Analisis Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) Dengan Pengukuran Overal Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) dan Six Big Losses Di PT Gajah Tunggal

ZENTI, LONA ARIESTHA (2019) Analisis Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) Dengan Pengukuran Overal Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) dan Six Big Losses Di PT Gajah Tunggal. S2 thesis, Universitas Mercu Buana.

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The research objective was to analyze the application of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) with measurements of Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) and Six Big Losses. The company that was used as the object of research was a manufacturing company with output in the form of motorized tires. The research was conducted by examining four machines. The measurement results obtained OEE value did not reach the management set target, which is <60% with the average value of OEE DDT-6 machines at 35.2%, DDT-7 at 27%, DDT-10 at 23.33% and DDT-11 at 6.54% due to the low availability rate value of DDT-7 is 37.26% and the low performance rate value in the DDT-11 calculation is 14.47%. Then an analysis is carried out to determine the cause of the OEE <60% value with the six big losses and the biggest losses are in the idling & minor stoppage losses with the average machine losses DDT-6: 49.95%, DDT-7: 35.28%, DDT-10 : 59.53%, and DDT-11: 55.94%. That is, machine losses are caused by the machine being idle. The main cause of the machine is idle because of the limited number of test support devices and the limited number of tire wheels. Keywords: Total Productive Maintenance, Overall Equipment Effectiveness, Six Big Losses Tujuan penelitian untuk menganalisis penerapan Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) dengan pengukuran Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) dan Six Big Losses. Perusahaan yang dijadikan objek penelitian merupakan perusahaan manufaktur dengan ouput berupa ban kendaraan bermotor. Penelitian dilakukan dengan meneliti empat buah mesin. Hasil pengukuran didapatkan nilai OEE tidak mencapai target yang ditetapkan manajemen yaitu < 60% dengan nilai rata-rata OEE mesin DDT-6 sebesar 35.2%, DDT-7 sebesar 27%, DDT-10 sebesar 23.33% dan DDT-11 sebesar 6.54% dikarenakan rendahnya nilai availability rate pada DDT-7 sebesar 37.26% dan rendahnya nilai performance rate pada perhitungan DDT-11 yaitu 14.47%. Lalu dilakukan analisis untuk mengetahui penyebab nilai OEE <60% dengan six big losses dan didapatkan losses terbesar ada pada idling & minor stoppage losses dengan nilai rata- rata losses mesin DDT-6 : 49.95%, DDT-7 : 35.28%, DDT-10: 59.53%, dan DDT-11: 55.94%. Artinya, losses mesin disebabkan karena mesin banyak menganggur. Penyebab utama mesin menganggur karena alat pendukung uji yang terbatas jumlahnya serta jumlah velg ban yang terbatas. Kata kunci: Total Productive Maintenance, Overall Equipment Effectiveness, Six Big Losses

Item Type: Thesis (S2)
Call Number CD: CD/551. 19 205
NIM/NIDN Creators: 55116120197
Uncontrolled Keywords: Total Productive Maintenance, Overall Equipment Effectiveness, Six Big Losses
Subjects: 600 Technology/Teknologi > 650 Management, Public Relations, Business and Auxiliary Service/Manajemen, Hubungan Masyarakat, Bisnis dan Ilmu yang Berkaitan > 658 General Management/Manajemen Umum > 658.01-658.09 [Management of Enterprises of Specific Sizes, Scopes, Forms; Data Processing]/[Pengelolaan Usaha dengan Ukuran, Lingkup, Bentuk Tertentu; Pengolahan Data]
600 Technology/Teknologi > 650 Management, Public Relations, Business and Auxiliary Service/Manajemen, Hubungan Masyarakat, Bisnis dan Ilmu yang Berkaitan > 658 General Management/Manajemen Umum > 658.01-658.09 [Management of Enterprises of Specific Sizes, Scopes, Forms; Data Processing]/[Pengelolaan Usaha dengan Ukuran, Lingkup, Bentuk Tertentu; Pengolahan Data] > 658.04 Management of Enterprises of Specific Forms/Pengelolaan Usaha dengan Bentuk Tertentu
600 Technology/Teknologi > 650 Management, Public Relations, Business and Auxiliary Service/Manajemen, Hubungan Masyarakat, Bisnis dan Ilmu yang Berkaitan > 658 General Management/Manajemen Umum > 658.01-658.09 [Management of Enterprises of Specific Sizes, Scopes, Forms; Data Processing]/[Pengelolaan Usaha dengan Ukuran, Lingkup, Bentuk Tertentu; Pengolahan Data] > 658.04 Management of Enterprises of Specific Forms/Pengelolaan Usaha dengan Bentuk Tertentu > 658.045 Corporations/Perusahaan
Divisions: Pascasarjana > Magister Manajemen
Depositing User: Dede Muksin Lubis
Date Deposited: 31 Dec 2021 06:44
Last Modified: 21 Apr 2022 07:03

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