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SSC (Submerged Scraper Conveyor) is part of the ash handling system in the PC power plant (Pulverizer Coal). SSC functions as a carrier of residue (ash) from burning coal in the boiler. For Suralaya Power Plant 1-4 using coal with a calorific value of 5100 kcal / gr leaving a residual combustion of 3% ash and dust. Today coal with a calorific value of 5100 kcal / kg is experiencing a scarcity of availability, therefore the company provides a policy of using coal with a calorific value below the design. Suralaya power plant uses coal with a calorific value of 4900 kcal / gr leaving a residual of 5.5% ash and dust. Caused increased workload in the SSC which resulted in the bending of the flightbar and the flightbar's drop in the amount of ash and slagging. The risk of flightbar bending and dropping causes dereating units and forced shutdown. In this final project, analyze the flightbar to improve the reliability of SSC Units 1-4 using the finite element method. The material on the flightbar is SS400 with yield strength (σy) = 2,500e + 02 MPa. The purpose of this final project is to determine the ability of the existing flightbar to experience a material failure by simulating loading and optimizing the existing flightbar design to improve the reliability of the SSC with the help of 2018 solidwork software. MPa with a load of 53,210 N. And the result of modification profile plate 3 with a load of 56,000 N has a max voltage = 2.508e + 02 MPa. This percentage change indicates that the difference between the existing flightbar and flightbar modif plate 3 is 5.24%. From these results it can be seen that the greater the price of yield strength to the maximum stress, the structure will be safer to use. Keywords: Residues, Submerged Scraper Conveyor, Flightbar, Finite Element SSC (Submerged Scraper Conveyor) merupakan bagian ash handling system pada PLTU PC (Pulverizer Coal). SSC berfungsi sebagai pembawa residu (abu) dari pembakaran batu bara pada boiler. Untuk PLTU Suralaya 1-4 memakai batu bara dengan nilai kalor 5100 kkal/gr yang menyisakan residual pembakaran 3 % ash dan dust. Dewasa ini batu bara dengan nilai kalor 5100 kkal/kg mengalami kelangkaan ketersediaan, oleh karena itu perusahaan memberi kebijakan pemakaian batu bara dengan nilai kalor di bawah desain. PLTU Suralaya memakai batu bara dengan nilai kalor 4900 kkal/gr menyisakan residual 5.5 % ash dan dust. Menyebabkan beban kerja di SSC meningkat yang berakibat bengkoknya flightbar dan anjloknya flightbar dari jumlah abu dan slagging. Resiko flightbar bengkok dan anjlok menyebabkan dereating unit dan shutdown paksa. Dalam tugas akhir ini, menganalisis flightbar untuk meningkatkan kehandalan SSC Unit 1-4 menggunakan metode elemen hingga. Material pada flightbar ialah SS400 dengan kekuatan luluh (
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