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This research aims to optimize battery design by improving specific performance parameters. Key objectives include reducing the transmissibility value obtained during battery pack testing and decreasing the Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT) value during direct vibration testing on highways. Both parameters are considered disturbances to structures subjected to vibrations. Design optimization is approached in two ways: by varying the stiffness and damping values of the elastic foundation, and by incorporating a suspension mechanism to hold the battery pack. The battery pack was tested on a table shaker, where we applied accelerations of 10-80 mm/s² and frequencies ranging from 5 to 200 Hz. Resonance occurred around 28 Hz, with a resultant transmissibility value of 1.4. Following this, dynamic vibration testing was conducted on the road. Results from testing at two speeds, each repeated three times, revealed an average maximum FFT value of 2.35 G at 10 km/h and 1.98 G at 15 km/h. Optimization was further pursued by replacing the elastic foundation with thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) using 3D printing, with infill percentages of 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, and 100%. Additionally, we optimized the battery pack by adding a spring mechanism made from SS304 material, experimenting with spring diameters of 2, 3, and 4 mm, and using either 4 or 6 springs. The results indicated that the anticipated decrease in transmissibility was observed, with values recorded at 2.4, 4.4, 3.9, 4.5, and 4.2, respectively. The resonant frequency also shifted accordingly to 58 Hz, 88 Hz, 115 Hz, 140 Hz, and 126 Hz, indicating that the 80% TPU infill achieved the greatest shift from its original frequency range of 0- 75 Hz. Additionally, with the introduction of the spring mechanism, the combination of 2 mm diameter springs (using 6 springs) reduced the maximum FFT value to just 9.04E-03 G. Keywords : Electric vehicle battery, thermoplastic polyurethane, transmissibility, Fast Fourier Transformation, design optimization. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan optimasi desain battery. Optimasi desain dicapai dengan cara meningkatkan parameter – parameter tertentu sesudah optimasi. Parameter tersebut meliputi menurunnya nilai transmissibility yang didapat saat pengujian battery pack serta menurunnya nilai Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT) saat pengujian vibrasi langsung di jalan raya. Parameter tersebut merupakan parameter yang dianggap sebagai gangguan terhadap struktur yang mengalami vibrasi. Optimasi desain dilakukan meliputi 2 cara yaitu variasi nilai kekakuan dan nilai redaman elastic foundation serta penambahan mekanisme suspensi sebagai dudukan battery pack. Dilakukan pengujian terhadap battery pack di atas table shaker, dengan percepatan di angka 10-80 mm/s2 dan frekuensi 5 – 200 Hz, terjadi resonansi di frekuensi sekitar 28 Hz, dengan nilai transmissibility di angka 1.4. Penelitian dilanjutkan dengan pengujian vibrasi secara dinamis di jalan. Hasil yang didapat melalui 2 variasi kecepatan, dengan masing – masing kecepatan dilakukan percoabaan sebanyak 3 kali menghasilkan nilai rata – rata FFT maksimal di angka 2.35 G dan 1.98 G pada kecepatan 10 dan 15 km/jam. Optimasi dilakukan dengan penggantian elastic foundation menjadi thermoplastic poly urethane (TPU) dengan metode 3D printing dengan variasi infill 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% dan 100%. Sedangkan untuk optimasi yang ada di luar battery pack dilakukan dengan penambahan mekanisme pegas dengan bahan SS304 dengan variasi diameter pegas 2, 3 dan 4 mm dan jumlah pegas 4 dan 6 buah pegas. Hasil optimasi menunjukan nilai transmissibility yang diharapkan turun justru nilainya meningkat berturut – turut 2.4, 4.4, 3.9, 4.5 dan 4.2. Namun demikian, frekuensi resonansi berhasil digeser ke nilai berturut – turut 58 Hz, 88 Hz, 115 Hz, 140 Hz dan 126 Hz. Hal ini menunjukan bahwa TPU infill 80% menggeser frekuensi natural paling jauh dari rentang frekuensinya 0 – 75 Hz. Lalu dengan penambahan mekanisme pegas, menunjukan hasil optimasi dengan penggunaan diameter pegas 2 mm sebanyak 6 pegas berhasil memperkecilnilai FFT maksimal menjadi hanya 9.04E-03 G. Kata kunci : Battery kendaraan listrik, thermoplastic poly urethane, transmissibility, fast fourier transformation, optimasi desain

Item Type: Thesis (S2)
Call Number CD: CD/558. 25 001
NIM/NIDN Creators: 55822120004
Uncontrolled Keywords: Battery kendaraan listrik, thermoplastic poly urethane, transmissibility, fast fourier transformation, optimasi desain
Subjects: 500 Natural Science and Mathematics/Ilmu-ilmu Alam dan Matematika > 530 Physics/Fisika > 537 Electricity/Fisika Listrik
500 Natural Science and Mathematics/Ilmu-ilmu Alam dan Matematika > 540 Chemistry/Kimia > 543 Analytical Chemistry/Kimia Analitikal, Kimia Analisis > 543.5 Optical Spectroscopy, Spectrum Analysis/Optikal Spektroskopi Kimia, Analisa Spektrum Kimia
600 Technology/Teknologi > 620 Engineering and Applied Operations/Ilmu Teknik dan operasi Terapan > 629 Other Branches of Engineering/Cabang Teknik Lainnya > 629.2 Motor Land Vehicles and Cycles Engineering/Teknik Kendaraan Bermotor dan Teknik Sepeda
Divisions: Pascasarjana > Magister Teknik Mesin
Depositing User: khalimah
Date Deposited: 03 Jan 2025 05:56
Last Modified: 03 Jan 2025 05:56
URI: http://repository.mercubuana.ac.id/id/eprint/93372

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