S, Muhamad Iqbal (2015) Studi Konstruksi Jaringan Hybrid Fiber Coaxial Aerial, Underground dan Building di Jakarta. S2 thesis, Universitas Mercu Buana Jakarta-Menteng.
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Meningkat nya jumlah penduduk Indonesia yang menyadari pentingnya internet dan edutainment meningkatkan adopsi internet dan layanan tv berbayar di kalangan masyarakat. HFC sebagai kombinasi coaxial di sisi distribusi dan fiber optik di sisi backbone diharapkan dapat meningkatkan penetrasi tv berbayar dan internet dan diharapkan dapat mendominasi jaringan tv berbayar dan internet di kalangan menengah ke atas, dimana kalangan tersebut tidak hanya menuntut konektivitas, tetapi juga kecepatan dan transmisi data yang hampir realtime HFC sebagai jaringan kabel memiliki keunggulan dalam hal kecepatan, dengan bandwidth sampai dengan 1 GHz, HFC dapat dikatakan salah satu teknologi True Broadband yang mampu mentransmisi kan banyak channel video HD dan data berkecepatan tinggi secarasimultan. Selain itu HFC mampu memberikan latency yang sangat rendah sehingga handal digunakan untuk aktifitas multimedia, streaming, video conferencing, gaming bahkan untuk keperluan cloud computing sampai dengan salah satu komponen vital untuk me-enable kan Unified communication. PT Linknet Sebagai penyedia jaringan internet dan tv berbayar melihat kesempatan ini, namun kompetisi penyedia jaringan internet dan TV berbayar saat ini sudah bertambah berat, dengan hadirnya kompetitor baru seperti MNC Play, Innovate Indonesia, telkom,danbiznet. Sebagai Operator pertama yang bermain di triple play tentunya PT linknet harus meningkatkan daya saingnya dengan lebih agresif dalam memperebutkan area ekspansi jaringan yang tersisa. Dengan melihat hal tersebut maka dibutuhkan strategi project management yang prima , meminimalisasi cost, mengurangi waktu proses dengan melihat proses bisnis (yang mengacu pada metode etom) dan memilih scope project atau area yang tepat. Kata Kunci : investasi Hybrid Fiber Coaxial, strategi Project management, Proses Bisnis Konstruksi HFC, strategi pemilihan area ekspansi Increased its number of Indonesian population aware of the importance of the internet and edutainment, also increase adoption of internet and pay TV services in the community . HFC as in the combination of coaxial and fiber optic distribution in the backbone is expected to increase the penetration of pay TV and the Internet and also expected to dominate the pay TV networks and the Internet from the middle to the top consumer segment , where not only demand connectivity, but also the speed and data transmission almost real-time As HFC cable network has advantages in terms of speed , with bandwidth up to 1 GHz , HFCs can be said to be one of the True Broadband technology is capable of transmitting the many channels of HD video and high-speed data simultaneously . In addition, the HFC is able to provide very low latency , reliable for use in multimedia activities , streaming , video conferencing , gaming even for the purpose of cloud computing to the one vital component to re- enable the Unified communication . PT Linknet As a provider of pay-TV networks and the Internet saw this opportunity , but the competition provider of pay-TV networks and the Internet is now more severe , with the presence of new competitors such as MNC Play , Innovate Indonesia , telecom , and Biznet . As the first operator to play in the triple play of course PT linknet should increase their competitiveness with more aggressive in getting the remaining area network expansion . Because of these problem, some excellent project management strategies are needed, to minimize cost, reduce processing time by evaluating at business process ( which refers to the eTOM method) and choose appropriate scope of the project or the right area . KEYWORD : Hybrid Fiber Coaxia Investment, Project Management Strategy, Business Process HFC construction, Area Expansion Selection Strategy
Item Type: | Thesis (S2) |
Call Number CD: | CDT-554-15-071 |
Call Number: | TT/54/15/031 |
NIM/NIDN Creators: | 55409120015 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | investasi hybrid fiber coaxial, strategi project management, proses bisnis konstruksi HFC, strategi, Manajemen Telekomunikasi |
Subjects: | 600 Technology/Teknologi > 620 Engineering and Applied Operations/Ilmu Teknik dan operasi Terapan > 621 Applied Physics/Fisika terapan |
Divisions: | Pascasarjana > Magister Teknik Elektro |
Depositing User: | Admin Perpus UMB |
Date Deposited: | 23 Aug 2015 15:21 |
Last Modified: | 06 Jul 2022 03:53 |
URI: | http://repository.mercubuana.ac.id/id/eprint/38540 |
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