41416310040 - Febri Dwi Darmawan - 02 Cover.pdf

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41416310040 - Febri Dwi Darmawan - 03 Abstrak.pdf

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41416310040 - Febri Dwi Darmawan - 04 BAB 1.pdf
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ABSTRAK Internet Of Things (IOT) adalah konsep mengenai objek tertentu yang memiliki manfaat untuk berinteraksi dan mengkomunikasikan sebuah sistem untuk menerima dan mengirim data melalui jaringan internet. Pemanfaatan Internet Of Things (IOT) di dalam proses produksi bisa sebagai sistem pengendalian dan sistem pemantauan pada alat produksi. Permasalahan yang ada di area produksi yaitu pengumpulan karton dilakukan secara manual oleh operator saat proses pengemasan. Kondisi tersebut dapat menyebabkan keterlambatan pada proses pengemasan sehingga terjadi line stop. Berdasarkan kondisi tersebut maka penelitian dilakukan dengan membuat rancang bangun sistem perancangan alat pengumpul karton berbasis IOT dengan metode time delay. Sistem kontrol yang digunakan adalah modul NodeMCU ESP8266 sebagai penunjang Internet Of Things (IOT) pada sistem. Pada metodologi penelitian digunakan beberapa metode yaitu metode pustaka yang bersumber pada literatur, metode perancangan dengan membuat rancang bangun, dan metode pengujian dengan melakukan simulasi. Pada penelitian yang dilakukan maka diketahui pengujian sistem memerlukan kecepatan internet yang stabil. Nilai kecepatan internet saat pengujian sistem yaitu bernilai rata – rata unduh 63.2 Mbps dan bernilai rata – rata unggah 38.3 Mbps. Setiap perubahan nilai frekuensi 1 Hz maka perubahan nilai kecepatan motor yaitu 0.95 RPM dan perubahan nilai waktu pendeteksian objek yaitu 0.03 detik. Ada selisih waktu antara nilai parameter time delay dan nilai waktu aktual yaitu 06.44 detik. Kesesuaian sistem terhadap data dan fungsi saat operasional sistem memiliki persentase nilai rata – rata kesesuaian yaitu 98.3%. Kata kunci : alat pengumpul, pengemasan, internet of things, real time, time delay, NodeMCU ESP8266, firebase, kodular, pneumatik ABSTRACT Internet of Things (IOT) is the concept of certain objects that have the benefit of interacting and communicating a system to receive and send data over the internet network. Utilization of the Internet of Things (IOT) in the production process can be used as a control system and monitoring system for production equipment. The problem in the production area is the collection of cartons is done manually by the operator during the packaging process. This condition can cause delays in the packaging process resulting in a line stop. Based on these conditions, the research was carried out by designing an IOT-based carton collection system design using the time delay method. The control system used is the NodeMCU ESP8266 module to support the Internet Of Things (IOT) in the system. The research methodology uses the several methods, namely the library method based on the literature, the design method by making designs, and the testing method by conducting simulations. In the research conducted, it is known that system testing requires a stable internet speed. The internet speed value when testing the system is an average download value of 63.2 Mbps and an average upload value of 38.3 Mbps. Every change in the frequency value of 1 Hz, the change in the value of the motor speed is 0.95 RPM and the change in the object detection time value is 0.03 seconds. There is a time difference between the time delay parameter value and the actual time value, which is 06.44 seconds. The suitability of the system to data and functions during system operation has an average percentage value of 98.3%. Keywords : collection tool, packaging, internet of things, real time, time delay, NodeMCU ESP8266, firebase, kodular, pneumatic.

Item Type: Thesis (S1)
Call Number CD: FT/ELK 22 002
NIM/NIDN Creators: 41416310040
Uncontrolled Keywords: Kata kunci : alat pengumpul, pengemasan, internet of things, real time, time delay, NodeMCU ESP8266, firebase, kodular, pneumatik.
Subjects: 600 Technology/Teknologi > 620 Engineering and Applied Operations/Ilmu Teknik dan operasi Terapan > 621 Applied Physics/Fisika terapan > 621.3 Electrical Engineering, Lighting, Superconductivity, Magnetic Engineering, Applied Optics, Paraphotic Technology, Electronics Communications Engineering, Computers/Teknik Elektro, Pencahayaan, Superkonduktivitas, Teknik Magnetik, Optik Terapan, Tekn
Divisions: Fakultas Teknik > Teknik Elektro
Depositing User: siti maisyaroh
Date Deposited: 20 Dec 2022 08:05
Last Modified: 20 Dec 2022 08:05

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