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The rainy season will be a serious problem for the transportation sector in rural areas of Indonesia. Especially, in areas that do not have permanent access roads (asphalt or concrete roads). All types of motorized vehicles ranging from motorcycles to light, medium, and heavy types of vehicles. Therefore, it is necessary to design a support system, especially on wheels, to reduce the risk of slipping on motorcycles. The design of the anti-slip shoe is used on the driving wheel as a tool to free the slippage. In this research, prototype of steel-based anti-slip shoe U / channel profile UNP SNI 07-0052-2006 type U50. The prototype was made for three-wheeled types of vehicles as follows: the minibus, the light type double colt diesel truck, and the matic motorcycle. Special prototypes for minibus wheels are tested directly on muddy roads. Each prototype of the three types of vehicles is subjected to maximum traction analysis. The analysis is in the form of simulation-based on variations in soil samples from the direct shear strength test results. Soil data samples contain soil cohesion data and internal friction angles as determinants of maximum traction values. With maximum traction analysis, each vehicle wheel prototype can be known as its ability to free slippage in certain soil samples. Of the three types of prototypes made, the prototype for matic motor cycle tire design has the most superior performance compared to the minibus prototype and the light type double col diesel truck. Keywords: U profile steel; muddy road; motor vehicle; land cohesion: anti-slip shoes; maximum traction; wheel traction device Musim hujan akan menjadi masalah serius bagi sektor transportasi di daerah pedesaan Indonesia. Terutama, di daerah-daerah yang tidak memiliki jalan akses permanen (jalan aspal atau beton). Segala jenis kendaraan bermotor mulai sepeda motor, kendaraan tipe ringan, sedang, dan berat. Oleh karena itu, perlu dirancang sistem pendukung, terutama pada roda, untuk mengurangi risiko selip atau tergelincir pada kendaraan bermotor. Desain sepatu anti selip ini digunakan pada roda penggerak kendaraan bermotor sebagai alat untuk membebaskan selip. Dalam penelitian ini dibuat prototipe sepatu antiselip berbasis baja profil U/kanal UNP SNI 07-0052-2006 tipe U50. Prototipe dibuat untuk roda tiga jenis kendaraan bermotor, yaitu minibus, truk colt diesel double tipe ringan, dan sepeda motor matic. Khusus prototipe untuk roda minibus diuji langsung di jalan berlumpur. Setiap prototipe dari ketiga jenis kendaraan dilakukan analisis traksi maksimum. Analisis tersebut berupa simulasi berdasarkan variasi sampel tanah hasil pengujian kuat geser langsung. Sampel data tanah memuat data kohesi tanah dan sudut gesekan internal sebagai parameter-parameter penentu nilai traksi maksimum. Dengan analisis traksi maksimum, setiap prototipe roda kendaraan dapat diketahui batas kemampuannya untuk membebaskan selip pada sampel tanah tertentu. Dari ketiga jenis prototipe yang dibuat, desain prototipe sepeda motor matic memiliki performasi paling unggul dibandingkan prototipe minibus dan truk col diesel double tipe ringan. Kata kunci: alat traksi roda; baja profil U; jalan berlumpur; kendaraan bermotor; kohesi tanah: sepatu antiselip; traksi maksimum.

Item Type: Thesis (S2)
Call Number CD: CD/558. 20 004
Call Number: TMS/58/21/002
NIM/NIDN Creators: 55818110007
Uncontrolled Keywords: alat traksi roda; baja profil U; jalan berlumpur; kendaraan bermotor; kohesi tanah: sepatu antiselip; traksi maksimum.
Subjects: 700 Arts/Seni, Seni Rupa, Kesenian > 740 Drawing and Decorative Art/Menggambar dan Seni Dekorasi > 745 Decorative Arts/Seni Dekorasi
700 Arts/Seni, Seni Rupa, Kesenian > 740 Drawing and Decorative Art/Menggambar dan Seni Dekorasi > 745 Decorative Arts/Seni Dekorasi > 745.2 Industrial Design/Desain Industri
700 Arts/Seni, Seni Rupa, Kesenian > 740 Drawing and Decorative Art/Menggambar dan Seni Dekorasi > 745 Decorative Arts/Seni Dekorasi > 745.4 Pure and Applied Design and Decoration/Desain Dekorasi Murni dan Terapan
700 Arts/Seni, Seni Rupa, Kesenian > 790 Recreational and Performing Arts/Olah Raga dan Seni Pertunjukan > 796 Athletic and Outdoor Sports/Atletik dan Olah Raga Luar Ruangan
700 Arts/Seni, Seni Rupa, Kesenian > 790 Recreational and Performing Arts/Olah Raga dan Seni Pertunjukan > 796 Athletic and Outdoor Sports/Atletik dan Olah Raga Luar Ruangan > 796.2 Games with Equipment/Permainan Olah Raga yang Menggunakan Alat
Divisions: Pascasarjana > Magister Teknik Mesin
Depositing User: Amin Sujatmiko
Date Deposited: 31 Mar 2023 01:51
Last Modified: 31 Mar 2023 01:51

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