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In line with the rapid development of information technology, human activities cannot be separated from data, both in terms of work and personal life. Data exchange from one individual to another is inevitable, even during breaks. The data exchange is carried out in various ways, including through email, file sharing, flash disks and hard disks. In practice, exchanging data using the above methods has its own limitations. Private cloud storage server services are a good solution to overcome the above problems, because data storage is centralized on a server, easy to access and secure. The private cloud storage server service in this work utilizes the Nextcloud platform which is equipped with the HTTPS protocol and a cryptomator. The public IP for the server is dynamic then it uses a dynamic domain name server (DDNS). The public IP for the server is dynamic so it uses a dynamic domain name server (DDNS). The system created can be accessed via web pages and applications. Based on testing and analysis, it is known that the HTTPS protocol is able to secure the authentication process and data transfer between the client and the server, the cryptomator is able to synchronize and encrypt data on the server so as to protect user privacy. From three attempts to upload data via a web page, it is known that the average throughput value is 5.718 Mbps, the largest Packet loss is 0.0024 %, and the largest average delay is 0.097 s. Meanwhile, from three times the data synchronization test between client and server applications, it is known that the average throughput value is 3.2 Mbps, the largest Packet loss is 0.0059%, and the largest average delay is 0.003 s. Key words : Private Cloud Storage, Nextcloud, HTTPS, Dynamic Domain Name Server (DDNS), IP Publik, Cryptomator, Client, Server, Throughput, Packet loss, Delay Sejalan dengan perkembangan teknologi informasi yang pesat, membuat aktivitas manusia tidak terlepas dari data, baik dalam hal pekerjaan maupun kehidupan pribadi. Pertukaran data dari satu individu ke individu lain menjadi hal yang tidak terelakkan, bahkan di waktu istirahat sekalipun. Pertukaran data dilakukan dengan beragam cara, di antaranya melalui email, file sharing, flash disk dan hard disk. Pada praktiknya, pertukaran data dengan cara - cara di atas memiliki keterbatasan tersendiri. Layanan private cloud storage server menjadi solusi yang baik untuk mengatasi permasalahan di atas, karena penyimpanan data menjadi terpusat dalam sebuah server, mudah diakses dan aman. Layanan private cloud storage server pada penelitian ini memanfaatkan platform nextcloud yang dilengkapi dengan protokol HTTPS dan cryptomator. IP publik untuk server bersifat dinamis sehingga menggunakan dynamic domain name server (DDNS). Sistem yang dibuat mampu diakses melalui halaman web dan aplikasi. Berdasarkan pengujian dan analisa, diketahui bahwa protokol HTTPS mampu megamankan proses autentikasi dan transfer data antara klien dan server, cryptomator mampu tersinkronisasi dan mengenkripsi data di dalam server sehingga melindungi privasi pengguna. Dari tiga kali percobaan unggah data melalui halaman web, diketahui nilai rata – rata throughput 5,718 Mbps, Packet loss terbesar 0,0024 %, dan rata – rata delay terbesar 0,097 s. Sementara dari tiga kali pengujian sinkronisasi data antara aplikasi klien dan server, diketahui nilai rata – rata throughput 3,2 Mbps, Packet loss terbesar 0,0059 %, dan rata – rata delay terbesar 0,003 s. Kata kunci : Private Cloud Storage, Nextcloud, HTTPS, Dynamic Domain Name Server (DDNS), IP Publik, Cryptomator, Klien, Server, Throughput, Packet loss, Delay

Item Type: Thesis (S1)
NIM/NIDN Creators: 41419110142
Uncontrolled Keywords: Private Cloud Storage, Nextcloud, HTTPS, Dynamic Domain Name Server (DDNS), IP Publik, Cryptomator, Klien, Server, Throughput, Packet loss, Delay
Subjects: 000 Computer Science, Information and General Works/Ilmu Komputer, Informasi, dan Karya Umum > 000. Computer Science, Information and General Works/Ilmu Komputer, Informasi, dan Karya Umum > 004 Data Processing, Computer Science/Pemrosesan Data, Ilmu Komputer, Teknik Informatika > 004.6 Interfacing and Communications/Tampilan Antar Muka (Interface) dan Jaringan Komunikasi Komputer
000 Computer Science, Information and General Works/Ilmu Komputer, Informasi, dan Karya Umum > 000. Computer Science, Information and General Works/Ilmu Komputer, Informasi, dan Karya Umum > 006 Special Computer Methods/Metode Komputer Tertentu > 006.7 Multimedia Systems/Sistem-sistem Multimedia > 006.75 Social Multimedia/Multimedia Social > 006.752 Blogs/Blog, Web Blog
600 Technology/Teknologi > 650 Management, Public Relations, Business and Auxiliary Service/Manajemen, Hubungan Masyarakat, Bisnis dan Ilmu yang Berkaitan > 658 General Management/Manajemen Umum > 658.01-658.09 [Management of Enterprises of Specific Sizes, Scopes, Forms; Data Processing]/[Pengelolaan Usaha dengan Ukuran, Lingkup, Bentuk Tertentu; Pengolahan Data]
600 Technology/Teknologi > 650 Management, Public Relations, Business and Auxiliary Service/Manajemen, Hubungan Masyarakat, Bisnis dan Ilmu yang Berkaitan > 658 General Management/Manajemen Umum > 658.01-658.09 [Management of Enterprises of Specific Sizes, Scopes, Forms; Data Processing]/[Pengelolaan Usaha dengan Ukuran, Lingkup, Bentuk Tertentu; Pengolahan Data] > 658.05 Data Processing Computer Applications/Pengolahan Data Aplikasi Komputer
Divisions: Fakultas Teknik > Teknik Elektro
Depositing User: Dede Muksin Lubis
Date Deposited: 27 Jan 2022 03:52
Last Modified: 27 Jan 2022 03:52
URI: http://repository.mercubuana.ac.id/id/eprint/54581

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