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Under Armor is a leading sports brand that expanded its business to Indonesia in 2016. The image of Under Armor is as Sports Brand Performance and 'fit for lifestyle'. The challenge when entering Indonesia is the fact that the brand is not yet well recognized, especially by ordinary market people who are not interested in sports. Therefore, the brand needs marketing public relations activities to build its brand image in Indonesia. This study used the concepts of communication, marketing communications, Marketing Public Relations and Public Relations activities including the stages of finding, planning, communications and evaluating. This study uses a post-positivism paradigm with qualitative descriptive methods. Data collection techniques through in-depth interviews and observations through speakers from Under Armor and Under Armor consumers. Data validity analysis techniques using data triangulation. The results of the research in "Under Armor Public Relations Activities in Building Image in Indonesia" showed that the activities carried out were Event & Community Relations, Instagram social media socialization and Media Relations where in each activity the stages of fact finding, planning, communications and evaluating were carried out. Under Armor's image as Sports Brand Performance and ‘fit for lifestyle have also been formed and recognized by the public. Keywords: Communications Activities, Under Armour, Brand Image Under Armour merupakan brand olahraga terkemuka yang melakukan ekspansi bisnis ke Indonesia pada tahun 2016. Citra Under Armour adalah sebagai Sports Brand Performance dan ‘fit for lifestyle’. Tantangan saat memasuki Indonesia adalah fakta bahwa brand tersebut belum begitu dikenali, khususnya oleh market awam yang tidak berminat olahraga. Oleh karena itu, diperlukannya aktivitas marketing public relations untuk membangun citra merek di Indonesia.. Pada penelitian ini digunakan konsep komunikasi, marketing communications, Marketing Public Relations dan aktivitas Public Relations meliputi tahap fact finding, planning, communications dan evaluate. Penelitian ini menggunakan paradigma post-positivisme dengan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara mendalam dan observasi melalui narasumber dari Under Armour dan konsumen Under Armour. Teknik analisis keabsahan data menggunakan triangulasi data. Hasil penelitian dalam “Aktivitas Komunikasi Under Armour Dalam Membangun Citra Merek di Indonesia” menunjukkan bahwa aktivitas yang dilaksanakan adalah Event & Community Relations, Sosialisasi sosial media Instagram dan Media Relations dimana dalam masing-masing aktivitas dilakukan tahapan fact finding, planning, communications dan evaluate. Citra Under Armour sebagai Sports Brand Performance dan ‘fit for lifestyle juga sudah terbentuk dan dikenali oleh publik. Kata Kunci : Aktivitas Komunikasi, Under Armour, Citra Merek
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