Analisis path loss dan delay pada pengendali sirine peringatan dini tsunami dengan sinyal DTMF (Dual Tone Multiple Frequency) yang dilengkapi kode keamanan melalui frekuensi VHF (Very High Frequency)

Yusup, Yusup (2024) Analisis path loss dan delay pada pengendali sirine peringatan dini tsunami dengan sinyal DTMF (Dual Tone Multiple Frequency) yang dilengkapi kode keamanan melalui frekuensi VHF (Very High Frequency). S2 thesis, Universitas Mercu Buana - Menteng.

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Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara yang berada didalam wilayah cincin api Pasifik (Pacific ring of fire) dan juga berada pada pertemuan tiga lempeng tektonik bumi, yaitu: Lempeng Eurasia, Lempeng Indo-Australia, dan Lempeng Pasifik, sehingga rawan terjadinya banca gempa bumi, letusan gunung berapi dan tsunami. Tsunami dapat terjadi akibat dari gempa tektonik didasar laut ,tanah longsor dan erupsi gunung api. Menurut Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana (BNPB) bahwa Indonesia masih kekurangan alat pendeteksi tsunami berupa sirine dan buoy, dan mengingat umur sirine peringatan dini tsunami yang tersebar di wilayah indonesia telah berumur lebih dari 10 tahun sehingga sudah banyak yang rusak dan tidak berfungsi karena komponen suku cadang sulit dicari dan sudah tidak diproduksi lagi. Penelitan ini bertujuan Analisis path loss dan delay pada pengendali sirine peringatan dini tsunami dengan sinyal DTMF(Dual Tone Multiple Frequency) yang dilengkapi kode keamanan melalui frekuensi VHF (Very High Frequency). Frekuensi VHF merupakan gelombang elektromagnetik, setiap propagasi gelombang elektromagnetik akan kehilangan dayanya disebut dengan Pathloss. Dengan adanya pathloss tersebut sehingga untuk penempatan sirine peringatan dini tsunami dengan kendali melalui gelombang radio pada frekuensi VHF harus melihat dari kontur medan propagasi, jarak kontrol dan sirine, ketinggian dan lokasi antena radio transmitter serta radio receiver dan lingkungan, untuk mendapatkan jaran dan waktu delay yang stabil. Indonesia is one of the countries that is in the Pacific ring of fire and is also at the meeting of the three tectonic plates of the earth, namely: the Eurasian Plateau, the Indo- Australian Plateaus, and the Pacific Plateaux, so vulnerable to earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tsunamis. Tsunamis can occur as a result of marine tectonic earthquakes, landslides and volcanic eruptions. According to the National Agency for Disaster Management (BNPB) that Indonesia still lacks tsunami detectors such as sirines and buoy, and given the age of the sirines early warning of the tsunami spread in the territory of Indonesia has been more than 10 years old so many are damaged and not functioning because the components of the spare parts are difficult to find and are no longer produced. The investigation was aimed at analyzing path loss and delay on the tsunami early warning syrine controller with a Dual Tone Multiple Frequency (DTMF) signal equipped with a security code via the VHF frequency. (Very High Frequency). The VHF frequency is an electromagnetic wave, any propagation of an electric wave will lose its power called a Pathloss. With the presence of such a pathloss so that for the placement of an early tsunami warning syrine with control through a radio wave on a VHB frequencies must look from the contours of the propagation field, the control distance and the syrine, the height and location of the radio transmitter antenna as well as the radio receiver and the environment, to obtain a stable range and delay time.

Item Type: Thesis (S2)
NIM/NIDN Creators: 55421120004
Uncontrolled Keywords: DTMF, Tsunami, Sirine, VHF, Path loss DTMF, Tsunami, Sirine, VHF, Path loss
Subjects: 600 Technology/Teknologi > 620 Engineering and Applied Operations/Ilmu Teknik dan operasi Terapan > 621 Applied Physics/Fisika terapan
Divisions: Pascasarjana > Magister Teknik Elektro
Date Deposited: 24 Aug 2024 03:22
Last Modified: 24 Aug 2024 03:23

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