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In a construction project, problems often occur, one of which is a change or commonly known as a Contract Change Order. Change can occur at the beginning, middle or end of work. In the Construction of Sidewalks and Road Complementary Buildings in the Administrative City of South Jakarta, Tebet District, there is a Contract Change Order which carries variables and influences on construction costs and project implementation time. Therefore, this study wants to know about the variables causing the Contract Change Order, the dominant variable of the Contract Change Order and the percentage of the effect of construction costs and implementation time due to the Contract Change Order on the initial contract. This research was conducted with quantitative methods with descriptive analysis where data collection from interviews, questionnaires, project data and literature studies relating to Contract Change Order. Then the data is processed using quantitative methods with the help of Microsoft Excel which are then analyzed in the form of descriptive so as to produce findings that can be drawn conclusions. The research results obtained 16 (sixteen) variables causing the Contract Change Order. Of the 16 (sixteen) variables, 6 (six) dominant variables that cause the Contract Change Order include design changes, additional work scope, reduction of work scope, changes in project location, underground conditions that differ from the conditions stated in the contract as well as changes in specifications / changes. quality, material and material. As a result of the variables causing the Contract Change Order to affect the addition of construction costs and execution time. For the additional construction cost of 0.005% in Addendum I (CCO I) and 0.009% in Addendum III (CCO II) to the initial contract, the addition is considered nil or not paid because it uses the unit price contract form. Meanwhile, the additional implementation time is 18.667% of the initial contract or it can be said that the work plan is 150 (one hundred and fifty) calendar days and the work can be completed for 178 (one hundred seventy eight) calendar days. Keywords: Contract Change Order, Variable, Costs, Time Pada suatu proyek konstruksi sering terjadinya permasalahan, salah satunya yaitu adanya perubahan atau biasa disebut dengan Contract Change Order. Perubahan dapat terjadi di awal, pertengahan maupun akhir pekerjaan. Pada proyek Pembangunan Trotoar dan Bangunan Pelengkap Jalan di Kota Administrasi Jakarta Selatan Kecamatan Tebet terdapat Contract Change Order yang membawa variabel dan pengaruh terhadap biaya konstruksi dan waktu pelaksanaan proyek. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini ingin mengetahui tentang variabel penyebab Contract Change Order, variabel dominan Contract Change Order serta besar persentase pengaruh biaya konstruksi dan waktu pelaksanaan akibat Contract Change Order terhadap kontrak awal. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode kuantitatif dengan analisis deskriptif dimana pengumpulan data dari wawancara, kuesioner, data proyek serta studi literatur yang berkaitan dengan Contract Change Order. Kemudian data diolah menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan bantuan Microsoft Excel yang selanjutnya di analisis berupa deskriptif sehingga menghasilkan temuan-temuan yang dapat ditarik kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian didapatkan 16 (enam belas) variabel penyebab Contract Change Order. Dari 16 (enam belas) variabel tersebut didapatkan 6 (enam) variabel dominan penyebab Contract Change Order diantaranya perubahan desain, penambahan scope pekerjaan, pengurangan scope pekerjaan, perubahan lokasi proyek, kondisi bawah tanah berbeda dengan kondisi yang dicantumkan dalam kontrak serta perubahan spesifikasi/perubahan mutu, material, dan bahan. Akibat dari variabel-variabel penyebab Contract Change Order mempengaruhi penambahan biaya konstruksi dan waktu pelaksanaan. Untuk penambahan biaya konstruksi sebesar 0,005% pada Addendum I (CCO I) dan 0,009% pada Addendum III (CCO II) terhadap kontrak awal, namun penambahan tersebut dianggap nihil atau tidak dibayarkan dikarenakan memakai bentuk kontrak unit price. Sedangkan untuk penambahan waktu pelaksanaan sebesar 18,667% terhadap kontrak awal atau bisa dikatakan rencana pekerjaan selama 150 (seratus lima puluh) hari kalender dan pekerjaan dapat diselesaikan selama 178 (seratus tujuh puluh delapan) hari kalender. Kata Kunci: Contract Change Order, Variabel, Biaya, Waktu
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