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17. Jurnal 41114310007 Rd. Mohammad Rofi Kusmara.pdf Restricted to Registered users only Download (450kB) |
ABSTRAK Nama : RD.MOHAMMAD ROFI KUSMARA Program Studi : Teknik Sipil Judul : Pemanfaatan Abu Sekam Padi Sebagai Binder Alternatif Pada Geopolimer Beton Ditinjau Uji Kuat Tarik Belah. Beton dikenal sebagai material yang tersusun dari komposisi utama batuan (agregat), air, dan semen portland. Namun akhir-akhir ini pembuatan semen portland tersebut semakin sering mendapatkan kritik, khususnya dari kalangan yang peduli dengan kelestarian lingkungan hidup, karena emisi gas rumah kaca (karbon dioksida) yang dihasilkan pada proses produksi semen. Untuk itu diperlukan solusi atas masalah ini, telah banyak dilakukan penelitian tentang beton ramah lingkungan salah satunya adalah beton geopolimer. Beton geopolimer merupakan jenis beton yang dibuat tanpa menggunakan semen portland sebagai bahan pengikat. Pada penelitian ini, pasta beton geopolimer terbuat dari alkali aktivator yang berupa sodium silikat (Na2SiO3) dan sodium hidroksida (NaOH) serta solid material berupa abu terbang (fly ash) dan abu sekam padi (rice husk ash) yang memiliki kandungan SiO2. Abu terbang berasal dari PLTU Paiton sedangkan abu sekam padi berasal dari Desa Suka tani Cikarang. Persentase perbandingan berat komposisi beton geopolimer berupa abu terbang dan abu sekam padi dengan perbandingan masing-masing variasi adalah 100%:0%, 95%:5%, 90%:10%, 85%:15%, 80%:20%. Metode pengujian kuat tarik belah dilakukan dengan menggunakan sampel ukuran diameter 10 cm dan tinggi 20 cm sebanyak 35 buah benda uji. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dari pengujian slump flow penambahan abu sekam padi mempengaruhi dalam pengerjaan beton (workability) yaitu 0%,5% dan 10% mencapai slump flow dengan diameter 45 cm, sedangkan 15% dan 20% mencapai slump flow dengan diameter 35 cm dan 25 cm. Dari pengujian berat isi (Density) nilai rata-rata tertinggi pada variasi 1 sebesar 2960,3 kg/m3 , sedangkan nilai terendah pada variasi 5 yaitu 2490,2 kg/m3 . Abu sekam padi mempengaruhi terhadap berat isi, yang dapat menyebabkan berat isi benda uji semakin ringan. Persentase hasil pengujian serapan air (Absorbsi) mengalami peningkatan, V1 = 1,27%, V2 = 1,35%, V3 = 1,49%, V4 = 1,67%. Sedangkan pada V5 terjadi penurunan yang signifikan sebesar 0,84%. Dikarenakan pembuatan beton secara manual yang mengakibatkan campuran beton tidak homogen. Hasil pengujian kuat tarik belah, nilai rata-rata tertinggi pada variasi 3 dengan perbandingan 90% fly ash + 10% abu sekam padi yaitu 1,507 MPa, sedangkan terendah pada variasi 5 dengan perbandingan 80% fly ash + 20% abu sekam padi yaitu 0,202 MPa di masing-masing umur beton 28 hari. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa penambahan abu sekam padi menyebabkan kuat tarik belah beton menjadi menurun. Kata kunci : Beton Geopolimer, Abu terbang, Abu sekam padi, Slump flow, Density, Absorbsi, Kuat tarik belah ABSTRACK Name : RD.MOHAMMAD ROFI KUSMARA Program Study : Civil Engineering Title : Utilization of Rice Husk Ash As Alternative Binder On Concrete Geopolymer Reviewed Strong Tensile Strength Test. Concrete is known as a material composed of the main composition of rock (aggregate), water, and portland cement. Recently, however, the manufacture of portland cement has been increasingly criticized, especially from those concerned with environmental sustainability, because of the emission of greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide) produced in the cement production process. For that needed a solution to this problem, has done a lot of research on eco-friendly concrete one of which is a geopolymer concrete. Geopolymer concrete is a type of concrete made without the use of portland cement as a binder. In this study, geopolymer concrete paste is made from alkali activator in the form of sodium silicate (Na2SiO3) and sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and solid material in the form of fly ash and rice husk ash which has SiO2 content. Fly ash comes from Paiton power plant while rice husk ash comes from Suka Tani Cikarang Village. The percentage weight ratio of geopolymer concrete composition in the form of fly ash and rice husk ash with comparison of each variation is 100%: 0%, 95%: 5%, 90%: 10%, 85%: 15%, 80%: 20%. The tensile strength testing method was conducted using sample size of 10 cm diameter and height 20 cm as many as 35 pieces of specimen. The result of this research shows that from slump flow test the addition of rice husk ash affects in the work of concrete (workability) that is 0%, 5% and 10% reach slump flow with diameter 45 cm, while 15% and 20% reaching slump flow with diameter 35 cm and 25 cm. From the content weight test (Density) the highest average value on variation 1 was 2960.3 kg/m3 , while the lowest value in variation 5 was 2490.2 kg/m3 . Rice husk ash affects the weight of the contents, which may cause the weight of the test object to become lighter. Percentage of water absorbance test results (Absorption) increased, V1 = 1.27%, V2 = 1.35%, V3 = 1.49%, V4 = 1.67%. While on V5 there was a significant decrease of 0.84%. Due to the concrete mannequin making that the concrete mixture is not homogeneous. Tensile strength test results, the highest average value on variation 3 with a ratio of 90% fly ash + 10% rice husk ash is 1.507 MPa, while the lowest in variation 5 with the ratio of 80% fly ash + 20% rice husk ash is 0.202 MPa in each 28- day-old concrete. It can be concluded that the addition of rice husk ash causes the tensile strength of concrete to decrease. Keywords: Geopolymer Concrete, Fly Ash, rice husk ash, Slump flow, Density, Absorption, Tensile strength.
Item Type: | Thesis (S1) |
Call Number CD: | FT/SIP 18 030 |
NIM/NIDN Creators: | 41114310007 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Kata kunci : Beton Geopolimer, Abu terbang, Abu sekam padi, Slump flow, Density, Absorbsi, Kuat tarik belah |
Subjects: | 600 Technology/Teknologi > 620 Engineering and Applied Operations/Ilmu Teknik dan operasi Terapan > 624 Civil Engineering/Teknik Sipil |
Divisions: | Fakultas Teknik > Teknik Sipil |
Depositing User: | siti maisyaroh |
Date Deposited: | 08 Feb 2022 07:16 |
Last Modified: | 08 Feb 2022 07:16 |
URI: | http://repository.mercubuana.ac.id/id/eprint/55613 |
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