendiri karena harus disinergikan dengan aspek lingkungan, yakni menghadirkan desain yang membangun kesadaran terhadap lingkungan (ekologi). Kata Kunci : Gedung kesenian, Kesenian Jawa Barat, Bangunan Hijau.
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