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The potential for geological disasters such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions is quite high in Indonesia. Therefore, structural planning that meets safety standards and criteria is urgently needed while still paying attention to optimal design concepts, especially building construction in areas with a high enough earthquake potential. There are several methods to measure the performance of buildings caused by large earthquake loads. The concept for determining structural behavior like this is called Performance Based Design or Structural Performance Design. This concept is a combination of the resistance and service aspects, which utilizes computer-based non-linear analysis techniques to analyze the inelastic behavior of structures from various earthquake intensities, so that their performance in critical conditions can be determined. Methods for determining structural performance design are Pushover Analysis and Time History Analysis. In this study the authors conducted a pushover analysis and time history analysis of the design of existing buildings. The purpose of this study was to determine the performance of the upper structure of the Trembesi Tower CBD BSD based on the provisions of ATC40 and FEMA 440 with the pushover analysis method, to determine the performance of the upper structure of the Trembesi Tower CBD BSD based on the provisions of FEMA 440 with the time history analysis method, to determine the performance comparison of superstructures Trembesi Tower CBD BSD is based on the pushover analysis method with the time history analysis method. The modelling and calculation of this analysis uses the Software Desain dan Analisis program. The results of this study are the performance level with the pushover method based on ATC-40 indicating that the building structure is at the Immediate Occupacy level with a drift ratio in the x direction 0.001153261 and the y direction 0.000993998 while based on FEMA 440 shows that the building structure is at the operational level with a drift ratio in the x direction of 0.00115086 and in the y direction of 0.000989196. This shows that the ATC-40 and FEMA 440 methods state that this building structure has a range of performance levels, namely Operational-Immediate Occupacy. Performance level using the time history method based on FEMA 440 shows that the building structure is at the Collapse Prevention level with a drift ratio in the x direction of 0.049068427 and 0.02127571 in the y direction using El Centro 1940 earthquake data. The building structure is at the Operational level with a drift ratio in the x direction 0.000844338 and y direction 0.000456182 using the 1985 Mexico City earthquake data. The building structure is at the Collapse Prevention level with a drift ratio of the x direction of 0.226236895 and y direction of 0.044045618 using the 1985 Mexico City earthquake data. This shows the FEMA 440 method states that this building structure has a range of performance levels, namely Operational-Collapse Prevention. It can be concluded that time history analysis is more recommended as a structural performance evaluation method compared to pushover analysis because it uses earthquake loads that actually occur in the world. This is supported by the performance level results of time history analysis which are worse than the pushover analysis, while the structural planning is expected to be able to withstand earthquake loads in the worst case. Keywords: Reinforced Concrete, Pushover, Time History, Performance Level Potensi bencana geologis seperti gempa bumi dan letusan gunung berapi cukup tinggi di Indonesia. Oleh karena itu, perencanaan struktur yang memenuhi standar dan kriteria keselamatan sangat dibutuhkan dengan tetap memperhatikan konsep desain yang optimal, khususnya pembangunan gedung di wilayah dengan potensi gempa yang cukup tinggi. Terdapat beberapa metode untuk mengukur kinerja bangunan yang diakibatkan oleh beban gempa yang besar. Konsep untuk menentukan perilaku strukur seperti ini disebut dengan Performance Based Design atau Desain Kinerja Struktur. Konsep ini merupakan kombinasi dari aspek tahanan dan aspek layan, yaitu memanfaatkan teknik analisis non-linier berbasis komputer untuk menganalisis perilaku inelastis struktur dari berbagai macam intensitas gempa, sehingga dapat diketahui kinerjanya pada kondisi kritis. Metode untuk menentukan Desain Kinerja Struktur adalah Analisis Pushover dan Analisis Riwayat Waktu. Pada penelitian ini penulis melakukan analisis pushover dan analisis riwayat waktu terhadap desain dari bangunan gedung yang sudah ada. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui kinerja struktur atas Trembesi Tower CBD BSD berdasarkan ketentuan ATC-40 dan FEMA 440 dengan metode pushover analisis, mengetahui kinerja struktur atas Trembesi Tower CBD BSD berdasarkan ketentuan FEMA 440 dengan metode analisis riwayat waktu, mengetahui perbandingan kinerja struktur atas Trembesi Tower CBD BSD berdasarkan metode pushover analisis dengan metode analisis riwayat waktu. Pemodelan dan perhitungan analisis ini menggunakan program Software Desain dan Analisis. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah performance level dengan metode pushover berdasarkan ATC-40 menujukkan bahwa struktur gedung berada pada level Immediate Occupacy dengan drift ratio arah x 0,001153261 dan arah y 0,000993998 sedangkan berdasarkan FEMA 440 menunjukkan bahwa struktur gedung berada pada level Operational dengan drift ratio arah x 0,00115086 dan arah y 0,000989196. Hal ini menunjukkan metode ATC-40 dan FEMA 440 menyatakan bahwa struktur gedung ini mempunyai rentang level kinerja yaitu Operational-Immediate Occupacy. Performance level dengan metode riwayat waktu berdasarkan FEMA 440 menunjukkan bahwa struktur gedung berada pada level Collapse Prevention dengan drift ratio arah x 0,049068427 dan arah y 0,02127571 menggunakan data gempa El Centro 1940. Struktur gedung berada pada level Operational dengan drift ratio arah x 0,000844338 dan arah y 0,000456182 menggunakan data gempa Mexico City 1985. Struktur gedung berada pada level Collapse Prevention dengan drift ratio arah x 0,226236895 dan arah y 0,044045618 menggunakan data gempa Mexico City 1985. Hal ini menunjukkan metode FEMA 440 menyatakan bahwa struktur gedung ini mempunyai rentang level kinerja yaitu Operational-Collapse Prevention. Dapat disimpulkan analisis riwayat waktu lebih direkomendasikan sebagai metode evaluasi kinerja struktur dibandingkan dengan analisis pushover karena menggunakan beban gempa yang benar terjadi di dunia. Hal ini didukung dengan hasil performance level analisis riwayat waktu yang lebih buruk dibandingkan dengan analisis pushover, sedangkan perencanaan struktur diharapkan mampu menahan beban gempa pada kasus yang terburuk. Kata kunci : Beton Bertulang, Pushover, Riwayat Waktu, Performance Leve
Item Type: | Thesis (S1) |
Call Number CD: | FT/SIP. 22 290 |
Call Number: | ST/11/23/045 |
NIM/NIDN Creators: | 41118110037 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Beton Bertulang, Pushover, Riwayat Waktu, Performance Leve |
Subjects: | 300 Social Science/Ilmu-ilmu Sosial > 300. Social Science/Ilmu-ilmu Sosial > 303 Social Process/Proses Sosial 300 Social Science/Ilmu-ilmu Sosial > 300. Social Science/Ilmu-ilmu Sosial > 303 Social Process/Proses Sosial > 303.6 Conflict Social/Konflik Sosial > 303.61 Civil Disobedience/Pembangkangan Sipil 300 Social Science/Ilmu-ilmu Sosial > 320 Political dan Government Science/Ilmu Politik dan Ilmu Pemerintahan > 323 Civil Rights/Hak-hak Warga Sipil, Hak-hak Warga Negara > 323.1 Civil and Political Rights of Non Dominant Groups/Hak Sipil dan Politik Kelompok Non Dominan |
Divisions: | Fakultas Teknik > Teknik Sipil |
Depositing User: | MILA RISKA |
Date Deposited: | 13 May 2023 08:23 |
Last Modified: | 15 May 2023 06:30 |
URI: | |
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