01.HALAMAN JUDUL.pdf Download (105kB) | Preview |
02.ABSTRAK.pdf Download (212kB) | Preview |
03.Lembar Pengesahan.pdf Download (242kB) | Preview |
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05.KATA PENGANTAR.pdf Download (249kB) | Preview |
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010.BAB I PENDAHULUAN.pdf Restricted to Registered users only Download (219kB) |
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011.BAB II KAJIAN PUSTAKA.pdf Restricted to Registered users only Download (514kB) |
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012.BAB III METODOLOGI PENELITIAN.pdf Restricted to Registered users only Download (643kB) |
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013.BAB IV TEMUAN DAN DISKUSI.pdf Restricted to Registered users only Download (2MB) |
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014.BAB V KESIMPULAN DAN SARAN.pdf Restricted to Registered users only Download (284kB) |
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015.DAFTAR PUSTAKA.pdf Restricted to Registered users only Download (385kB) |
Dengan tingginya angka pertumbuhan penduduk ini telah menimbulkan banyak masalah bagi kota-kota di berbagai bidang seperti transportasi, mobilisasi barang, pengunaan energi, dan lain-lain. jakarta merupakan kota di indonesia yang memiliki status setingkat provinsi. sebagai ibukota republik indonesia yang menjadi pusat ekonomi dan pemerintahan memiliki permasalahan yang serupa dengan kota-kota metropolitan dunia seperti masalah urbanisasi, kemiskinan, ketimpangan sosial, penyediaan fasilitas umum, perumahan, tata ruang, listrik, transportasi massal, kemacetan dan polusi udara kota jakarta perlu menemukan cara-cara baru untuk menghadapi tantangan-tantangan ini dengan memanfaatkan perkembangan teknologi guna mempermudah tata kelola dan pelayanan kota, perkembangan teknologi terbaru untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup di berbagai sektor seperti transportasi, ekonomi,lingkungan,masyarakat, kehidupan dan tata kelola, kota-kota perlu menemukan cara baru untuk menghadapi tantangan-tantangan ini. tujuan dari pembuatan tesis ini adalah studi kasus kelayakan penerapan smartcity di jakarta, dengan menerapkan dan menghubungkan dengan 6 komponen utama smartcity sebagai indikator pencapaian. dengan mengunakan metode pendekatan kualitatif dan kuantitatif, penulis berusaha mendapatkan gambaran secara sistematis, faktual dan jelas mengenai fenomena-fenomena yang terjadi sehubungan dengan topik yang dibahas. penelitian deskriptif yaitu penelitian yang menggambarkan dan mengambarkan keadaan obyek penelitian pada saat sekarang sebagaimana adanya fakta-fakta berdasarkan hasil kajian literatur, survey, kuisioner, interview dan membuat perbandingan inisiatif yang dilakukan di kota-kota terpilih yaitu jakarta dan singapura, melalui matriks deskriptor dikembangkan. meskipun hasil belum maksimal dan akan berkelanjutan dalam pengembangannya, dengan begitu dapat dikatakan bahwa maka jakarta dikatakan layak menerapkan kota cerdas atau smart city yang dimana mempunyai 6 komponen indikator, yaitu smart government, smart economy, smart live, smart living, smart people, dan smart mobility. kolaborasi yang cerdas merupakan komponen yang pentingnya dalam penerapan konsep smartcity agar setiap pemangku kepentingan dapat bersinergi, dan transparan agar penerapannya lebih tertata dan terarah, mulai dari tahap perencaan, desain, pengeimplementasian, operasional, optimalisasi, tidak adanya saling menyalahkan antar pemangku kepetingan, dalam hal bisnis model mulai dari pendanaan dan kerjasama dengan pihak swasta yang telah terbukti dalam proyek pembangunan smartcity di beberapa kota smartcity yang terdahulu. Kunci: smartcity , 6 indikator With the increase in population growth rates this has caused many problems for cities in various fields such as transportation, goods mobilization, energy use, and others. jakarta is a city in indonesia which has provincial level status. as the capital of the republic of indonesia which is an economic and government center which has problems related to the world's metropolitan cities such as urbanization, poverty, social inequality, provision of public facilities, housing, spatial planning, electricity, mass transportation, congestion and air transportation jakarta is needed find new ways to overcome these challenges by utilizing technological developments to facilitate city governance and services, the latest technological developments to improve the quality of life in various sectors such as transportation, economy, environment, society, life and governance, cities need to find new ways to face these challenges. the purpose of making this thesis is a case study of the feasibility of implementing smartcity in jakarta, by implementing and connecting with 6 main components of smartcity as an indicator of achievement. by using qualitative and quantitative methods, the authors try to get a complete, factual and clear picture of the phenomena that occur related to the topics discussed. descriptive research is research that describes and depicts the state of the object of research at present representing facts based on the results of a literature review, survey, questionnaire, interview and making comparisons conducted in cities selected as jakarta and singapore, through matrix descriptors were developed. with results that are not optimal and will be sustainable in its development, it can be agreed that jakarta is approved by smart cities, smart cities which have 6 indicator components, namely smart government, smart economy, smart life, smart life, smart life, smart people , and smart mobility. intelligent collaboration represents an important component in the application of the concept of smartcity so that every involvement of interests can synergize, and be transparent so that its application is more orderly and directed, starting from planning, design, implementation, operation, optimization, there is no relationship between mutually supporting interests, in terms of business models ranging from participation and collaboration with private parties that have been proven in smartcity development projects in several smartcity cities that were launched. Key:: smartcity , 6 indicator
Item Type: | Thesis (S2) |
Call Number CD: | CDT-554-20-005 |
Call Number: | T-54-MTE-20-009 |
NIM/NIDN Creators: | 55416120009 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | smartcity, 6 indikator |
Subjects: | 600 Technology/Teknologi > 620 Engineering and Applied Operations/Ilmu Teknik dan operasi Terapan > 621 Applied Physics/Fisika terapan |
Divisions: | Pascasarjana > Magister Teknik Elektro |
Depositing User: | ORYZA LUVITA |
Date Deposited: | 21 Feb 2022 03:25 |
Last Modified: | 18 Jun 2022 06:00 |
URI: | http://repository.mercubuana.ac.id/id/eprint/56412 |
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