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The efficiency of a wifi network, for example, at a university can be seen from signal reception by users from an access point (AP). Of course signal reception is driven by many factors such as the location of the access point (AP), interference from other signals etc. These factors result in a fluctuating or weakening of a connection. In a building if the channel and power settings are appropriate and repositioning the access point (AP) will make the wifi performance more leverage. There are several indoor propagation models that can be used as guidelines, namely the number of transmitter access points, coverage areas that can be served, measurement of the Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) using the Ekahau Site Survey application and checking connectivity using the Speedtest by Ookla.The average signal in building must know the layout of a building in detail because it depends on the distance between the transmitter and the receiver. This research was conducted by taking cases by taking cases at Darma Persada University. The research was conducted by measuring the number of transmitter access points, coverage areas that can be served, measurement of the Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) using the Ekahau Site Survey application and checking connectivity by using the Speedtest by Ookla. Then the results will be needed to optimize channel switching and power levels to reduce interference and bad signals. In optimizing, we must pay attention to the standards used by the company provider to obtain maximum results for the calculation of RSSI and SNR as a whole. calculation obtained from the application statistics ekahau.Based on the results of previous testing, there are still many testing areas with RSSI below <-75 dbm and SNR ≤ 20 dB now undergoing improvement and when doing a total statistical calculation the overall results between SNR and RSSI values before optimization and after optimization have increased 62%.From the increase in results obtained when after the optimization, the number of access points (AP) affected the quality of the signal that covered the entire auditorium building area and the number of APs that were too low resulting in limited AP distance to cover other than the 5 Ghz overlapping channel overlapping results in the client having difficulty connecting and the connection is unstable due to low throughput Efisiensi suatu jaringan wifi contohnya, pada universitas dapat di ketahui dari penerimaan sinyal oleh pengguna dari access point ( AP ). Tentu penerimaan sinyal di pengeruhi banyak faktor seperti penempatan lokasi access point ( AP ), interferensi dari sinyal lain dll. Faktor-faktor tersebut mengakibatkan naik turun atau lemahnya suatu koneksi. Dalam suatu gedung jika di terapkan pengaturan channel dan power yang tepat serta reposisi access point (AP) akan membuat kinerja wifi menjadi lebih maksimal. Terdapat beberapa model propagasi dalam ruangan yang dapat dijadikan pedoman yaitu jumlah pemancar access point, coverage area yang dapat dilayani, pengukuran Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) menggunakan aplikasi Ekahau Site Survey serta pengecekan connectivity dengan menggunakan Speedtest oleh Ookla.Sinyal rata-rata pada suatu bangunan harus mengetahui layout suatu bangunan secara detail karena bergantung pada jarak antara pemancar dan penerima. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis kinerja jaringan wifi dan mengoptimalisasi dengan mengambil kasus di Universitas Darma Persada. Penelitian dilakukan dengan mengukur jumlah pemancar access point, coverage area yang dapat dilayani, pengukuran Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) menggunakan aplikasi Ekahau Site Survey serta pengecekan connectivity dengan menggunakan Speedtest oleh Ookla. Lalu hasilnya akan dilakukan optimasi pergantian channel dan power level yang di butuhkan untuk mengurangi interferensi dan sinyal buruk, dalam melakukan optimasi juga harus perhatikan standar-standar yang di pakai prusahaan provider untuk mendapat hasil maksimal untuk itu perlu di lakukannya perhitungan RSSI dan SNR secara keseluruhan menggunakan perhitungan yang di dapat dari statistik applikasi ekahau.Berdasarkan hasil pengujian yang sebelumnya area pengujian masih banyak terdapat RSSI di bawah <-75 dbm dan SNR ≤ 20 dB kini mengalami perbaikan dan ketika di lakukan perhitungan statistik total hasil keseluruhan antara nilai SNR dan RSSI sebelum di adakannya optimasi dan sesudah di adakannya optimasi mengalami penikngkatan 62%.Dari peningkatan hasil yang di dapat ketika sesudah di adakan optimasi, jumlah access point (AP) mempengaruhi kulitas sinyal yang mengcover keselurahan area gedung auditorium dan jumlah AP yg terlalu sedikit mengakibatkan keterbatasan jarak AP untuk mengcover selain itu pada frekuensi 5 Ghz terjadi channel yang saling tumpang tindih mengakibatkan klien susah konek dan koneksi tidak stabil karena throughput rendah.
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