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The main cause of greenhouse gas production is the energy sector by 76%, while the application of green buildings can also be collaborated with the application of near zero energy, so that collaborative handling can run well, it is necessary to classify influential factors and test the relationship between model variables, so that the causal relationship between factors that influence it directly. The purpose of this study is to determine the factors of efficiency and energy conservation and the relationship of several influencing factors to be followed up through steps from value engineering to energy efficiency and conservation to realize high-quality buildings near zero energy through an approach in the form of focus group discussion analysis and cost analysis of green buildings that can still be financially profitable with the value engineering method to achieve optimal cost levels. From the analysis, 7 factors were obtained that were considered the most important and high-performing, namely the electrical system (X1.5), Environmental sustainability (X2.1), Time of use of electricity (X2.3), Placement of electrical equipment (Y1.3), Use of alternative energy (Y1.5), Environmental costs (Y2.2) and Electricity costs (Y2.3)]. So that it has an impact on increasing the green building value of the building by 3.74% from the original 38.46% to 42.20%. The electrical system of a building is a fairly large portion of around 20% of the operational costs/month. In addition, to optimize costs in the electrical system, it is recommended that improving the IoT electrical system (smart electricity) can save costs of Rp. 2,542,152,002 (10.43%) and improving the air conditioning system which can save costs of Rp. 4,821,099,694 (16.12%). From this optimization, the payback period is obtained for 8 years with a total cost savings of buildings that have implemented near zero energy of Rp. 7,363,251,696 (7.33%), this is categorized as a fast return on investment. This is the right suggestion to make office buildings that already have a green building concept even better if they are able to implement the near zero energy concept. Keywords: near zero energy, energy efficiency, energy conservation, IoT electrical system, cost savings Penyebab utama produksi gas rumah kaca adalah sektor energi sebesar 76%, sedangkan penerapan green building juga dapat dikolaborasikan dengan penerapan near zero energy, agar penanganan secara kolaboratif dapat berjalan dengan baik maka perlu dilakukan klasifikasi faktor berpengaruh serta pengujian hubungan antar variabel model, sehingga hubungan kausalitas antar faktor yang mempengaruhinya secara langsung. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor efesiensi dan konservasi energi serta hubungan beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi untuk ditindaklanjuti melalui langkah-langkah dari value engineering terhadap efisiensi dan konservasi energi untuk mewujudkan bangunan dengan kualitas tinggi near zero energy melalui pendekatan berupa analisis focus group discussion dan analisis biaya green building tetap dapat menguntungkan secara finansial dengan metode value engineering untuk mencapai tingkat biaya yang optimal. Dari analisis didapatkan 7 faktor yang dianggap paling penting serta berkinerja tinggi yaitu Sistem kelistrikan (X1.5), Kelestarian lingkungan hidup (X2.1), Waktu penggunaan kelistrikan (X2.3), Penempatan peralatan listrik (Y1.3), Penggunaan energi alternatif (Y1.5), Biaya lingkungan (Y2.2) dan Biaya kelistrikan (Y2.3)]. Sehingga berdampak menambahnya prolehan nilai green building gedung sebesar 3.74% dari semula 38,46% menjadi 42.20%. Sistem kelistrikan suatu gedung merupakan porsi yang cukup besar sekitar 20% dari biaya operasional/bulan. Selain itu untuk mengoptimalkan biaya pada sistem kelistrikan maka direkomendasikan bahwa meningkatkan sistem kelistrikan IoT (kelistrikan pintar) dapat menghemat biaya sebesar Rp. 2.542.152.002 (10,43 %) dan memperbaiki sistem tata udara yang dapat menghemat biaya sebesar Rp. 4.821.099.694 (16,12%). Dari pengoptimalan ini waktu payback period diperoleh selama 8 tahun dengan total pengehematan biaya bangunan yang telah menerapkan near zero energy yaitu sebesar Rp. 7.363.251.696 (7,33%), ini dikategorikan pengembalian nilai investasi yang cepat. Hal ini menjadi saran yang tepat untuk menjadikan gedung perkantoran yang sudah berkonsep green building akan lebih baik lagi jika mampu menerapankan konsep near zero energy. Kata Kunci: near zero energy, efisiensi energi, konservasi energi, sistem kelistrikan IoT, penghematan biaya
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