ROEM, MEGA PRASTYANING (2020) SISTEM INFORMASI POSYANDU IBU DAN ANAK (SIPANDU) BERBASIS WEB (Studi Kasus: Posyandu Warakas Jakarta Utara). S1 thesis, Universitas Mercu Buana Jakarta.

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The role of cadres is very important in improving health in the community, in addition to medical personnel such as doctors and midwives. The duties of PKK cadres are also as important as conducting house-to-house observations as a link between mothers and children, sometimes this role is still considered trivial. By using the means of this PKK mothers help in serving in integrated service posts (Posyandu), accepting pregnant women and mothers who bring toddlers by asking their conditions and goals. The design of a web-based Posyandu information system for mothers and children is aimed at making it easier for Posyandu staff to collect data on pregnant women and mothers to bring toddlers who come directly to Posyandu. PKK cadres still experience difficulties in data collection because they use a manual system. The facilities contained in this design are in the form of data storage for mother and child, examination data, drug data, development results that are usually needed in posyandu activities. In this study, the system development method used is Waterfall, and UML (Unified Modeling Language) as a tool for designing systems. Key Word: Waterfall, PHP, UML Peranan kader sangat penting dalam meningkatkan kesehatan di masyarakat, selain dengan tenaga medis seperti dokter dan bidan. Tugas Kader PKK juga sama halnya penting seperti melakukan peninjauan dari rumah ke rumah sebagai penghubung anatara ibu dan anak, terkadang peran ini masih sangat dianggap sepele. Dengan menggunakan sarana seadannya para ibu PKK ini membantu dalam melayanin di Pos pelayanan terpadu (Posyandu), menerima para ibu hamil dan para ibu yang membawa balita dengan menanyakan kondisi dan tujuan mereka. Perancangan sistem informasi Posyandu ibu dan anak berbasis WEB ini bertujuan untuk mempermudah petugas Posyandu yang akan melakukan pendataan kepada ibu hamil dan ibu membawa balita yang datang langsung ke Posyandu. Kader PKK masih mengalami kesulitan dalam pendataan karena menggunakan sistem manual. Fasilitas-fasilitas yang terdapat di perancangan ini berupa penyimpanan data ibu dan anak, data pemeriksaan, data obat, hasil perkembangan yang biasanya diperlukan dalam kegiatan posyandu. Pada penelitian ini, metode pengembangan sistem yang digunakan adalah Waterfall, serta UML (Unified Modeling Language) sebagai tool untuk merancang sistem. Kata kunci: Waterfall, PHP, UML

Item Type: Thesis (S1)
Call Number CD: FIK/SI. 20 066
NIM/NIDN Creators: 41817120016
Uncontrolled Keywords: Waterfall, PHP, UML
Subjects: 000 Computer Science, Information and General Works/Ilmu Komputer, Informasi, dan Karya Umum > 000. Computer Science, Information and General Works/Ilmu Komputer, Informasi, dan Karya Umum > 004 Data Processing, Computer Science/Pemrosesan Data, Ilmu Komputer, Teknik Informatika
000 Computer Science, Information and General Works/Ilmu Komputer, Informasi, dan Karya Umum > 000. Computer Science, Information and General Works/Ilmu Komputer, Informasi, dan Karya Umum > 004 Data Processing, Computer Science/Pemrosesan Data, Ilmu Komputer, Teknik Informatika > 004.6 Interfacing and Communications/Tampilan Antar Muka (Interface) dan Jaringan Komunikasi Komputer
000 Computer Science, Information and General Works/Ilmu Komputer, Informasi, dan Karya Umum > 000. Computer Science, Information and General Works/Ilmu Komputer, Informasi, dan Karya Umum > 006 Special Computer Methods/Metode Komputer Tertentu > 006.7 Multimedia Systems/Sistem-sistem Multimedia > 006.75 Social Multimedia/Multimedia Social > 006.752 Blogs/Blog, Web Blog
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer > Sistem Informasi
Depositing User: Dede Muksin Lubis
Date Deposited: 02 Jul 2022 01:21
Last Modified: 02 Jul 2022 01:21

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