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In the construction project of 6 Inner City Toll Roads, it was initially planned to be operational at the end of 2019 and then the schedule was changed in mid-2021, this was due to problems in land acquisition and the problem of relocation of utilities that had not been completed, as well as the design that had undergone changes, especially in the pier head design. so that the pierhead structure experiences a delay. From the results of the design change, there are 2 types of scaffolding methods that will be used on the pier head structure, which are expected to accelerate the progress of this project. The scaffolding system used in this project is the BPW version of the scaffold and the Dscaff version. Both methods are included in the type of system formwork with relatively different levels of work time and costs. Dscaff is a scaffolding material that was first applied to support pier head work on projects in Indonesia originating from Malaysia. This version of Dscaff consists of a combination of mega shoring as support for pierhead formwork and a steel table as a bottom from. Meanwhile, the BPW version of the formwork is a formwork system in the form of a combination of support formwork using roro shoring and bottom form on the pierhead using the PD8 system. This research method is a comparison of the two methods of the cost and time of the construction project of 6 Inner-City Toll Roads. The formwork compared is the semi- system formwork and system formwork in the construction project of 6 Inner-City Toll Roads, where the work location starts from Street Boulevard Barat Raya Kelapa Gading - Pegangsaan Dua - Jalan Raya Bekasi. This toll road is planned to have a building with an elevated design. The formwork scaffolding used is the Beton Perkasa Wijaksana system and the Dscaff system. For time analysis, the author uses Microsoft Excel (Bar Chart) software. For costs, the authors compare the costs of the Full Project Budget Plan (RAPK) in each method being compared. The purpose of this study was to determine the comparison between the Beton Perkasa Wijaksana scaffold system and the Dscaff scaffold system to cost and time. Based on the results of the research that has been carried out, it can be concluded that the implementation method of Dscaff scaffolding is easier than BPW scaffolding. In terms of the cost of Dscaff scaffolding is more expensive at Rp. 2,825,846,748.09 or 57% of the value of the BPW scaffolding, this cost may be less likely to incur additional costs or rework. In terms of implementation time, Dscaff scaffolding is relatively faster than BPW scaffolding. Using a Dscaff scaffold based on optimistic, most likely, and pessimistic time is 18 days, 28 days, and 38 days, respectively, while using a BPW scaffold based on optimistic, most likely, and pessimistic time is 23 days, 34 days, 45 days. Key words: Beton Perkasa Wijaksana System Scaffolding, Comparison of Methods, Cost, Dscaff System Scaffolding, Formwork, Time Pada proyek pembangunan 6 Ruas Tol Dalam Kota Jakarta awalnya direncanakan dapat beroperasi di akhir tahun 2019 kemudian mengalami perubahan jadwal di pertengahan 2021 hal tersebut disebabkan karena terkendala masalah pembebasan lahan dan masalah relokasi utilitas yang belum selesai, serta desain yang mengalami perubahan khususnya pada desain pier head sehingga pada struktur pierhead mengalami keterlambatan. Dari hasil perubahan desain tersebut terdapat 2 jenis metode perancah yang akan digunakan pada struktur pier head diharapkan mampu mempercepat progress proyek ini. Sistem perancah yang digunakan di proyek ini yaitu perancah versi BPW dan perancah versi Dscaff. Kedua metode tersebut termasuk pada jenis bekisting sistem dengan tingkat waktu pekerjaan dan biaya yang relatif berbeda. Dscaff merupakan material perancah yang pertama kali diterapkan sebagai support pekerjaan pier head pada proyek di Indonesia yang berasal dari Malaysia. Versi Dscaff ini terdiri atas perpaduan antara mega shoring sebagai support formwork pierhead dan steel table sebagai bottom from. Sedangkan formwork versi BPW merupakan sistem formwork berupa perpaduan antara support formwork menggunakan roro shoring dan bottom form pada pierhead menggunakan sistem PD8. Metode penelitian ini merupakan perbandingan dua metode bekiting terhadap biaya dan waktu pada proyek pembangunan 6 Ruas Tol Dalam Kota Jakarta. Bekisting yang dibandingkan adalah bekisting semi sistem dan bekisting sistem pada proyek pembangunan 6 Ruas Tol Dalam Kota Jakarta yang lokasi pekerjaannya dimulai dari Jalan Boulevard Barat Raya Kelapa Gading – Pegangsaan Dua – Jalan Raya Bekasi. Jalan tol ini direncanakan memiliki bangunan dengan desain elevated (layang). Perancah bekisting yang digunakan adalah system BPW dan system Dscaff. Untuk analisis terhadap waktu, penulis menggunakan software Microsoft Project. Untuk biaya, penulis membandingkan biaya Rencana Anggaran Proyek Kendali (RAPK) pada setiap metode yang dibandingkan. Tujuan penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui perbandingan antara system perancah Beton Perkasa Wijaksana dan system perancah Dscaff terhadap biaya dan waktu. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang sudah dilakukan, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa dalam metode pelaksanaan perancah Dscaff lebih mudah daripada perancah BPW. Dalam segi biaya perancah Dscaff lebih mahal sebesar Rp.2.825.846.748,09 atau 57% dari nilai perancah BPW, biaya tersebut dapat kecil kemungkinan terjadi biaya tambahan atau rework. Dalam segi waktu pelaksanaan perancah Dscaff relatif lebih cepat daripada perancah BPW. Dengan menggunakan perancah Dscaff berdasarkan waktu optimistic, most likely, dan pessimistic berturut-turut adalah 18 hari, 28 hari, dan 38 hari, sedangkan menggunakan perancah BPW berdasarkan waktu optimistic, most likely, dan pessimistic berturut-turut adalah 23 hari, 34 hari, 45 hari. Kata kunci : Bekisting, Biaya, Perbandingan Metode Perancah Sistim Beton Perkasa Wijaksana, Perancah Sistim Dscaff, , Waktu.
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