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Building Information Modelling (BIM) implementation became a major difficulty during the construction of the Trans Sumatera Toll Road Indralaya-Prabumulih Section. It happened because BIM was implemented after the project was nearly halfway completed. As a result, the shop drawing for the toll road project has to switch from the conventional way of using AutoCAD software to BIM-based Revit software. This decision is based on Revit software's better productivity when compared to AutoCAD software. Furthermore, this project employs the design and build method, in which the work is customized to land readiness. Therefore, the availability of shop drawings as a reference for work in the field is required to be faster and more accurate. This study employs a quantitative approach to compare the processing time for shop drawing output from AutoCAD software and Revit software. This research aims to determine and analyze the differences in productivity in making shop drawing using AutoCAD software and Revit software in the construction of the Under Bridge 6+944 structure in the Trans Sumatra Toll Road IndralayaPrabumulih Section. Based on the research findings, in making the shop drawing of Under Bridge STA 6+944 Trans Sumatra Toll Road Indralaya-Prabumulih Section, it took 34 hours and 55 minutes to get a shop drawing in the form of a detailed 2D drawing using AutoCAD software. Meanwhile, by using Revit software, the time required is 29 hours and 22 minutes with more varied output, namely 3D models, 4D scheduling simulations, visualization, and the availability of Level of Development (LOD) information to determine the level of detail of an object. Based on these differences, it can be inferred that Revit software can improve the efficiency of creating a shop drawing for under bridge structural work by 15.44%. Moreover, based on comparative values in the form of model output, quantity output, marking, naming of drawing sheets, cut drawings, layout view, LOD, and continuity function, Revit software performs better than AutoCAD software. However, in terms of price, AutoCAD software is less expensive than Revit software, even though both have free versions (Education and Student Access). When it comes to user comfort, AutoCAD software is easier to understand conceptually than Revit software. Keywords: BIM, productivity, shop drawing, Revit, AutoCAD Dalam membangun Jalan Tol Trans Sumatera Seksi Simpang Indralaya – Prabumulih, pengimplementasian Building Information Modelling (BIM) menjadi salah satu tantangan utama. Hal ini disebabkan karena pengimplementasian BIM baru dilaksanakan ketika proyek sudah berjalan setengahnya. Sebagai akibatnya, pengerjaan shop drawing proyek Jalan Tol Trans Sumatera Seksi Simpang Indralaya – Prabumulih yang awalnya dikerjakan dengan metode konvensional melalui Software AutoCAD, harus beralih ke Software Revit yang berbasis BIM. Perubahan ini didasari pertimbangan akan keunggulan Software Revit dalam segi produktivitas dibanding Software AutoCAD. Selain itu, proyek ini menggunakan metode design and build yang pekerjaannya menyesuaikan dengan kesiapan lahan. Oleh sebab itu, ketersediaan shop drawing untuk acuan pekerjaan di lapangan dituntut untuk semakin cepat dan akurat. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif yang diaplikasikan untuk membandingkan waktu pengerjaan output shop drawing dari Software AutoCAD dan Software Revit. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis perbandingan produktivitas pekerjaan pembuatan shop drawing antara menggunakan Software AutoCAD dan Software Revit pada pekerjaan struktur Under Bridge STA 6+944 Proyek Pembangunan Jalan Tol Trans Sumatera Seksi Simpang Indralaya – Prabumulih. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dalam pembuatan Shop Drawing Under Bridge STA 6+944 Proyek Pembangunan Jalan Tol Trans Sumatera Seksi Simpang Indralaya – Prabumulih, diperlukan waktu 34 jam 55 menit untuk mendapatkan shop drawing berupa gambar detail 2D menggunakan Software AutoCAD. Sementara itu, dengan menggunakan Software Revit, waktu yang dibutuhkan adalah 29 jam 22 menit dengan outpout yang lebih bervariasi, yaitu 3D model, simulasi 4D scheduling, visualisasi, dan tersedianya informasi Level of Development (LOD) untuk menentukan tingkat kedetailan suatu objek. Dari perbedaan tersebut, dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa Software Revit mampu meningkatkan efisiensi pembuatan satu shop drawing pekerjaan struktur under bridge sebesar 15.44% daripada Software AutoCAD. Selain itu, berdasarkan nilai pembanding berupa ouput model, quantity output, penandaan, penamaan drawing sheet, gambar potongan, layout view, LOD, dan fungsi keberlanjutan, Software Revit memiliki kemampuan yang lebih baik daripada Software AutoCAD. Meskipun begitu, dari segi harga, Software AutoCAD lebih ekonomis dibandingkan Software Revit meskipun keduanya memiliki versi gratis (Education & Student Access). Jika dibandingkan dari segi kenyamanan pengguna, Software AutoCAD lebih mudah dipelajari secara konsep dibandingkan Software Revit. Keyword: BIM, produktivitas, shop drawing, Revit, AutoCAD
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