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The role of social media is more than just a messenger. Social media has become an effective and efficient promotion platform. The COVID-19 pandemic is helping to accelerate that process of change. Conventional retail is required to be able to respond to the challenges of change in order to survive in a pandemic. IMC has an important role in creating a positive image where a positive image has an impact on the growth of financial performance. IMC is the key to the sustainability of retail businesses to stay connected with consumers through social media by disseminating information related to the implementation of health protocol procedures. Dissemination of information through social media as the most frequently used digital media by individuals is expected to have an influence on cognitive, affective and conative aspects. Cognitive, affective and conative aspects are in line with AIDA's marketing communication methods (awareness, interest, desire and action). In the cognitive aspect, the stage of consumer awareness related to information on social media originating from supermarket retail must be able to attract consumers' interest to pay attention to information on supermarket retail social media. This research is included in the positivism paradigm by using the survey method. This study aims to analyze and find the relationship between the role of brand image on social media advertising and E-WoM as well as mediate social media advertising and E-WoM on return visit interest. The results of this study based on the results of data processing prove the important role of brand image in mediating social media advertising and E-WoM on revisit intention. This is evidenced by the p value of 0.019 for the relationship between brand image to revisit intention. A significant relationship was also found in the relationship of E-WoM to brand image with a p value of 0.000. The results of this study prove the important role that E-WoM has in building and creating a positive brand image from digital comments on Hypermart social media related to service and health protocols. This study concludes the important role of B2C and C2C two-way communication on social media to create a positive image and valid information so as to suppress negative dissonance in pandemic conditions so that consumers return to physical stores. The results of the R square in this study were obtained at 15.1%, the remaining 84.9% of the relationship between revisit intention variables was influenced by latent variables that were not examined in this study, which is expected to be carried out by further research.. Keywords: social media advertising, E-WoM, brand image, revisit intention. Peran media sosial lebih dari sekedar penyampai pesan. Media sosial sudah menjadi wadah promosi yang efektif dan efisien. Pandemi COVID-19 membantu mempercepat proses perubahan tersebut. Retail konvensional diharuskan mampu menjawab tantangan dari perubahan agar bertahan dalam kondisi pandemi. IMC memiliki peranan penting dalam menciptakan image positif dimana image positif memberikan dampak dalam pertumbuhan kinerja keuangan. IMC adalah kunci keberlangsungan usaha retail untuk tetap terhubung dengan konsumen melalui media sosial dengan menyebarkan informasi berkaitan dengan penerapan prosedur protokol kesehatan. Penyebaran informasi melalui media sosial sebagai media digital yang paling sering digunakan oleh individu diharapkan mampu memberikan pengaruh pada aspek kognitif, afektif dan konatif. Aspek kognitif, afektif dan konatif selaras dengan metode komunikasi pemasaran AIDA (awareness, interest, desire dan action). Pada aspek kognitif, tahapan awareness (kesadaran) konsumen berkaitan dengan informasi pada media sosial yang berasal dari ritel supermarket harus mampu menarik minat konsumen unutk memperhatikan informasi yang ada pada media sosial ritel supermarket. Penelitian ini termasuk dalam paradigma positivisme dengan menggunakan metode survei. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa serta mencari hubungan peran citra merek terhadap iklan media sosial dan E-WoM sekaligus memediasi iklan media sosial dan E-WoM terhadap minat kunjungan kembali. Hasil penelitian ini berdasarkan hasil olah data membuktikan peran penting citra merek dalam memediasi iklan media sosial dan E-WoM terhadap minat kunjungan kembali. Hal tersebut dibuktikan nilai p sebesar 0.019 untuk hubungan brand image terhadap revisit intention. Hubungan signifikan juga ditemukan pada hubungan E-WoM terhadap brand image dengan nilai p sebesar 0.000. Hasil penelitian ini membuktikan peran penting yang dimiliki E-WoM dalam membangun serta menciptakan brand image yang positif dari komentar-komentar digital di media sosial Hypermart berkaitan dengan pelayan dan protokol kesehatan. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan peran penting komunikasi dua arah B2C dan C2C pada media sosial untuk menciptakan image positif dan informasi yang valid sehingga menekan disonasi negatif dalam kondisi pandemi agar konsumen berkunjung kembali ke toko fisik. Hasil R square pada penelitian ini didapatkan sebesar 15,1%, sisanya sebesar 84.9 % dari hubungan variabel revisit intention dipengaruhi oleh variabel laten yang tidak diteliti dalam penelitian ini diharapkan bisa dilakukan oleh penelitian selanjutnya. Kata kunci : iklan media sosial, E-WoM, citra merek, minat kunjungan kembali.
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