Martins, Mario Alberto Jose (2021) MODEL PENINGKATAN EFEKTIVITAS KAMPANYE KESEHATAN SAYA BERANI DI DKI JAKARTA. S2 thesis, Universitas Mercu Buana Jakarta-Menteng.

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This study aims to determine and examine the factors that influence the effectiveness of health campaigns "Saya Berani" in the region of Jakarta area. The factors that affect the effectiveness of the campaign "Saya Berani" are Health Consciousness, Influencers, Content and Social Media. This type of research uses a descriptive and verification approach, the method used in this research is an explanatory survey. The population in this study are civilian of Jakarta who already know about "Saya Berani" campaign through digital platforms, which are Social Media and "Saya Berani" Campaign Website. The number of samples needed in this study was 210 respondents from followers of social media accounts (Facebook, Instagram and Twitter) of "Saya Berani" Campaign, using Hair formula with the Purposive sampling technique. This study will be tested and analyzed using the SEM-PLS statistical test version 3.33. The results of this study found that there are three variables that affect the effectiveness of campaigns through social media, namely Health Consciousness, Content and Social Media. While the Influencer variable does not significantly affect the effectiveness of the campaign. Keywords: Campaign Effectiveness, Health Consciousness, Influencers, Content, Social Media, and HIV & AIDS Campaign.

Item Type: Thesis (S2)
NIM/NIDN Creators: 55119110005
Uncontrolled Keywords: Campaign Effectiveness, Health Consciousness, Influencers, Content,Social Media, and HIV & AIDS Campaign.Efektivitas Kampanye, Peduli Kesehatan, Influencer, Konten, Media sosial, dan Kampanye HIV & AIDS.
Subjects: 600 Technology/Teknologi > 650 Management, Public Relations, Business and Auxiliary Service/Manajemen, Hubungan Masyarakat, Bisnis dan Ilmu yang Berkaitan > 658 General Management/Manajemen Umum
Divisions: Pascasarjana > Magister Manajemen
Date Deposited: 02 Mar 2022 07:39
Last Modified: 02 Mar 2022 07:39

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