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04. Bab 3 Metode Penelitian.pdf Restricted to Registered users only Download (600kB) |
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Infrastructure in order to meet the needs of clean water to be worthy for public consumption, there are 25 projects with a presentation that 60% experienced delays, 12% were on time, and 28% were faster. This condition describes the lack of time performance in the process of completing construction projects. The purpose of writing this journal is to analyze the influence of internal factors (X1), external factors (X2), PERT Method (X3), Crashing Method (X4) in the implementation of raw water transmission construction activities. A total of 55 questionnaires were distributed to the executing contractors in several areas of raw water transmission development. Through processing and analyzing data from the questionnaire results by using the SPSS application, it was found that the results of the partial test showed that the External Factor (X2) PERT method (X4) greatly influenced the performance of the construction time (Y) so that it could become the main focus of time control policy. Internal factors (X1) and Crashing Method (X3) also have an effect but are not significant. The determination test shows that X1, X2, X3 and X4 have an effect of 59.4% on time performance (Y). From the integrated simulation test, the value of F is 16.831 with a significance of 0.000 <0.005 which has a significant effect on performance, this shows that even though X1 and X3 are not significant, but the internal conditions (X1) and crashing (X3) need to be considered to support external factors and the application of the PERT method to improve time performance. Novelty, the element of novelty is found from the results of the regression equation Y = 0.986 + 0.221X1 + 0.155X2 + 0.147X3 + 0.278X4 + e if the factors X1, X2, X3, X4 = 0 are ignored, then Y = 0.986 means very bad on a scale of 1 -5. Based on these findings, it is suggested that: 1. External factors and the application of the PERT method become the main focus of policies for time control. 2. Professional organizations, suppliers, government support, client trust and competitors need to be prioritized to support external factors. 3. Things that must be considered in the application of the PERT method are series of activities, time analysis, activity timing, realistic time, and pessimistic time. 4. Value for civil engineering that water transmission projects need to pay attention to the conditions of external factors and the perfect application of the PERT method in order to obtain optimal time performance Keywords: Raw Water Transmission Construction, PERT Method, Crushing Method, Internal Factors, External Factors Infrastruktur dalam rangka memenuhi kebutuhan air bersih agar layak di konsumsi masyarakat, terdapat 25 proyek dengan presentasi 60% mengalami keterlambatan, 12% tepat waktu, dan 28% lebih cepat. Kondisi ini menggambarkan kurangnya kinerja waktu dalam proses menyelesaikan proyek-proyek konstruksi. Tujuan penulis menulis jurnal ini adalah untuk menganalisa pengaruh faktor internal (X1), faktor eksternal (X2), Metode PERT (X3), Metode Crashing (X4) dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan konstruksi pembangunan transmisi air baku. Total ada 55 lembar kuisioner yang disebarkan kepada kontraktor pelaksana yang tersebar di beberapa daerah pembangunan transmisi air baku. Melalui proses pengolahan dan analisis data hasil kuisioner dengan menggunakan aplikasi SPSS, ditemukan bahwa hasil uji parsial menunjukkan Faktor Eksternal (X2) Metode PERT (X4) sangat berpengaruh terhadap kinerja waktu pelaksanaan konstruksi (Y) sehingga dapat menjadi fokus utama kebijakan pengendalian waktu. Faktor internal (X1) dan Metode Crashing (X3) juga berpengaruh namun tidak signifikan. Uji Determinasi menunjukkan bahwa X1, X2, X3 dan X4 berpengaruh sebesar 59,4% terhadap kinerja waktu (Y). Dari uji simultasi terintegrasi nila F adalah 16,831dengan signifikasi 0,000<0,005 berpengaruh signifikan terhadap performen, hal ini menunjukkan bahwa meskipun X1 dan X3 tidak signifikan tetapi kondisi internal (X1) dan crashing (X3) perlu menjadi perhatian untuk mendukung kondisi faktor eksternal dan aplikasi metode PERT untuk meningkatkan kinerja waktu. Novelty, unsur kebaruan di temukan dari hasil persamaan regresi Y = 0,986 + 0,221X1 + 0,155X2 + 0,147X3 + 0,278X4 +e jika faktor X1, X2, X3, X4 =0 diabaikan, maka Y= 0,986 artinya sangat buruk dengan skala 1-5. Berdasarkan hasil penemuan tersebut maka disarankan untuk: 1. faktor eksternal dan aplikasi metode PERT menjadi fokus utama kebijakan untuk pengendalian waktu. 2. Organisasi profesi, supplier, dukungan pemerintah, kepercayaan klien, dan competitor perlu diprioritaskan untuk menunjang faktor eksternal. 3. Hal yang harus diperhatikan dalam aplikasi Metode PERT yaitu rangkaian kegiatan, analisis waktu, kegiatan waktu, waktu realistis, dan waktu pesimis. 4. Value untuk bidang teknik sipil bahwa proyek transmisi air perlu memberi perhatian terhadap kondisi faktor eksternal dan aplikasi metode PERT secara sempurna agar diperoleh kinerja waktu yang optimal. Kata Kunci: Konstruksi Transmisi Air Baku, Metode PERT, Metode Crushing, Faktor Internal, Faktor Eksternal
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