ROSANTHI, EXA SEPTI (2021) PENGARUH CELEBRITY ENDORSER TUKUL ARWANA TERHADAP MINAT BELI PRODUK MELALUI APLIKASI SHOPEE (Survey Pada Iklan Shopee Versi 11.11 Big Sale di Tiktok). S1 thesis, Universitas Mercu Buana Jakarta-Menteng.
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Penelitian ini difokuskan pada followers akun TikTok @Shopee_id. Pemilihan objek penelitian ini melalui pertimbangan peneliti berkaitan dengan target market Shopee adalah generasi Millenials (Dikutip dari : big-sale/). Pertimbangan lain dari pemilihan objek penelitian followers akun TikTok @Shopee_id karena audiens berpotensi untuk mendapatkan informasi mengenai iklan Shopee 11.11 Big Sale di akun media sosial Shopee, karena TikTok adalah salah satu media untuk iklan tersebut sehingga karakteristik utama yaitu, khalayak aktif dalam penggunaan media sosial TikTok serta telah menonton iklan shopee yang dibintangi Tukul Arwana, dengan rentang umur audience TikTok 22- 37 tahun di akun media sosial TikTok Shopee_id. Dalam penelitian ini membahas tentang atribut Celebrity endorser menurut Terence A. Shimp yaitu Attractiveness, Expertise, Trustworthiness. Dan konsep minat beli dengan teori AIDA dari Philip Kotler yaitu Attention, Interest dan Desire, serta Action namun dalam hal ini tahapan action tidak digunakan, karena penelitian ini hanya sampai pembahasan minat beli saja. Menurut Kinnear dan Taylor (1995) minat beli bagian dari komponen perilaku konsumen dalam mengkonsumsi, kecenderungan responden untuk bertindak sebelum keputusan membeli benar- benar dilaksanakan. Penelitian menggunakan instrument penelitian berupa kuisioner yang disebarkan kepada 114 responden yang sudah pernah melihat iklan Shopee 11.11 Big Sale di TikTok. Dengan Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan stratified random sampling. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian lapangan, sumber data penelitian ini hanya dari data primer. Metode Analisis menggunakan regresi linier sederhana dan uji hipotesisi ( uji t dan Uji F), pengolahan data menggunakan SPSS 26 for MAC. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, maka penulis menarik kesimpulan sebagai berikut: 1.) Hasil dari pelitian ini didaptakan model regresi linier sederhana Y = 4,648 + 0.791 X dan dari pengujian variabel celebrity endorser (attractiveness, trustworthiness, expertise) secara bersama-sama berpengaruh terhadap minat beli produk melalui aplikasi Shopee. 2.) Hal ini diketahui dari hasil uji signifikansi menunjukan t hitung (4,073) > t tabel (1,658), maka disimpulkan ada pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan antara pengaruh Celebrity Endorser Tukul Arwana terhadap minat beli produk melalui aplikasi. 3.) Dari hasil uji Fhitung sebesar 58,248 > Fta- bel 2,969 berarti secara Bersama sama berpengaruh positif antara variabel terikat dan variabel bebas. 4.) Dari koefisien determinasi diketahui bahwa 61,4% variabel celebrity endorser (attractiveness, expertise, trustworthiness) mempengaruhi minat beli produk melalui aplikasi Shopee, sedangkan sisanya 38,6% dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain. Kata Kunci: Celebrity Endorser, Minat Beli, Aplikasi. This research is focused on followers of the TikTok account @Shopee_id. The selection of the object of this research through the consideration of researchers related to Shopee's target market is the Millennials generation (Quoted from: - sales/). Another consideration for selecting the object of research for followers of the TikTok @Shopee_id account is because the audience has the potential to get information about the Shopee 11.11 Big Sale advertisement on Shopee social media accounts, because TikTok is one of the media for the advertisement so that the main characteristic is, the audience is active in using TikTok social media. and have watched a shopee advertisement starring Tukul Arwana, with a TikTok audience age range of 22-37 years on the TikTok Shopee_id social media account. This study discusses the attributes of Celebrity endorsers according to Terence A. Shimp, namely Attractiveness, Expertise, Trustworthiness. And the concept of buying interest with the AIDA theory from Philip Kotler, namely Attention, Interest and Desire, and Action, but in this case the action stage is not used, because this research only discusses purchase intention. According to Kinnear and Taylor (1995) purchase intention is part of the component of consumer behavior in consuming, the tendency of respondents to act before buying decisions are actually implemented. The study used a research instrument in the form of a questionnaire distributed to 114 respondents who had seen the Shopee 11.11 Big Sale advertisement on TikTok. With the sampling technique using stratified random sampling. This type of research is field research, the data source of this research is only primary data. Methods of analysis using simple linear regression and hypothesis testing (t test and F test), data processing using SPSS 26 for MAC.Based on the results of this study, the authors draw the following conclusions: 1.) The results of this study obtained a simple linear regression model Y = 4.648 + 0.791 X and from testing the celebrity endorser variables (attractiveness, trustworthiness, expertise) jointly affect interest buy products through the Shopee application. 2.) It is known from the results of the significance test that t count (4.073) > t table (1.658), it is concluded that there is a positive and significant influence between the influence of Celebrity Endorser Tukul Arwana on product purchase intention through the application. 3.) From the results of the Fcount test of 58.248 > Ftable 2.969, it means that together there is a positive effect between the dependent variables and the independent variables. 4.) From the coefficient of determination, it is known that 61.4% of celebrity endorser variables (attractiveness, expertise, trustworthiness) affect the interest in buying products through the Shopee application, while the remaining 38.6% is influenced by other factors. Keywords: Celebrity Endorser, Buying Interest, Application
Item Type: | Thesis (S1) |
NIM/NIDN Creators: | 44317110057 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Celebrity Endorser, Buying Interest, Application |
Subjects: | 000 Computer Science, Information and General Works/Ilmu Komputer, Informasi, dan Karya Umum > 070 Documentary Media, Educational Media, News Media, Journalism, Publishing/Media Dokumenter, Media Pendidikan, Media Berita, Jurnalisme, Penerbitan |
Divisions: | Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi > Periklanan dan Komunikasi pemasaran |
Depositing User: | MELATI CAHYA FITRIANI |
Date Deposited: | 07 Mar 2022 02:39 |
Last Modified: | 07 Mar 2022 02:39 |
URI: | |
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