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Flood can be caused by high amount of rainfall and environmental condition which begin to be damage, especially in near river area because the function of river banks as water catchment areas and green areas begin to disappear. When the rain falls, some areas around the river will be directly affected by the flood. The lack of information which is obtained before the flood happened makes people unable to save themselves and their belongings. Therefore it is necessary to make equipment which is able to detect flood earlier. The current flood detection system is less optimal because it is still run manually through Toa speaker. In some places, electronic devices have been used, but there is no information that can be obtained by the community in case of danger. And then the authors make a flood detection system that is automatically based on IoT (Internet of Things). The system uses the NodeMCU Esp8266 controller, with a combination of a potentiometer sensor which is installed at the mechanical water level, and connected to the IoT Thingspeak platform. Based on the results of the analysis and testing that has been done; the system that has been designed could run according to the initial concept. The IoT platform�based flood detection system could make devices connected to other devices. The device would turn on the danger signal when the altitude percentage was more than 85% of the maximum height. The lag time in uploading and downloading process was included in the Fast category (≤10 seconds). Therefore, the monitoring system could be done through the LCD device or website. Keyword : NodeMCU, Monitoring Water Level, IoT (Internet of Things), Thingspeak Banjir dapat disebabkan oleh curah hujan yang tinggi dan kondisi lingkungan yang sudah mulai rusak, terutama di daerah sekitar sungai, karena fungsi bantaran sungai sebagai daerah resapan air dan kawasan hijau sudah mulai hilang. Jika terjadi hujan, beberapa daerah sekitar sungai langsung terkena banjir. Minimnya informasi yang didapatkan pada saat terjadinya banjir membuat masyarakat tidak dapat mempersiapkan untuk menyelamatkan diri dan barang-barangnya. Maka dari itu perlu dibuat alat untuk pendeteksi banjir secara dini. Namun sistem pendeteksi banjir yang ada saat ini kurang maksimal karena masih dijalankan secara manual, melalui speaker Toa. Pada beberapa tempat sudah memakai alat elektronik namun tidak ada informasi yang di dapatkan masyarakat jika terjadi tanda bahaya. Sehingga penulis membuat sistem pendeteksi banjir yang sudah otomatis berbasis IoT (Internet of Things). Sistem menggunakan kontroler NodeMCU Esp8266, dengan kombinasi sensor potensio yang dipasang di mekanik ketinggian air, dan terhubung dengan platform IoT Thingspeak. Berdasarkan hasil analisa dan pengujian yang telah dilakukan, sistem yang dirancang dapat berjalan sesuai konsep awal. Sistem pendeteksi banjir berbasis platform IoT, dapat membuat device tersambung dengan device lainnya. Device menyalakan tanda bahaya ketika persentase ketinggian lebih dari 85% dari ketinggian maksimal. Waktu jeda pada proses unggah dan unduh, termasuk dalam kategori Cepat (≤10 detik). Sehingga sistem monitoring dapat di lakukan melalui layer lcd ataupun website. Kata Kunci : NodeMCU, Monitoring Water Level, IoT (Internet of Things), Thingspeak
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